Irini gwa Hiiruudus. Tu gwa Buṯrus gi sijn
1 A kaija ibige a malik gwina gwan Hiiruudus geta dhoi dhuŋun liji alaŋ coŋ la kaniisa duŋwul umeye ŋiya. 2 A ŋwurinya Yaⓐguubuŋw gwina gwiro megen gwa Yuuẖanna kalala gai. 3 A dina muŋw aŋa darnu dhuŋun ibidha dhiŋiriyo Yahuud dugore, ŋwari gwamutha Buṯrusuŋw ko (a ŋwamun ibiŋwe ŋwiro ŋwamun ŋwa dh’ⓐesh Fatir). 4 A dina muŋw mutha, ŋwugeta gi sijn, ŋwudhedha ejigur ina iro kworoŋo ŋwamun ganu kworoŋo dildima; ŋwari gwuŋw dhedha lijo maji ma Ŋidwa ŋa dh’Abrico erna. 5 A Buṯrus gwithedhinu gi sijn; athibi kaniisa abiŋadhaijo Kaloŋa dugun gwai ŋwamun peth. 6 A dina ma Hiiruudus bupe duŋwdhedha lijo gile ibige, Buṯrus gwidhiro keligeny ganu kejigur ram, gwigukinu jijir jai, a dhidhiban dhuna kour alethadhe sijn; 7 a babraŋ a malaak gwa Kweleny dhuna githo dugun, a fure uriye sijn ganu; ŋwumiri Buṯrusuŋw gi limera luŋun ŋwubirtheye ŋwaicinu, Diro babraŋ. A jijir wani gi doi duŋun. 8 A malaak aicinu, Gukinu ganu gash gai a ŋa gena caudhe juŋa. Ŋwapai dhuŋuna ibidha. Ŋwubaji ŋwaicinu, Geno kiraŋa guŋa, nyi gwuja. 9 Ŋwutu, ŋwugwuje; athuŋw biliŋidhi dhuŋuna dhina dhapo malaak darnu dhiro titiganu no; ŋwubarnu udubidi dhuŋun dhina dhaŋudhuŋw dhiro dhuŋun dhina dhiro ŋinena dhiŋidi. 10 A dina malmadhina dhidhiban dhina dhiro kwerkwereny a dhina dhiro nimra ram, alobani kour ina ilaŋthinu ẖadiid gwai ina yathin liji tuiya alela gi mediina; ŋwuliginijo gwiren, altu alela gi dhai dhetipo; a kaija ibige a malaak gathani. 11 A dina ma Buṯrus aŋidhani dhuŋuna momaŋ, ŋwarnu, Ŋinena nyi gwimaliŋa momaŋ darnu Kweleny gwukejo malaak gwuŋun, nyi guda galo gi dhoi dha Hiiruudus, a gi dhuŋun peth dhina dhidhunijo liji lina liro Yahuud. 12 A dina ireyuŋw je galo gi dhuŋun ibidha, ŋwela gi dunu gwa Maryam gwina gwiro nana gwa Yuuẖanna, gwina gwuthi jiriny jiter jan Margus; kalo gina gauradhina liji loinyadho liduŋw dilabiŋaijo Kaloŋa. 13 A dina ma Buṯrus pi gibura ga our ina ijo por, a ŋera ŋeta ila duŋwdiŋini, ŋina ŋan Rauda. 14 A dina muŋw liŋa ŋwal ŋwa Buṯrus, athuŋw igiyo gibura no ŋinena iŋiriyuŋw dhugore, ŋwubabira kiru gwai, ŋwabiŋaijo lijo darnu Buṯrus gwo gwidhunudhi kour. 15 Albaicinu, Ŋa gwirero. Athibi ŋeda arnu titiganu ŋeda gwiro. Albarnu malaak gwuŋun gwiro. 16 Athibi Buṯrus je dipi gibura; a dina maligiye, alaŋa, alali galo dir. 17 Ŋwulbaici dhoi dhai dhuŋun ŋalŋalam ŋwari laje jigwoiny, ŋwulabiŋaijo darnu gwiteyo Kweleny akwai gi sijn. Ŋwubarnu, Abiŋaijul Yaⓐguubuŋw a limega dhuŋuna ibidha. Ŋwubitu, ŋwela kalo giter. 18 A dina ma kalo ure, a dugor miri ejigur gwuleny, alari laliŋa aŋ gwiro gwina gwimaje di Buṯrus. 19 Abi dina ma Hiiruudus bupe athuŋw bujo no, ŋwothaije dhidhiban galo ŋwudhedha lijo amr dilodhadha dai. Ŋwubule gi Yahuudiiya ŋwela gi Ges̱ariiya, ŋwunje mine.
