Dhuŋun dhina dhuthi Buulus dhina dhiŋir dhadhilapai ŋinena muŋw abrico ŋelenya ŋuŋun gwan dhuŋun dha Kalo
1 Nyi gwati gwiro gwina gwukejinu na? Nyi gwati gwiro ẖurr na? Nyi gwati gwaŋudhi Yasuuⓐuŋw gwina gwiro Kweleny gwega na? Nyaŋa lati liro ŋiro ŋiny gi Kweleny na? 2 Ada nyi gwati gwimaro gwina gwukejinu gi liji liter no, titiganu nyi gwukejinu dagalo; gwiro ŋinena nyaŋa liro khithm ga ukejini gwiny gi Kweleny. 3 Ibidha dhiro udhini galo gwiny gi liji lina lathinyidheje. 4 Alŋa lati luthi ŋelenya deny a diye na? 5 Alŋa lati luthi ŋelenya dodhani kwaio, gwina gwiro mega, gwiro ŋinena athina lina lukejinu liter odhani, a limega la Kweleny, a S̱afa na? 6 I nyi a Barnaaba anaŋa dogo lati luthi ŋelenya dapai ŋiro ŋadhije no? 7 Ei gwiro ejigur ina yathapai ŋiro a ŋwudhedha gwidom gwuŋun maahiiya? Ei gwiro gwina gwariye dugura, athuŋwbithi fruuta gwuŋun no? I ei gwiro gwina gwathie dhola, athuŋwbiyo ŋan ŋa dhola na? 8 Nyaŋa larnu nyi gwabiŋu dhuŋuna ibidha gwiro ŋinena kwiji a? Abi naamuus gwati gwabiŋu dhuŋuna ibidha ko na? 9 Dhulinu gi naamuus gwa Muusa, Athaŋa gitijo ŋidhra ŋina ŋathure ŋwona limimi gi linyu no. Kalo gathi gitijani nyidhra je, 10 i gabiŋadhedhi dogo dega? Dhuludhinu dega; minoŋ gwina gwathikwure aram gwakwure gwadhunejo ŋida ŋuŋun; a gwina gwipidhi ŋwona gwadhuna dapai luro luŋun. 11 Ada anaŋa limajikwurijo ŋida ŋa Dhigirim, dhuŋun dhipa dana uni ŋida ŋa aŋinu a? 12 Ada liter limuthi luro dapai ŋelenya ibiŋa dagalo, anaŋa lati liŋiranu duthi ŋelenya dagalo na? Abi anaŋa lati lapo ŋelenya ibiŋa no; abi anaŋa lathimutha dugore gi ŋidi peth, dathathana dekajo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir dha al Masiiẖ no. 13 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu liji lina lathapai ŋiro gi ŋidi ŋina ŋijuro latheny gi ŋidi ŋa hekal na? A lina lathi dhuna kalo gadhidhuge lati lathaicaijiye kalo gai gadhi dhuge na? 14 Minoŋ ko amr gwa Kweleny gwarnu lina lathabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir lamidhe gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir. 15 Abi nyi gwati gwimapai ŋida ŋiro minoŋ no; a nyi gwati gwulo dinyapai ŋida ibiŋa no; gwiŋiranu dinyai, di kwiji gweta ruje aruŋw ŋamilai gwiny tur. 16 Abi ada nyi gwimabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir, nyi gwati gwuthi aruŋw ŋamilai no; aram nyi gwapai ŋiro ibiŋa, abi dhuŋun dhabir diginy ada nyi gwati gwimabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir no. 17 Ada nyi gwimapai ŋiro ibiŋa bupe gwai gwiny, nyi gwuthi ujra; abi ada ŋiminyilapai athinyilbibupo no, nyi gwoma gwuminyinu dapai ŋiro ibiŋa. 18 Aŋ gwiro ujra iny? Ada nyi gwimabiŋaijo lijo Dhuŋuna dhina Dhiŋir nyiruje Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir athuŋw uthi maahiiya no, dathiny apai ŋelenya ŋiny peth gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir no.
