Lu ka Yesaya Uzi A'done Nebi ro
1 Ndroa se 'bädri'ba Uzia kodrabe ana si, mandre OPI te, rite gyiti ndaro dri, lekuru ago 'desiro, ago boŋgo runduṛuro ndaro ga Yekalu te twi. 2 Ŋga lidriidriro asilelero vo'buyakuru ro edrete ŋgulu nda lomvosi, alona kufu be njidrialo. Ŋga lidriidriro kai vona cini takoyi militi ànyaro te ba kufu ritu ritu si, ago takoyi lomvo te kufu ritu si, 'dooko kufu ritu azaka oŋgazana. 3 Ànya kayi driayo azi ri ekye:
“Alokado, alokado, alokado!
OPI Mbaraekye orivoya Alokado!
'Desi ndaro ga 'bädri te twi!”
4 Kporo otre ànyaro ro 'ba kotopa käläsi Yekalu rote rukandane, ago kätu gate twi Yekalu ya.
5 Matate makye: “Mate kandrakozi ya. Mio'ba aza te i'do märi tana ma orivoya mano se ka taundiro ata be owo; ago ma ori lidri se ka taundiro atabe iyi lako. Caoko, mandre 'Bädri'ba OPI Mbaraekye te, mi modo maro si.”
6 'Dooko alo aza ŋga lidriidriro kai ro elite mare asikyele be drì ndaro ya se nda ŋgyite ni vo tori oloro ya ka'da asi epero si. 7 Nda do kala maro te asikyele ana si ago atate ekye: “Ŋga ono kodo kala miro bete ono, yauono taenji miro kyete, ago e'be mite ta takozi cini miro rota.”
8 'Dooko merite OPI ka ata ekye: “Mazona a'di ya? A'di a'dona ni lazo'ba amaro ya?” Mazatadrite makye: “Ma begi ono! Mizo ma!”
9 Ndi nda atate märi oyine atane lidri ri ekye: “Nyèrina ta ca mu'du eŋwanye, caoko mìnina ko tazevona unine. Mìndrena ŋga ca mu'du eŋwanye, caoko mìnina ko tase kabe ugu a'do ono takacina unine.” 10 'Dooko nda atate märi ekye: “Mi'ba drî lidri kwoi ro ka'do tauniako; mi'ba bi ànyaro ka'do taeriako, ago mi'ba mi ànyaro kuzwe, tana ukyi ànya ondre ŋga 'da mi ànyaro si kode eriyi ta 'da bi anyaro si kode uniyi tazevo 'da drî ànyaro si. Tana ondro ka'do ànya koyeyite inye, 'dooko ànya egonayi 'da mare ago edena ànya gwo.”
11 Mejitate makye: “Opi, ta'do a'dona inye tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?” Nda zatadrite ekye: “Madale 'bakicii a'dona lutu tandro ro ago awi lidri ako, ago ari kote zo cini yasi, madale wari modo a'dona lutu vocowa ro. 12 Ma OPI mazona lidri 'da lozo di ago ma'bana wari ono 'da kpeye vocowa ro. 13 Ondro ka'do 'di alodi ni lidri 'butealo lakosi ke'be ca wari ono ya, äfuna nda kpa 'da; nda a'dona 'da oso ice vudi ro se agate oko tedro na ke'be be 'do ronye.”
(Tedro 'do anjioko ka etovo to'di lidri Lu ro ro tana ka'dana.)
A Vision of the Lord in the Temple
1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I had a vision of the Lord. He was on his throne high above, and his robe filled the temple. 2 Flaming creatures with six wings each were flying over him. They covered their faces with two of their wings and their bodies with two more. They used the other two wings for flying, 3 as they shouted,

“Holy, holy, holy,
Lord All-Powerful!
The earth is filled
with your glory.”

4 As they shouted, the doorposts of the temple shook, and the temple was filled with smoke. 5 Then I cried out, “I'm doomed! Everything I say is sinful, and so are the words of everyone around me. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord All-Powerful.”
6 One of the flaming creatures flew over to me with a burning coal that it had taken from the altar with a pair of metal tongs. 7 It touched my lips with the hot coal and said, “This has touched your lips. Your sins are forgiven, and you are no longer guilty.”
8 After this, I heard the Lord ask, “Is there anyone I can send? Will someone speak for us?”
“I'll go,” I answered. “Send me!”
9 Then the Lord told me to go and speak this message to the people:

“You will listen and listen,
but never understand.
You will look and look,
but never see.”

The Lord also said,

10 “Make these people stubborn!
Make them stop up
their ears,
cover their eyes,
and fail to understand.
Don't let them turn to me
and be healed.”

11 Then I asked the Lord, “How long will this last?”
The Lord answered:
Until their towns are destroyed and their houses are deserted, until their fields are empty, 12 and I have sent them far away, leaving their land in ruins. 13 If only a tenth of the people are left, even they will be destroyed. But just as stumps remain after trees have been cut down, some of my chosen ones will be left.