Ai gwa Hiiruudus
20 A Hiiruudusŋa kaijiye liji lai la S̱uur a la S̱iiduun; albila dugun dhugor dhai dhetipo, alruje Balaastusuŋw gwina gwiro kweleny gwa dunu gwa dhidhire gwa malik medhigen, albupe iŋiriyuŋw; ŋinena athi len la malik iye len legen. 21 A gi lamun lina ligitinu momaŋ a Hiiruudus gena ciraŋa ja ŋeleny ŋuŋun, ŋwujalo kursi alaŋ ga ŋeleny ŋuŋun, ŋwuje duŋwulabiŋaijo. 22 A liji ure gwula, alarnu, Ŋwal ibiŋwa ŋwiro ŋwal ŋwa kalo geta, a ŋwati ŋwiro ŋwal ŋwa kwiji no. 23 A kaija ibige an malaak gwa Kweleny pu Hiiruudusuŋw ganu, a lodo eny ŋwai, ŋinena athathuŋw majidho Kaloŋa no. 24 Abi dhuŋun dha Kalo bai galo ŋwoinyadhani. 25 A Barnaabaŋa Shaawul gwai aura gi Urushaliim dina malmeaje ŋiro ŋegen, alodha Yuuẖannaŋw gwina gwuthi jiriny jiter jan Margus, ŋediŋa lai.
Herod Causes Trouble for the Church
1 At that time King Herod caused terrible suffering for some members of the church. 2 He ordered soldiers to cut off the head of James, the brother of John. 3 When Herod saw that this pleased the Jewish people, he had Peter arrested during the Festival of Thin Bread. 4 He put Peter in jail and ordered four squads of soldiers to guard him. Herod planned to put him on trial in public after the festival.
5 While Peter was being kept in jail, the church never stopped praying to God for him.
Peter Is Rescued
6 The night before Peter was to be put on trial, he was asleep and bound by two chains. A soldier was guarding him on each side, and two other soldiers were guarding the entrance to the jail. 7 Suddenly an angel from the Lord appeared, and light flashed around in the cell. The angel poked Peter in the side and woke him up. Then he said, “Quick! Get up!”
The chains fell off his hands, 8 and the angel said, “Get dressed and put on your sandals.” Peter did what he was told. Then the angel said, “Now put on your coat and follow me.” 9 Peter left with the angel, but he thought everything was only a dream. 10 They went past the two groups of soldiers, and when they came to the iron gate to the city, it opened by itself. They went out and were going along the street, when all at once the angel disappeared.
11 Peter now realized what had happened, and he said, “I am certain that the Lord sent his angel to rescue me from Herod and from everything the Jewish leaders planned to do to me.” 12 Then Peter went to the house of Mary the mother of John whose other name was Mark. Many of the Lord's followers had come together there and were praying.
13 Peter knocked on the gate, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer. 14 When she heard Peter's voice, she was too excited to open the gate. She ran back into the house and said Peter was standing there.
15 “You are crazy!” everyone told her. But she kept saying it was Peter. Then they said, “It must be his angel.” 16 But Peter kept on knocking, until finally they opened the gate. They saw him and were completely amazed.
17 Peter motioned for them to keep quiet. Then he told how the Lord had led him out of jail. He also said, “Tell James and the others what has happened.” After that, he left and went somewhere else.
18 The next morning the soldiers who had been on guard were terribly worried and wondered what had happened to Peter. 19 Herod ordered his own soldiers to search for him, but they could not find him. Then he questioned the guards and had them put to death. After this, Herod left Judea to stay in Caesarea for a while.
Herod Dies
20 Herod and the people of Tyre and Sidon were very angry with each other. But their country got its food supply from the region that he ruled. So a group of them went to see Blastus, who was one of Herod's high officials. They convinced Blastus that they wanted to make peace between their cities and Herod, 21 and a day was set for them to meet with him.
Herod came dressed in his royal robes. He sat down on his throne and made a speech. 22 The people shouted, “You speak more like a god than a man!” 23 At once an angel from the Lord struck him down because he took the honor that belonged to God. Later, Herod was eaten by worms and died.
24 God's message kept spreading. 25 And after Barnabas and Saul had done the work they were sent to do, they went back to Jerusalem with John, whose other name was Mark.