Kyila'baazi ni Mä'dudrisi
1 Ndroa lisu 'dimiri Jehoiakima ŋgwa Josia ro ro 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, ma Yeremaya musu lazo teni OPI resi ta lidri cini Yuda ro rota. ('Doni ndroa käti ori Nebukadenezara ro 'bädri'ba Babelona dri owo.) 2 Matate lidri cini Yuda ro ndi Yerusalema robe ri makye: 3 “Ndroa na te orivoya 'buteritu fonätu, eto ṛoni ndroa 'butealo fonätu tu 'dimiri Josia ŋgwa Amona ro 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi madale tu ondro ono si, OPI a'dote atavoya märi, ago ma'dote tana itivoya rri ämiri. Caoko mìga bi kote tana ya. 4 OPI ugu ruindu'bai cini ndaro nebii ezona ca, caoko nyèri tana kote ago mìga bi kote tana ya. 5 Ànya atayite ämiri drietane ni ori kozi ndi taoye kozi amiro be yasi, tana nyùgu ori robe wari se OPI kozobe ämiri ndi zelevoi amiro be 'duro ono ya. 6 Ànya atayite ämiri ko lui azaka mätune ago ruindune rigye ago ko OPI o'bane kyilaro lui se nyedebe iyi mätuna si, ukyi nda eza ami 'da. 7 Oko mìgatezo ta OPI ro erine. Mìgo, mì'ba nda ṛo kyilaro lui nyèdebe iyi si ago nyèzi taezaro te andivo amiro dri.
8 “Tana oso, nyèri ta ndaro beko 'do ronye, OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye: 9 ‘Ma oye lazo ozone lidri cini se mä'dudrisi ri ndi ruindu'ba maro, 'Bädri'ba Babelona ro Nebukadenezara ri. Ma oye ànya ezine kyila oyene wari Yuda robe ndi lidri na be ndi tu'dei se cini gbikyi iyi be. Ma oye ànya cini tufune ago ànya e'bene tandro ro, ondrena a'dona rritiro amba ago lä'bina 'di lä'bi äduako. 10 Ma'bana totre ànyaro riyä ro ndi a'doro yai'dwesi be 'da okyene ndi totre riyä ro karamai lagye ro robe. Ànya a'donayi 'da ido ako lamba ànyaro ya, ago inya a'dona 'da i'do uyine. 11 E'bena wari ono 'da kpeye tandro ro ago ondrena lä'bina 'di lä'bi, ago tu'dei se cini kwoi indurunayi 'da 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri ndroa na 'butenjidrieri (70). 12 'Dooko ondro ndroa 'butenjidrieri vosi (70) oko mezana Babelona ndi 'bädri'ba na be 'da ta takozi ànyaro rota. Meperena 'bädri ana 'da ago a'dona 'da tandro ro äduako. 13 Mezana Babelona 'da taezaro se cini manya ozina be ezine tu'dei dri se mata tana be Yeremaya si ana si; taezaro se cini egyi tana be buku ono ya ono. 14 Tana tu'dei amba ndi 'bädri'bai 'desi azaka be o'banayi Babelona'bai 'da a'done iyeäṛii ro. Mozona päläti 'da Babelona'bai ri ta tase ànya koyebe ono rota.’ ”
Vure Lu ro Tu'dei lomvo
15 OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, atate märi ekye: “Miru kofo vino ro kyila maro ro ono. Nyugu tu'dei se cini mabe mi ozo ànyare iyi ri, ago mi'ba ànya kumvuyi. 16 Ànya umvunayi 'da ago o'bana ànya 'da a'done parapara ro ago drî ànyaro a'dona 'da wiriwiriro ni kyila se ma oyebe ezine ànya dri ana ri.”
