Liji lina luthi ŋelenya gi kaniisa
1 Dhuŋun dhiro titiganu, ada kwiji gweta gwimabupe ŋiro ŋa asguf, gwuminyu ŋiro ŋina ŋiŋir. 2 Aram asguf gwati gwuthi lom no, ŋwuthi kwaio gwetipo dogo, athuŋw mutha aŋina yuŋun gi ŋidi ŋina ŋibupuŋwulo, athuŋw ireye je galo momaŋ, ŋwuthi ŋadigirenya ŋina ŋiŋir, duŋwuthi shahaada gwina gwiŋir, athuŋw uminyi lirina, gwiŋir gi dhuŋun dhadhalimiye; 3 athuŋw iyo khamra no, athilipiyo liji lai no, athuŋw obadho galo dapai teyanuŋw galo gwina gwike no, ŋwubimutha dhugore, athuŋw uminyu kaijiyuŋw gi je no, athuŋw ŋidi amira ŋa liji liter no. 4 Gwiro gweta gwina gwathi dima duna gwuŋun momaŋ, ŋwuthi keleŋa gina guthi nyuni gi dhuŋun dhuŋun ireye je gwai galo momaŋ peth. 5 (Ada kwiji gweta gwati gwimaliŋa didima duna gwuŋun no, akwai gwethadhe kaniisa ga Kalo?) 6 Athuŋw rui Masiiẖi gwina gwiyaŋ no, dathuŋw ido gi ẖukm gwa Ibliis ada gwimaruje gwidom gwuŋun gwipa. 7 Aram ko gwuthi shahaada gwina gwiŋir gi liji lina lathije por; dathuŋw ido gi ẖukm a diba gwa Ibliis. 8 A minoŋ aram shamaamsa athilireye je galo momaŋ, athiluthi diŋila ganu ram no, athiluminyu khamra goinyadho no, athilobadho galo dilapai teyanuŋw galo gwina gwike no. 9 Albimutha dhuŋuna dhina dhigilibicinu dha imaan dugor dai dina dijuro. 10 A ko liji ibila aram lidhejinu kwerkwereny; albaji alro shamaamsa, ada lati limuthi lom no. 11 Aram ko la athilireye je galo momaŋ, athilabiŋu dhuŋuna dhina dhike dhan liji liter no, aluthi ŋadigirenya ŋina ŋiŋir, a liŋir gi dhuŋun peth. 12 Abrico shamaamsa aluthi laio gwetipo gwetipo, aldima keleŋa gegen a dunu gwegen momaŋ. 13 A lina limapai ŋiro ŋa shamaamsa gwiŋir degen dathilapai dhuŋuna dhina dhiŋir gi lidom legen, alire ganu gwuleny gi imaan gwina gwo gi al Masiiẖ Yasuuⓐ.
14 Nyi gwulijaŋa dhuŋuna ibidha, a nyi gwibupo dinyeladha duguŋa gwaji gwitiny, 15 abi ada nyi gwimadhuna gwortal, gwiŋir daŋa liŋa akwai aram ŋa gwela gi dunu gwa Kalo, gwina gwiro kaniisa ga Kalo gina gimidho, gina giro luri a dhugul dha dhuŋun dhina dhiro titiganu. 16 A titiganu dhuŋun dhinaŋ dhina dhigilibicinu dha dhuminyi Kaloŋa; Kalo gina gaŋinu kaŋinu, gibujinu gati guthi lom gi Dhigirim no, ŋwaŋini gi malaayka, ŋwubabiŋini gi Liumam, ŋwuminyini kidhila, ŋwupini gi majdh.
Church Officials
1 It is true that anyone who desires to be a church official wants to be something worthwhile. 2 That's why officials must have a good reputation and be faithful in marriage. They must be self-controlled, sensible, well-behaved, friendly to strangers, and able to teach. 3 They must not be heavy drinkers or troublemakers. Instead, they must be kind and gentle and not love money.
4 Church officials must be in control of their own families, and they must see that their children are obedient and always respectful. 5 If they don't know how to control their own families, how can they look after God's people?
6 They must not be new followers of the Lord. If they are, they might become proud and be doomed along with the devil. 7 Finally, they must be well-respected by people who are not followers. Then they won't be trapped and disgraced by the devil.
Church Officers
8 Church officers should be serious. They must not be liars, heavy drinkers, or greedy for money. 9 And they must have a clear conscience and hold firmly to what God has shown us about our faith. 10 They must first prove themselves. Then if no one has anything against them, they can serve as officers.
11 Women must also be serious. They must not gossip or be heavy drinkers, and they must be faithful in everything they do.
12 Church officers must be faithful in marriage. They must be in full control of their children and everyone else in their home. 13 Those who serve well as officers will earn a good reputation and will be highly respected for their faith in Christ Jesus.
The Mystery of Our Religion
14 I hope to visit you soon. But I am writing these instructions, 15 so if I am delayed, you will know how everyone who belongs to God's family ought to behave. After all, the church of the living God is the strong foundation of truth.
16 Here is the great mystery of our religion:

Christ came as a human.
The Spirit proved
that he pleased God,
and he was seen by angels.

Christ was preached
to the nations.
People in this world
put their faith in him,
and he was taken up to glory.