Uzia 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro
(2 'Bädri'bai 14:21-222 15:1-7)
1 Lidri cini Yuda ro njiyi ŋgwa Amazia ro Uzia, se ndroa na orivoya 'butealo fonjidrialo ana te 'bädri'ba ro vo täpi ndaro roya. 2 (Uzia go ru ago go be 'bakici Elota rote odra Amazia ro vosi.)
3 Uzia ka a'do 'bädri'ba ro oko ndroa ndaro te 'butealo fonjidrialo, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butenji foritu Yerusalema ya. Ävuru endre ndaro ro ni Jekolia ni Yerusalema yasi. 4 Nda yete tase kusi OPI be ayani, oso täpi ndaro koyebe ronye. 5 Tuse Zekaria tavoata'ba ndaro mätu ro bedri lidriidriro ana si, nda indurute OPI ri 'diriro, ago Lu äṛu nda te.
6 Uzia oyite kyila oyene Felesete'bai be. Nda toga tiṛi 'bakici Gata, Tamenia, ndi Asedodo robe te riya vuru; ago be 'bakicii tiṛi si te Asedodo lomvo ago vo azaka Felesete'bai ro yasi. 7 Lu pa nda te ago 'ba nda te Felesete'bai, Arabii se koribe Gurabala ya, ndi Meuni'bai be opene ṛe. 8 Ago Amona'bai sayi ŋga te Uzia ri, nda a'dote mbara amba be ago liku ndaro larirute sate le Ezipeto ya.
9 Uzia tomba tiṛi ṛatararo Yerusalema rote tiṛiwiṛa obe si Dereŋwa Cukudri roya, Dereŋwa Vodelero roya ago vose tiṛi keŋgorube kigye ana ya. 10 Ago nda be tiṛiwiṛa ṛatararo kpate vocowa ya ago 'di karaṛi amba te, tana nda orivoya ti amba be lutu pa aŋgoyasi ago vo njanjalanjaro ya. Nda ozo agoago te lidri ri kono kyi'dine 'bädri luturo ya ago ämvu osone gyini kado yasi, tana nda lu ämvuoso tawi.
11 Nda a'dote kyila'bai be amba nja kyila oyene, egyi'bai Jiela ndi Maseya be egyiyi otina te ŋgalepe Anania ro zele, se ni alo aza otaozo'bai 'bädri'ba ro ro. 12 Dri'bai kyila'bai ànyaro ro cini orivoya kutu ritu kama njidrialo (2,600). 13 Kyila'bai se ànya zele orivoya kutu kama nätu fonjidrieri kama nji (307,500), se uninayi ndi kyila oyene mbara si, 'bädri'ba opane ni kyila'baazii ndaro ri. 14 Uzia lanji ŋga 'digagaro, äzu, tagyia logoro dri gagaro, boŋgo kyila ro, kusu, ätui, ndi kuni ovoro iba si be te kyila'bai cini ri. 15 Yerusalema ya ŋgaede'bai ndaro tauni'bai ro edeyi ŋga azaka te ätu u'boza ago kuni 'desi evoza ni tiṛiwiṛa ndi cukudri tiṛi 'bakici ro robe drisi. Liku ndaro larirute vo cini yasi, ago nda a'dote mbara be amba tana nda usu ŋgaopa teni Lu resi.
Eza Uzia te ta Driuŋgyi Ndaro rota
16 Oko ondro nda ka'dote mbara amba be oko, nda a'dote driuŋgyi be se 'ba nda te o'dene. Nda ro OPI, Lu ndaro kote, oci si Yekalu ya ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozane vo tori oloro ŋga tägyi tagyiriro ozaro dri. 17 Oko kohani Azaria ndi kohanii azaka njidriana se mbara be ago turiako kai be soyite 'bädri'ba vo 18 nda lagane. Ànya atayite ndäri ekye: “Uzia! Ko ni miri ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozane OPI ri. Oko kohanii zelevoi Arona ro se Zäṛute iyi ozana toto ni. Mifo ni vo alokado ono yasi, tana miye takozi te OPI Lu ri, ago minina kote a'done äṛu ndaro be tona.”
