Daniele ka Mätu ta Lidri ndaro rota
1 Dariyasi Madai'ba, ŋgwa Asuerosa ro, a'dote 'bädri'ba ro 'bädri Babelona ro dri. 2 Ndroa käti ŋgamiri ndaro rosi oko, ma Daniele marite ugu buku alokado tenyine liyaro ago marite ta ndroa se 'butenjidrieri (70) opi kiti tana be nebi Yeremaya ri ekye: Yerusalema ka oye orine tandroro ana tana usune. 3 'Dooko mämätute ya cini si Opi Lu maro ri, rulo'ba si ndäri, akpa si boŋgo guniya ro oso si, ago torofo ofa si. 4 Maye mätu te Opi Lu maro ri ago meṛo takozi amaro te.
Matate makye: “Äye Opi Lu, mi orivoya Lu 'desi, ago oroororo. Nya tao'baro miro ätina 'diriro, ago nya ŋgalu 'duro miro ka'dana ànya se kuluyi mi be ago kayibe ota miro ätina iyi ri.
5 “Màye takozi te ago mènji tate, màyetate koziro ago mògbote màro ota miro kote ndi tase mìta ama be oyene iyi be. 6 Mèri ta ruindu'bai miro nebii ro kote, se atayi tate 'bädri'bai amaro, 'dimiri'bai amaro, zutui amaro ndi tu'de cini 'bädri ono robe ri ävuru miro si iyi. 7 Mi Opi, ondoalo nya taŋgye oye, oko mà driupi ezi andivo amaro dri oso ondro ono ronye. Ama cini se màbe ori Yuda ya ago Yerusalema ya ndi Yisaraele'bai cini se mi'debe perene 'bädri yasi loto kode lozo iyi, tana mà'do kote 'diri miri. 8 Ama 'bädri'bai amaro, 'dimiri'bai amaro, ndi zutui amaro be, màye tate driupiro ago màye takozi te mi Opi ri. 9 Mi OPI Lu amaro mi orivoya yauni be ago nya 'die'be e'be ta takozi rota mògbo ca mibe owo. 10 Mèri ta ni Opi Lu amaro, ro kote ago màro ota se nyozobe ämäri ruindu'bai miro nebii si kwoi ro kote. 11 Vo Yisaraele'bai ro cini pereyi ota miro te ago gayitezo tase nyatabe erine. Nyezi latri se egyi tana be ota Musa roya iyi te ämädri, tana màye takozi te miri. 12 Miye tase nyata tana be oyene ämäri ndi 'dimiri'bai amaro be iyi te. Nyezi rriti 'desi te ämädri se kätina aza a'do kote 'bädri aza ri oso ka'dobe Yerusalema ri ono ronye. 13 Taezaro se cini egyi tana be ota Musa roya ono ozo te ämäri. Oko ca yauono, Äye Opi Lu amaro, mòjo kote mi i'dwene, drieta si ni takozi amaro yasi kode oso si taŋgye miro voro. 14 Tana ta'doro, mi Opi nyede rriti te nja ago nyezite ämädri; oko mi OPI Lu amaro mi orivoya ŋgye tase cini nyabe oyena ya, oko mèri ta miro kote.
15 “Äye Opi Lu amaro, nyaka'da mbara miro te lidri miro lofona si ni Ezipeto yasi, ago mbara miro ono adrigbaa tana oyina le tu ono si ono. Màye takozi te ago màye tate koziro. 16 Äye OPI, ta taoye kado miro rota nyana kyila kozipara miro ni 'bakici miro Yerusalema 'bereŋwa alokado miro yasi. Ta takozii amaro ndi tase undiro zutui amaro koyeyibe ana rota, 'bädri azii ro kate voondre ndra Yerusalema ndi lidri miro be drisi. 17 Yauono Äye Lu amaro, nyeri mätu ma ruindu'ba miro ro ndi rulo'ba maro be. Takado miro si Äye OPI nyoyi koni Yekalu miro se eperebe ono lomvo. 18 Äye Lu maro, nyeri ama, mindrevo ämädri, ago mindre rriti se ama be kigye ono ndi rueza 'bakici se ävuru miro be ono be. Mà mi mätu ko ekye màye taŋgye yi oko tana mi orivoya yauni amba be. 19 Opi, nyeri ama, Opi, nye'be ama ta takozi rota. Opi, nyeri ta amaro ago miye tana! Ta a'do 'desi miro rota, nyeleye ko! Tana 'bakici ono ndi lidri kwoi be orivoya miro.”
Gaberiele Ka Tazevo Taäŋgu ro Edrena
20 Mugu mätu oyete, takozi modo maro ro ndi takozi lidri Yisaraele ro robe eṛona be, ago mugu rulo'bate Opi Lu maro kandra ta lutu alokado ndaro rota. 21 Ago ondro ma drigba ugu mätu oyevoya oko, Gaberiele, se mandrebe rulofo se käti ya ana, ezi elite vuru mare. 'Dooko te saa tori tandrole ro oloro si. 22 Nda atate märi ekye: “Daniele, yauono mikyite noŋwa tavouni ozone miri. 23 Tana tuse nyeto rulo'babe Lu ri ana si nda zatadri miro te. Nda lu mi tawi, ta'dota mikyi ono mire tana itine miri, ka'do inye miga bi ago nyeri takaci rulofo ono ro.
