Mätu go Etote
1 Imba njidrieri si oko, lidri Yisaraele ro riyite 'ba'desii ànyaro yasi, ago mbiyikalate cini Yerusalema ya. 2 'Dooko Jesua ŋgwa Jezadaka ro ndi kohanii azi ndaro yibe, ago Zerubabela ŋgwa Selatiele ro 'didiri ndaro yibe, beyi vo tori oloro Lu Yisaraele ro rote, ànya ri ŋgapäṛi ozazana drigye, oso egyi tana be ota Musa mano Lu ro roya ronye. 3 Ànya beyi vo tori oloro te vona ya, ànya ka'doyi gica turiro ni lidri se koribe wari ana ya ri owo. 'Dooko ànya zayi ŋgapäṛi ozaro te driigye OPI ri, ŋgapäṛi ozaro kyenoŋbo ro ndi tandrole robe.
4 Ago ànya yeyi Karama Kpakpa rote, oso egyi tana be ronye, ago zayi ŋgapäṛi ozaro te ondoalo oso otina ara tana be ronye, tu cini si, 5 'do vosi ànya zayi ŋgapäṛi ozaro 'duro te, ŋgapäṛi Karama Imba To'di ro ndi karama cini onjionjiro OPI robe, ndi ŋgapäṛi ozo dritai ro 'dicini ro se abe ozona OPI ri 'do be. 6 U'du käti imba njidrieri ro si oko ànya etoyi ŋgapäṛi ozaro ozana te OPI ri, oko kotopa Yekalu ro abe drigba ko.
Obe Yekalu ro go Etote
7 Lidri ozo parata te ozone kunitoga'bai ndi kyikyi ice edero be ri, ago ozoyi ŋgaonya, ŋgaumvuro ndi ido ice ido ro robe te ozone lidri Tura ndi Sidona be ro ri ice wiri ro ezizana sina ni Lebanona yasi, se ezine gyi'desi drisi, Yopa ya, oso se Sairasi 'bädri'ba Peresia ro kozo tana be ana ronye. 8 Imba ṛiri ndroa ṛiri ego ànyaro vo Yekalu roya Yerusalema ya vosi oko, Zerubabela ŋgwa Selatiele ro, ndi Jesua ŋgwa Jozadaka robe etoyi losi te, troalo ädrupii ànyaro yibe, kohanii, Lewe'bai ndi 'dise cini kegoyibe Yerusalema ya ni vomidiro yasi yibe. Ànya ka'dayi Lewe'bai te, ni se ndroa na 'buteritu oyigwo mileyaro yasi, losi Yekalu ro vona ondrene. 9 Jesua, ŋgwàagoro ndaro ndi 'didiri ndaro yibe, ago Kademiela ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be se ni käläsikala Odavia ro, vonai cini ndreyi losi'bai Yekalu Lu ro vona te, troalo ŋgwàagoro ndi 'didiri Enadada ro se Lewe'bai kai yibe.
10 Ondro zoobe'bai ketoyi zevo Yekalu rote oko, kohanii soyi boŋgo runduṛuro ànyaro te efoyite mileya cekuṛe be drì ànyaro yasi, ago Lewe'bai käläsikala Asafa ro, edreyite lau araca be. Ànya räṛuyi OPI te, oso se embabe tu 'Bädri'ba Dawidi rosi ana ronye. 11 Ànya ŋgoyi loŋgo räṛu ndi aro'boya robe te OPI ri, ekye:
“OPI orivoya kado,
ana ŋgalu 'duro ndaro Yisaraele ri orivoya äduako.”
Lidri cini trete amba mbara si, räṛu oyebe OPI ri, tana eto kotopa Yekalu rote.
12 Amba kohanii ro, Lewe'bai ro, ndi dri'bai käläsikalai robe, se orivoya agoàmbago ro se kondreyi Yekalu se käti ana be kai, ondro kondreyi kotopa Yekalu ono ro obena te oko, ànya liyiyite kporo amba si. Oko ambana treyite riyä amba si, 13 ta'dota lidri ni kote otre riyä ro unine to ni otre liyi ro risi, tana lidri trete kporo amba si, ago eri kporona te lozo si.
The First Offering on the New Altar
1 During the seventh month of the year, the Israelites who had settled in their towns went to Jerusalem. 2 The priest Joshua son of Jozadak, together with the other priests, and Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and his relatives rebuilt the altar of Israel's God. Then they were able to offer sacrifices there by following the instructions God had given to Moses, the man of God. 3 And they built the altar where it had stood before, even though they were afraid of the people who were already living around there. Then every morning and evening they burned sacrifices and offerings to the Lord.
4 The people followed the rules for celebrating the Festival of Shelters and offered the proper sacrifices each day. 5 They offered sacrifices to please the Lord, sacrifices at each New Moon Festival, and sacrifices at the rest of the Lord's festivals. Every offering the people had brought voluntarily was also presented to the Lord.
6 Although work on the temple itself had not yet begun, the people started offering sacrifices on the Lord's altar on the first day of the seventh month of that year.
The Rebuilding of the Temple Begins
7 King Cyrus of Persia had said the Israelites could have cedar trees brought from Lebanon to Joppa by sea. So they sent grain, wine, and olive oil to the cities of Tyre and Sidon as payment for these trees, and they gave money to the stoneworkers and carpenters.
8 During the second month of the second year after the people had returned from Babylonia, they started rebuilding the Lord's temple. Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, Joshua son of Jozadak, the priests, the Levites, and everyone else who had returned started working. Every Levite over 20 years of age was put in charge of some part of the work. 9 The Levites in charge of the whole project were Joshua and his sons and relatives and Kadmiel and his sons from the family of Hodaviah. The family of Henadad worked along with them.
10 When the builders had finished laying the foundation of the temple, the priests put on their robes and blew trumpets in honor of the Lord, while the Levites from the family of Asaph praised God with cymbals. All of them followed the instructions given years before by King David. 11 They praised the Lord and gave thanks as they took turns singing:

“The Lord is good!
His faithful love for Israel
will last forever.”

Everyone started shouting and praising the Lord because work on the foundation of the temple had begun. 12 Many of the older priests and Levites and the heads of families wept bitterly because they remembered seeing the first temple years before. But others were so happy that they celebrated with joyful shouts. 13 Their shouting and crying were so noisy that it all sounded alike and could be heard a long way off.