19 'Dooko Uzia orivoya edrevoya lau Yekalu ya vo tori oloro ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozaro lomvo nja lakaza ŋga ozaro be dri ndaro ya. Nda a'dote kyilaro kohanii kai be, 'dooko dori kari 'be nda te militi ya. 20 Azaria ndi kohanii azaka se kai be ndreyivote militi 'bädri'ba roya turi si, gbiriyi nda te ofone ni Yekalu yasi. Nda fote ndrindri tesi tana OPI eza nda te.
21 'Bädri'ba Uzia ri ori anjoko ndaro te undiro tana ni adravo kari ro ndaro ri. Nda go ci kote tona Yekalu ya, nda rite iṛe zo modo ndaro ya, lolite ni kama cini ndaro yasi, 'dooko Yotama ŋgwa ndaro a'dote wari'ba ro ago miri 'bädri te.
22 Nebi Yesaya ŋgwa Amoza ro egyi ŋgase cini azaka 'Bädri'ba Uzia koyebe tu ŋgamiri ro ndaro si tana te. 23 Uzia drate ago ase nda te gyini 'bädri'ba roya, tana ta adravo ndaro rota ase nda kote vo 'bädri'bai osero ya. Ŋgwa ndaro Yotama gorite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.
King Uzziah of Judah
(2 Kings 14.212 222 15.1-7)
1-3 After the death of King Amaziah, the people of Judah crowned his son Uzziah king, even though he was only 16 at the time. Uzziah ruled 52 years from Jerusalem, the hometown of his mother Jecoliah. During his rule, he recaptured and rebuilt the town of Elath.
4 He obeyed the Lord by doing right, as his father Amaziah had done. 5 Zechariah was Uzziah's advisor and taught him to obey God. And so, as long as Zechariah was alive, Uzziah was faithful to God, and God made him successful.
6 While Uzziah was king, he started a war against the Philistines. He smashed the walls of the cities of Gath, Jabneh, and Ashdod, then rebuilt towns around Ashdod and in other parts of Philistia. 7 God helped him defeat the Philistines, the Arabs living in Gur-Baal, and the Meunites. 8 Even the Ammonites paid taxes to Uzziah. He became very powerful, and people who lived as far away as Egypt heard about him.
9 In Jerusalem, Uzziah built fortified towers at the Corner Gate, the Valley Gate, and the place where the city wall turned inward. 10 He also built defense towers out in the desert.
He owned such a large herd of livestock in the western foothills and in the flatlands, that he had cisterns dug there to catch the rainwater. He loved farming, so he had crops and vineyards planted in the hill country wherever there was fertile soil, and he hired farmers to take care of them.
11 Uzziah's army was always ready for battle. Jeiel and Maaseiah were the officers who kept track of the number of soldiers, and these two men were under the command of Hananiah, one of Uzziah's officials. 12-13 There were 307,500 trained soldiers, all under the command of 2,600 clan leaders. These powerful troops protected the king against any enemy. 14 Uzziah supplied his army with shields, spears, helmets, armor, bows, and stones used for slinging. 15 Some of his skilled workers invented machines that could shoot arrows and sling large stones. Uzziah set these up in Jerusalem at his defense towers and at the corners of the city wall.
God helped Uzziah become more and more powerful, and he was famous all over the world.
Uzziah Becomes Too Proud
16 Uzziah became proud of his power, and this led to his downfall.
One day, Uzziah disobeyed the Lord his God by going into the temple and burning incense as an offering to him. 17 Azariah the priest and 80 other brave priests followed Uzziah into the temple 18 and said, “Your Majesty, this isn't right! You are not allowed to burn incense to the Lord. That must be done only by priests who are descendants of Aaron. You will have to leave! You have sinned against the Lord, and so he will no longer bless you.”
19 Uzziah, who was standing next to the incense altar at the time, was holding the incense burner, ready to offer incense to the Lord. He became very angry when he heard Azariah's warning, and leprosy suddenly appeared on his forehead! 20 Azariah and the other priests saw it and immediately told him to leave the temple. Uzziah realized that the Lord had punished him, so he hurried to get outside.
21 Uzziah had leprosy the rest of his life. He was no longer allowed in the temple or in his own palace. That's why his son Jotham lived there and ruled in his place.
22 Everything else Uzziah did while he was king is in the records written by the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz. 23 Since Uzziah had leprosy, he could not be buried in the royal tombs. Instead, he was buried in a nearby cemetery that the kings owned. His son Jotham then became king.