Maẖkama gwa Masiiẖiyiin gi limegen ganu lina liro Masiiẖiyiin
1 Ada gweta dagalo gwimuthi ajigiuŋw di kwiji gwina gwathilgwai jaijiye galo, gwuthi ŋoma dajikiye kwijo gwina gwathilgwai jaijiye galo, a kwiji ibigwe akimini gi liji lina lati liŋir no, athuŋwbi akiminu gi liji lina liŋir didirel na? 2 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu liji lina liŋir didirel laji lakimiye gidhileo na? A ada gidhila gimaji gimakimini gi je ganu jalo, nyaŋa lati laudhi dakimiye dhuŋuna dhina dhitidhitiny na? 3 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu alŋa laji lakimiye malaayka na? Abi gwati gwiŋiranu dilakimiye dhuŋuna dha midhe ibigwa na? 4 Abi ada nyaŋa limuthi maẖaakim gi dhuŋun dha midhe ibigwa, nyaŋa lageta lijo lina lati linaŋ no dilakimiye gi kaniisa a? 5 Nyi gwabiŋi dhuŋuna ibidha dajapie dhara. Dhiro minoŋ nyaŋa lati luthi kwijo gwina gwibebra, gwetipo gwina gwuthi ŋoma duŋwakimiye limegen na? 6 Abi mega gwathakimiye megen, a ibidha dho gi liji ganu lina lati luminyu no. 7 Nyaŋa luthi amrathuŋw dagalo ganu, ŋinena uthanya maẖaakim dagalo ganu. Kworaŋ athathajilbi arejo no? A kworaŋ athathajilbi inyedhi no? 8 Abi nyaŋa lathareje, a nyaŋa lathenya limagalo. 9 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu liji lina lati liŋir no lati luthi ŋelenya kidhila ga Kalo na? Athathanya ukinejo lidom ganu lalo no, lidhir, a lina lathidijo ŋwoboŋ ŋwurko ŋwai, a lina lathidhreye laio, a loma lina lathapai dhuŋuna dha la, a lina lathidhreye loma, 10 a lina liro luram a lina lathobadhe, galo, a lina lathirilele, a lina lathilo lijo, a lina latheny ŋida ŋa liji lati luthi ŋelenya kidhila ga Kalo no. 11 A coŋ dagalo ganu kwerkwereny liro minoŋ, abi nyaŋa lima uyini, a nyaŋa limajure, a nyaŋa lati luthi lom gi jiriny ja Kweleny gwina gwan Yasuuⓐ, a Dhigirim dhai dha Kalo gega no.
Ŋirle ŋa dhuŋun dhina dhike ŋati ŋiŋir gi midhe gwa Masiiẖi no
12 Ŋidi peth ŋuthi ŋoma ŋinyil apai, abi peth ŋati ŋiŋir diginy dinyilapai no. Ŋidi peth ŋuthi ŋoma ŋinyil apai, abi nyi gwati gwabrico kwoiny gwetipo duŋwuro kweleny diginy no. 13 Ŋidi ŋa dheny ŋiro ŋa kari, a kari giro ga ŋidi ŋa dheny; abi Kalo gaji gerniye ŋida ibiŋa a ibiŋe. Abi aŋinu yati iro ya ŋidhir no, ŋwubiro yan Kweleny; a Kweleny gwan aŋinu. 14 A Kalo gimadireye Kwelenya, a gaji gijidireye ko ŋoma ŋai ŋuŋun. 15 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu aŋinu yalo iro ŋwurthu ŋwa al Masiiẖ na? Nyi gwapai ŋwurtha ŋwa al Masiiẖ nyilruje ŋwurthu ŋwa kwa gwina gwimiridhi je ganu a? Oo, Kalo gati guminyu dinyilruje no. 16 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu kwiji gwina gwal giriminidhe kwa gwai gwina gwimiridhi je ganu limaro aŋinu yetipo na? Ŋinena athuŋw arnu ram laro aŋinu yetipo. 17 Abi gwina gwal giriminiye Kweleny gwai gwiro Dhigirim dhetipo. 18 Abirul gi ŋidhir. Ŋidi peth ŋina ŋike ŋina ŋathil kwiji apai ŋutuii kaŋinu ganu; abi gwina gwathidhreye laio gwathapai ŋida ŋina ŋike kaŋinu yuŋun. 19 Nyaŋa lati liliŋidhi darnu aŋinu yalo iro hekal gwa Dhigirim dhina Dhiŋir dhina dho dagalo, dhina dhidhedhaje Kalo na? A nyaŋa lati liro la lidom lalo no. 20 Abi nyaŋa limilini luro lai. Minoŋ majidhul Kaloŋa kaŋinu yalo, a gi dhigirim dhalo, ŋina ŋiro ŋa Kalo.
Taking Each Other to Court
1 When one of you has a complaint against another, do you take your complaint to a court of sinners? Or do you take it to God's people? 2 Don't you know that God's people will judge the world? And if you are going to judge the world, can't you settle small problems? 3 Don't you know we will judge angels? And if this is so, we can surely judge everyday matters. 4 Why do you take everyday complaints to judges who are not respected by the church? 5 I say this to your shame. Aren't any of you wise enough to act as a judge between one follower and another? 6 Why should one of you take another to be tried by unbelievers?
7 When one of you takes another to court, all of you lose. It would be better to let yourselves be cheated and robbed. 8 But instead, you cheat and rob other followers.
9 Don't you know that evil people won't have a share in the blessings of God's kingdom? Don't fool yourselves! No one who is immoral or worships idols or is unfaithful in marriage or is a pervert or behaves like a homosexual 10 will share in God's kingdom. Neither will any thief or greedy person or drunkard or anyone who curses and cheats others. 11 Some of you used to be like that. But now the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God's Spirit have washed you and made you holy and acceptable to God.
Honor God with Your Body
12 Some of you say, “We can do anything we want to.” But I tell you not everything is good for us. So I refuse to let anything have power over me. 13 You also say, “Food is meant for our bodies, and our bodies are meant for food.” But I tell you that God will destroy them both. We are not supposed to do indecent things with our bodies. We are to use them for the Lord who is in charge of our bodies. 14 God will raise us from death by the same power he used when he raised our Lord to life.
15 Don't you know that your bodies are part of the body of Christ? Is it right for me to join part of the body of Christ to a prostitute? No, it isn't! 16 Don't you know that a man who does that becomes part of her body? The Scriptures say, “The two of them will be like one person.” 17 But anyone who is joined to the Lord is one in spirit with him.
18 Don't be immoral in matters of sex. That is a sin against your own body in a way no other sin is. 19 You surely know that your body is a temple where the Holy Spirit lives. The Spirit is in you and is a gift from God. You are no longer your own. 20 God paid a great price for you. So use your body to honor God.