Ukejini gwa Tiimuuthaawus duŋwliŋa dhuŋuna dha imaan gwegen
1 A minoŋ dina athana uthi ŋoma dana mutha dugore manaŋ no, anarnu gwiŋir danaje gi Athiina cucun; 2 anabi ukeja Tiimuuthaawusuŋw, gwina gwiro mega gwuri a gadham ga Kalo, a gwina gwathanalai apai ŋiro gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ, daji muthineye galo, a daji gathaje uwa gi dhuŋun dha imaan gwalo, 3 dathi kwiji gweda ubo galo gi dhuŋun ibidha dhina dhibur no; a nyaŋa laliŋa darnu anaŋa ligitinu gwan dhuŋun ibidha. 4 A ko, dina jana dagalo ganu anaŋa labiŋaijaje kwereny darnu anaŋa laji labuje dhuŋuna dhina dhibur; a dhuŋun dhimaje ko a nyaŋa limaliŋa. 5 A gi dhuŋun ibidha, dina athiny uthi ŋoma diny mutha dhugore manaŋ no, gwiminy ukeja dinyi liŋa imaan gwalo; nyi gwidhenyo darnu gwina gwathukinejo lijo ganu gwimaji ukinejo ganu, a ŋiro ŋuri ŋina ŋupinu ŋaro tur. 6 Abi ŋinena ma Tiimuuthaawus ila daguri, gwina gwijo dagalo, a gwimijabiŋaijo dhuŋuna dhina dhiŋir dhan imaan gwalo a uminyi gwalo, a ŋinena athijil aŋidhani gwiŋir ŋwamun peth, a nyaŋa luminyu gwuleny dijilaŋa, gwiro ŋinena anaŋa ko luminyu dajilaŋa. 7 A gi dhuŋun ibidha, limega lai, anaŋa limabuje gathajuŋw uwa gi dhuŋun dhalo dhan dhuŋun peth dhina dhimana buje dhina dhibur a dhina dhiro daruri imaan gwai gwalo. 8 Abi ŋinena anaŋa limidho, ada nyaŋa limamuthini galo gi Kweleny. 9 Abi anaŋa ladhedha Kaloŋa shukr gwiro dhaŋ manaŋ gwan nyaŋa, gwan iŋir dugore peth gwina gwathanagwai iŋir dugore jiriny jai jalo gi je ganu ja Kalo gega? 10 Anaŋa lathothaije Kaloŋa galo gwuleny gigilo a ninaŋin danaŋa je jalo, a dana meaje amirathuŋw gi imaan gwalo. 11 A Kalo ŋeda gwina gwiro Babo gwega, a Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ, gijaŋajo dhai dhuri dhadhela dagalo. 12 A Kweleny gwajibiŋiye a gwaji oinyajani gi uminyi gweta gweta dagalo ganu, a gi liji peth, gwiro ŋinena anaŋa ko dagalo. 13 Duŋw muthiniye dugore galo dalo, athiluthi lom gi iŋir didirel gi je ganu ja Kalo gina giro Babo gwega no, di ila gwa Kweleny gwega gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ al Masiiẖ liji lai luŋun peth lina liŋir didirel.
1 Finally, we couldn't stand it any longer. We decided to stay in Athens by ourselves 2 and send our friend Timothy to you. He works with us as God's servant and preaches the good news about Christ. We wanted him to make you strong in your faith and to encourage you. 3 We didn't want any of you to be discouraged by all these troubles. You knew we would have to suffer, 4 because when we were with you, we told you this would happen. And we did suffer, as you well know. 5 At last, when I could not wait any longer, I sent Timothy to find out about your faith. I hoped Satan had not tempted you and made all our work useless.
6 Timothy has now come back from his visit with you and has told us about your faith and love. He also said that you always have happy memories of us and that you want to see us as much as we want to see you.
7 My friends, even though we have a lot of trouble and suffering, your faith makes us feel better about you. 8 Your strong faith in the Lord is like a breath of new life. 9 How can we possibly thank God enough for all the happiness you have brought us? 10 Day and night we sincerely pray that we will see you again and help you to have an even stronger faith.
11 We pray that God our Father and our Lord Jesus will let us visit you. 12 May the Lord make your love for each other and for everyone else grow by leaps and bounds. This is how our love for you has grown. 13 And when our Lord comes with all his people, I pray he will make your hearts pure and innocent in the sight of God the Father.