17 Ndi märu kofo se ana teni OPI rigyesi, ago mozote tu'dei se cini OPI kozo mabe ànyare ana ri umvune, 18 Ma'ba Yerusalema ndi 'ba'desii cini Yuda robe te umvune, tro 'bädri'bai ndi dri'bai ndaro losiro yibe, tana ànya ka'do robe tandroro, se ondrena a'dona rritiro 'di lä'bilä'biro ago latri ro oso le tu ondro ono si ronye.
19 'Dise cini azaka kumvuyi ŋga be ni kofo ono yasi arabe ni kwoi:
'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro, losi'bai ndaro dri'bai ndaro losi ro
ndi lidri cini ndaro yibe;
20 atrai se cini koriyibe Ezipeto ya;
'bädri'bai cini wari Uza ro,
ago 'bädri'bai cini wari Felesete'bai roya
(Asekelona, Gaza, Ekerona, ago anjoko se ke'bebe Asedodo ro 'do)
21 lidri cini Edoma, Moaba, ndi Amona robe;
22 'bädri'bai cini Tura ndi sidona robe;
'bädri'bai cini se wari Mediteraneana roya;
23 'bakicii Dedana, Tema, ndi Buza robe;
lidri cini se kayi drikyiri ànyaro olona juṛuŋwa iyi yibe;
24 'bädri'bai cini Arabia ro;
'bädri'bai cini 'bakalai toto se kayibe ori vose rri siŋgwa ro ya ro;
25 'bädri'bai cini Zimiri, Elama, ndi Media robe;
26 'bädri'bai cini se mä'dudrisi, se lozo ago lototi iyi be, azivo azivo.
Tu'de cini se 'bädri ya ri umvune ni kofo ana yasi. Äduro oko, 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ri umvune ni kigyesi.
27 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Nyata lidri ri mikye ma, OPI Mbaraekye, Lu Yisaraele ro, ma oye ànya o'bane umvune madale tufuna ànya gwo ago o'denayi gwo u'dwene, madale ànya lo'denayi gwo vuru ago uninayi kote oŋgane kuru, ni kyila se mabe ezina ànya dri ana ri. 28 Ago ondro ka'do ànya kogayitezo kofo urune ni mirigyesi ago ŋgase kigye 'do umvune, 'dooko nyata ànyari mikye OPI Mbaraekye atate ekye beṛo ämiri umvune. 29 Mindre, ma oye rriti ezine käti 'bakici modo maro ya. Inye'do ànya kusuyi iro be ànya orina ndi ezaako ya? Ko ànyari orine ezaako, tana ma oye kyila ezine lidri cini se 'bädri ya ono dri. Ma, OPI, Mbaraekye, matani inye.
30 “Mi, Yeremaya, beṛo miri tase cini matabe ànya lomvo ono opene, ago atane ànyari ekye:
‘OPI uhwena 'da ni vokuru yasi
ago uhwena 'da ni orivo alokado ndaro yasi.
Nda ozwona 'da mbarasi lidri ndaro dri;
nda totrena 'da oso lidri se kabe doŋgo kono ro ozwana 'do ronye,
lidri cini 'bädri ya dri.
31 Kporo ndaro oyena 'da waya le ädu 'bädri ro yasi,
tana OPI orivoya vure be tu'dei lomvo.
Nda ezina lidri cini 'da vure ya
ago tufuna 'dise koziro iyi 'da.
OPI atani inye.’ ”