24 “Lu ozotate pere ndroa njidrieri ro 'butenjidrieri (70) ta lidri amiro ndi 'bakici alokado amiro robe ta, taenji ndi takozi amiro be onazana. Ndi e'bena 'di gwo ta takozi rota ago ayena te taŋgye äduako ayani, tana rulofo ndi taäŋgu be ka'do robe ŋgye, ndi ago äṛuna Yekalu alokado 'da. 25 Mini ta ono, ago nyusu tavona; ṛoni tuse ota ono kefobe ogone Yerusalema obeza si, madale tuse dri'ba se Lu kabe onjina ana ikyina ya, ndroa na lävuna njidrieri perena njidrieri. Ago abena Yerusalema 'da litiŋwai be ago tiṛi gagana ro ṛatararo be, ago orina 'da inye ndroa na njidrieri perena 'butenjidrialo foritu, oko tu ono a'dona tu rriti ro. 26 Ago ädu ndroa na 'do ro ya oko äfuna dri'ba se Lu konjibe 'do 'da taŋgyeako si. Kyila'bai 'dimiri'ba mbaraekye aza ro ikyina ago perena 'bakici ndi Yekalu be 'da. Andena ta äduna 'da oso oga gyi ro ronye, ndi ezina kyila ago ŋgatufu se Lu ko'ba otana be 'do gwo. 27 'Dimiri'ba ana o'bana tao'ba 'da lidri amba be ndroa na njidrieri, ago ondro ndroa na ono kälävute kpäkyi oko, nda o'bana ta tori oloro, ndi tori ozaro be 'da okyene; ago o'bana beti ŋgase koziro konjiekye 'do ro 'da Yekalu dri ago orina 'da lau madale nda se ko'babe lau ana o'bena drî gwo ta ädu se Lu ko'ba tana be ndäri ana be.”
Daniel Prays for the People
1-2 Daniel wrote:
Some years later, Darius the Mede, who was the son of Xerxes, had become king of Babylonia. And during his first year as king, I found out from studying the writings of the prophets that the Lord had said to Jeremiah, “Jerusalem will lie in ruins for 70 years.” 3-4 Then, to show my sorrow, I went without eating and dressed in sackcloth and sat in ashes. I confessed my sins and earnestly prayed to the Lord my God:
Our Lord, you are a great and fearsome God, and you faithfully keep your agreement with those who love and obey you. 5 But we have sinned terribly by rebelling against you and rejecting your laws and teachings. 6 We have ignored the message your servants the prophets spoke to our kings, our leaders, our ancestors, and everyone else.
7 Everything you do is right, our Lord. But still we suffer public disgrace because we have been unfaithful and have sinned against you. This includes all of us, both far and near—the people of Judah, Jerusalem, and Israel, as well as those you dragged away to foreign lands, 8 and even our kings, our officials, and our ancestors. 9 Lord God, you are merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against you 10 and rejected your teachings that came to us from your servants the prophets.
11 Everyone in Israel has stubbornly refused to obey your laws, and so those curses written by your servant Moses have fallen upon us. 12 You warned us and our leaders that Jerusalem would suffer the worst disaster in human history, and you did exactly as you had threatened. 13 We have not escaped any of the terrible curses written by Moses, and yet we have refused to beg you for mercy and to remind ourselves of how faithful you have always been. 14 And when you finally punished us with this horrible disaster, that was also the right thing to do, because we deserved it so much.
15 Our Lord God, with your own mighty arm you rescued us from Egypt and made yourself famous to this very day, but we have sinned terribly. 16 In the past, you treated us with such kindness, that we now beg you to stop being so terribly angry with Jerusalem. After all, it is your chosen city built on your holy mountain, even though it has suffered public disgrace because of our sins and those of our ancestors.
17 I am your servant, Lord God, and I beg you to answer my prayers and bring honor to yourself by having pity on your temple that lies in ruins. 18 Please show mercy to your chosen city, not because we deserve it, but because of your great kindness. 19 Forgive us! Hurry and do something, not only for your city and your chosen people, but to bring honor to yourself.
The Seventy Weeks
Daniel wrote:
20 I was still confessing my sins and those of all Israel to the Lord my God, and I was praying for the good of his holy mountain, 21 when Gabriel suddenly came flying in at the time of the evening sacrifice. This was the same Gabriel I had seen in my vision, 22 and he explained:
Daniel, I am here to help you understand the vision. 23 God thinks highly of you, and at the very moment you started praying, I was sent to give you the answer. 24 God has decided that for 70 weeks, your people and your holy city must suffer as the price of their sins. Then evil will disappear, and justice will rule forever; the visions and words of the prophets will come true, and a most holy place will be dedicated.
25 You need to realize that from the command to rebuild Jerusalem until the coming of the Chosen Leader, it will be 7 weeks and another 62 weeks. Streets will be built in Jerusalem, and a trench will be dug around the city for protection, but these will be difficult times. 26 At the end of the 62 weeks, the Chosen Leader will be killed and left with nothing.
A foreign ruler and his army will sweep down like a mighty flood, leaving both the city and the temple in ruins, and war and destruction will continue until the end, just as God has decided. 27 For one week this foreigner will make a firm agreement with many people, and halfway through this week, he will end all sacrifices and offerings. Then the “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction will be put there. And it will stay there until the time God has decided to destroy this one who destroys.