Gwathapai ŋiro momaŋ duŋwodha lijo di al Masiiẖ
19 Kwereny nyi gwiro ẖurr gi liji peth, a nyi gwimaruje gwidom gwiny gine gi liji peth, dinyi teye lijo galo loinyadhanu. 20 Nyi rujo Yahuud ŋinena nyi gwiro Yahuudi, dinyi teye Yahuud galo; a lina lo gi naamuus ganu nyil rujo ŋinena nyi gwo gi naamuus ganu, dinyil teye galo lina lo gi naamuus ganu. 21 A gi lina lati luthi naamuus no, nyi gwiro ŋinena gwati gwuthi naamuus no, (abi nyi gwuthi naamuus di Kalo, abi gi naamuus ganu di al Masiiẖ,) dinyil teye galo lina lati luthi naamuus no. 22 Liminyilrujo lina limulo nono gwiro ŋinena nyi gwimulo nono, dinyil teye galo lina limulo nono; liminyilrujo ŋidi peth, diny gilaŋiye coŋ dai dai peth. 23 A ibidha dhathinyapai gi Dhuŋun dhina Dhiŋir, dinyina aicaijiye.
Dhuŋun dhadhapai ŋiro momaŋ dhathapa mukaafa
24 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu lina lathiginadhe gi kalo ga ginadhe peth lathortai, abi gwetipo gwathapai mukaafa na? Minoŋ ortul, danya apai. 25 A gweta gweta gwina gwathije momaŋ di ginadhe gwathimutha aŋina yuŋun gi ŋidi peth. Abi liji ibile lathapai dhuŋuna ibidhe dilapai taaj dhina dhatherna; abi anaŋa dhina dhati dhatherna no. 26 Minoŋ nyi gwathorta gwiro ŋinena nyi gwaji gwapai mukaafa; a minoŋ nyi gwathimiri gwiro ŋinena gwati gwamiri karuna no. 27 Abi nyi gwathipi aŋina iny ŋurmin nyiruje gine; a maji miny abiŋaijo lijo liter dhuŋuna dha Kalo, dathathiny nyi gwirnini no.
The Rights of an Apostle
1 I am free. I am an apostle. I have seen the Lord Jesus and have led you to have faith in him. 2 Others may think that I am not an apostle, but you are proof that I am an apostle to you.
3 When people question me, I tell them 4 that Barnabas and I have the right to our food and drink. 5 We each have the right to marry one of the Lord's followers and to take her along with us, just as the other apostles and the Lord's brothers and Peter do. 6 Are we the only ones who have to support ourselves by working at another job? 7 Do soldiers pay their own salaries? Don't people who raise grapes eat some of what they grow? Don't shepherds get milk from their own goats?
8-9 I am not saying this on my own authority. The Law of Moses tells us not to muzzle an ox when it is grinding grain. But was God concerned only about an ox? 10 No, he wasn't! He was talking about us. This was written in the Scriptures so that all who plow and all who grind the grain will look forward to sharing in the harvest.
11 When we told the message to you, it was like planting spiritual seed. So we have the right to accept material things as our harvest from you. 12 If others have the right to do this, we have an even greater right. But we haven't used this right of ours. We are willing to put up with anything to keep from causing trouble for the message about Christ.
13 Don't you know that people who work in the temple make their living from what is brought to the temple? Don't you know that a person who serves at the altar is given part of what is offered? 14 In the same way, the Lord wants everyone who preaches the good news to make a living from preaching this message.
15 But I have never used these privileges of mine, and I am not writing this because I want to start now. I would rather die than have someone rob me of the right to take pride in this. 16 I don't have any reason to brag about preaching the good news. Preaching is something God told me to do, and if I don't do it, I am doomed. 17 If I preach because I want to, I will be paid. But even if I don't want to, it is still something God has sent me to do. 18 What pay am I given? It is the chance to preach the good news free of charge and not to use the privileges that are mine because I am a preacher.
19 I am not anyone's slave. But I have become a slave to everyone, so I can win as many people as possible. 20 When I am with the Jews, I live like a Jew to win Jews. They are ruled by the Law of Moses, and I am not. But I live by the Law to win them. 21 And when I am with people who are not ruled by the Law, I forget about the Law to win them. Of course, I never really forget about the law of God. In fact, I am ruled by the law of Christ. 22 When I am with people whose faith is weak, I live as they do to win them. I do everything I can to win everyone I possibly can. 23 I do all this for the good news, because I want to share in its blessings.
A Race and a Fight
24 You know that many runners enter a race, and only one of them wins the prize. So run to win! 25 Athletes work hard to win a crown that cannot last, but we do it for a crown that will last forever. 26 I don't run without a goal. And I don't box by beating my fists in the air. 27 I keep my body under control and make it my slave, so I won't lose out after telling the good news to others.