32 OPI Mbaraekye ka ata ekye kandrakozi ka oye ikyine tu'dei cini dri siro siro, ago likuliku 'desi kate kalaoto usine ni ädu 'bädri ro yasi. 33 Tu gi ana si avoi ànyaro se OPI kutufube iyi lo'dena 'da ni sidri ädu telesi 'bädri ro yasi le sidri ädu telesina ya. 'Diaza unina ko ànya liyine, ago änina ko ànya uŋgyine kode osene. Ànya lo'dena 'da vurusi gyini dri oso mure ronye.
34 Mì'be kuku ami dri'bai, nyìliyi ago nyòŋgoṛi ami durufu yasi ami lekye'bai lidri maro ro. Tana tu esate ami tolozana, ago perezana ago utufuna ami 'da oso timelegogoi osweoswe ro ronye. 35 Liti aza a'dona i'do dri'bai ri ago lekye'bai ri voopaza. 36 Nyèri totre dri'bai ro ago liyi lekye'bai lidri ro ro tana OPI pere tu'de amiro te kyila ndaro si 37 ago epere 'bädri amiro se tokpero ono te tandro ro kyila OPI rosi. 38 OPI e'be lidri ndaro te oso ibi kabe ŋgwa giṛiŋwa anyaro e'bena iṛe 'do ronye. 'Bädri amiro tozarute tandro ro tana kyila OPI ro ago yaoso kozipara ndaro rota.
Seventy Years of Exile
1-2 In the fourth year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, which was the first year that Nebuchadnezzar was king of Babylonia, the Lord told me to speak to the people of Judah and Jerusalem. So I told them:
3 For 23 years now, ever since the thirteenth year that Josiah was king, I have been telling you what the Lord has told me. But you have not listened.
4 The Lord has sent prophets to you time after time, but you refused to listen. 5 They told you that the Lord had said:
Change your ways! If you stop doing evil, I will let you stay forever in this land that I gave your ancestors. 6 I don't want to harm you. So don't make me angry by worshiping idols and other gods.
7 But you refused to listen to my prophets. So I, the Lord, say that you have made me angry by worshiping idols, and you are the ones who were hurt by what you did. 8 You refused to listen to me, 9 and now I will let you be attacked by nations from the north, and especially by my servant, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia. You and other nearby nations will be destroyed and left in ruins forever. Everyone who sees what has happened will be shocked, but they will still make fun of you. 10 I will put an end to your parties and wedding celebrations; no one will grind grain or be here to light the lamps at night. 11 This country will be as empty as a desert, because I will make all of you the slaves of the king of Babylonia for 70 years.
12 When that time is up, I will punish the king of Babylonia and his people for everything they have done wrong, and I will turn that country into a wasteland forever. 13 My servant Jeremiah has told you what I said I will do to Babylonia and to the other nations, and he wrote it all down in this book. I will do everything I threatened. 14 I will pay back the Babylonians for every wrong they have done. Great kings from many other nations will conquer the Babylonians and force them to be slaves.
The Cup Full of God's Anger
15 The Lord God of Israel showed me a vision in which he said, “Jeremiah, here is a cup filled with the wine of my anger. Take it and make every nation drink some. 16 They will vomit and act crazy, because of the war this cup of anger will bring to them.”
17 I took the cup from the Lord's hand, and I went to the kings of the nations and made each of them drink some. 18 I started with Jerusalem and the towns of Judah, and the king and his officials were removed from power in disgrace. Everyone still makes insulting jokes about them and uses their names as curse words. 19 The second place I went was Egypt, where everyone had to drink from the cup, including the king and his officials, the other government workers, the rest of the Egyptians, 20 and all the foreigners who lived in the country.
Next I went to the king of Uz, and then to the four kings of Philistia, who ruled from Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron, and what was left of Ashdod. 21 Then I went to the kings of Edom, Moab, Ammon, 22 and to the kings of Tyre, Sidon, and their colonies across the sea. 23-24 After this, I went to the kings of Dedan, Tema, Buz, the tribes of the Arabian Desert, 25 Zimri, Elam, Media, 26 and the countries in the north, both near and far.
I went to all the countries on earth, one after another, and finally to Babylonia.
27 The Lord had said to tell each king, “The Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, commands you to drink from this cup that is full of the wine of his anger. It will make you so drunk that you will vomit. And when the Lord sends war against the nations, you will be completely defeated.”
28 The Lord told me that if any of them refused to drink from the cup, I must tell them that he had said, “I, the Lord All-Powerful, command you to drink. 29 Starting with my own city of Jerusalem, everyone on earth will suffer from war. So there is no way I will let you escape unharmed.”
30 The Lord told me to say:

From my sacred temple
I will roar like thunder,
while I trample my people
and everyone else
as though they were grapes.
31 My voice will be heard
everywhere on earth,
accusing nations of their crimes
and sentencing the guilty
to death.
Disaster Is Coming
32 The Lord All-Powerful says:

You can see disaster spreading
from far across the earth,
from nation to nation
like a horrible storm.

33 When it strikes, I will kill so many people that their bodies will cover the ground like manure. No one will be left to bury them or to mourn.
The Leaders of Judah Will Be Punished
34 The Lord's people are his flock,
and you leaders
were the shepherds.
But now it's your turn
to be butchered like sheep.
You'll shatter like fine pottery
dropped on the floor.
So roll on the ground,
crying and mourning.
35 You have nowhere to run,
nowhere to hide.

* 36-37 Listen to the cries
of the shepherds,
as the Lord's burning anger
turns peaceful meadows
into barren deserts.
38 Like a lion leaving its den,
the Lord has abandoned
his people
to the destruction of war.