1 Ago ta maro ta, ndroa käti 'dimiri Dariyasi ro rosi oko, medrete ṛä maikolo tombane, ago nda gagane. 2 Ago yauono tase ma oyebe itine miri ono orivoya taŋgye yi.”
Miri 'Bädri'bai Ezipeto ndi Siria be ro
Malaika ana ekye: “E'be 'bädri'bai dri nätu Peresia mirine, 'dooko lisuna esona gwo, se ka oye a'done ŋga'ba ro ndrani azi cini drisi. Ondro nda ka'dote mbara be ndra ŋgaamba ndaro si oko, nda eŋgana ya lidri cini ro 'da kyila oyene 'bädri Giriki robe.
3 “'Dooko 'bädri'ba mbaraekye aza oŋgana 'da se mirina 'bädri 'da mbara si ago oyena ta 'da oso nda kolebe oyene ronye. 4 Ondro nda ka'dote 'bädri'ba ro oko 'bädri ndaro pereruna 'da, ago olonyina yana 'da su. Oko zelevoi ndaro uninayi koni 'bädri ana mirine ago änina kote mirine oso nda kìmiribe ronye. Tana äruna 'bädri ndaro 'da ago ozona 'da 'di to azaka ri.
5 “'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro a'dona 'da mbara amba be. Caoko alo aza otaozo'bai ndaro ro a'dona 'da mbara be ndrani ndäri ago mirina 'bädri 'desi ndra 'da. 6 Ndroa azaka vosi oko 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro o'bena beraazi 'da 'bädri'ba Siria robe ago ozona ŋguti ndaro 'da ogyene 'bädri'ba Siria ro ri. Oko beraazi ana orina ko madaro, ago äfuna ŋguti, ago anyaro, ŋgwai anyaro, ndi ruindu'bai se koyiyibe anya be 'da cini. 7 Dori voigyesi oko, alo aza zelevoi anyaro a'dona 'da 'bädri'ba ro. Nda gotana kyila'bai 'bädri'ba Siria ro ro 'da, ocinayi 'da tiṛi mbaraekye ànyaro ya ago openayi ànya 'da ṛe. 8 Nda uŋgyina lui edeedero ànyaro 'da Ezipeto ya lakazà logo läguläguro ndi mo'di ro se adite to lui kai ri ana be. 'Dooko ndroa na fere nda orina 'da kyilaoye ako 'bädri'ba Siria robe. 9 'Do vosi 'bädri'ba Siria ro ikyina 'da kyila be Ezipeto dri, oko anjana nda 'da kovole 'bädri modo ndaro roya.
10 “Ŋgwàagoro 'bädri'ba Siria ro ro ederuna 'da kyila oyene ago ombina kala kyila'bai ro 'da amba. Se udinayi 'da oso oga gyi ro ronye ago ugunayi kyila oye 'da madale osanayi gwo tiṛi obeobero Ezipeto ro lomvo. 11 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro oŋgana 'da kyilaro, efona ago oyena kyila 'da 'bädri'ba Siria robe. 'Bädri'ba Siria ro a'dona 'da kyila'bai be lowa ro, oko apana kyila'bai lowa ro ndaro 'da. 12 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro a'dona 'da driuŋgyi be ta ŋgaopeṛe ndaro ndi kyila'bai amba se nda kutufube ana be rota, oko nda unina ko a'done 'du ŋgaopeopero ṛe.
13 “'Bädri'ba Siria ro ogo otona kala kyila'bai amba ro 'da ndrani se käti drisi. Ondro ndroa aza vosi oko, nda egona 'da kyila'bai amba be ndi ŋga amba kyila oyero be. 14 'Dooko tu kai si lidri amba ogbona 'da 'bädri'ba Ezipeto robe. Ago lidri azaka kyila be ogbonayi 'da ni tu'de mi Daniele modo ro lakosi ta rulofo ono ro a'dozana ŋgye, oko apena ànya 'da ṛe. 15 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Siria ro ikyina umuna dri 'bakici mbaraekye obeobero tiṛi si ro 'da ago uruna 'da. Ago kyila'bai Ezipeto ro unina kote ugu kyila oyene ca kyila'bai mbaraekye ndaro a'donayi 'da mbara ako. 16 'Bädri'ba Siria ro oyena ta 'da oso se tana kusi nda be ronye, teinye 'diaza ri edreako ŋbi nda mile. Nda orina 'da wari se liŋgyiekye ana ya, ago a'dona 'da cu mbara ndaro zele.
17 “'Bädri'ba Siria ro orana tavo 'da kyila'bai cini ndaro ozone kyila oyene, oko nda o'bana taliatokpe 'da 'bädri'ba Ezipeto robe. 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Siria ro ozona ŋguti ndaro 'da ogyene 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro ri; caoko tavoora ndaro unina ko a'done kadoro oso nda kolebe ronye. 18 'Do vosi nda gotana tu'dei se gyi'desi kalasi 'da, ago opena amba ànyaro 'da ṛe. Oko otaozo'ba aza opena nda 'da ṛe ago o'bana driuŋgyi ndaro 'da okyene; ago tozana driuŋgyi 'bädri'ba Siria ro ro 'da driupiro. 19 'Dooko 'bädri'ba Siria ro ogona 'da kovole tiṛi obeobero wari modo ndaro roya, oko apena nda 'da ṛe, ago ogo nda ondrene te i'do alona.
20 “'Bädri'ba aza orina 'da vo ndaro ya, se ozona dri'ba aza 'da lidri ezane ŋga driutero kotona si ŋgadriamba litiza miri 'bädri'ba ndaro roya. Toto tu fere vosi oko äfuna 'bädri'ba ana 'da, oko ko ŋbelero ca ko kyila ya.”
'Bädri'ba kozi Siria ro
21 Malaika se ana ugu taedrete ekye: “'Bädri'ba se ka oyebe ogo a'done 'bädri'ba Siria ro vosi ana a'dona 'da mano koziro se si ko a'done 'bädri'ba ro, oko nda ikyina 'da ndrwiro ago uruna 'bädri 'da ŋgaodo si. 22 Nda tufuna kyila'bai amba 'da kpeye, ca Kohani Fopara Lu ro, nda oyona 'da waṛi ago tufuna ànya 'da. 23 Nda odona tu'dei azaka 'da beraazi o'be si, ndi nda uguna a'do gwo mbara be ndra, nda kimiri ca toto tu'de fereŋwa ayani owo. 24 Nda gotana wari se ŋgaamba be 'da ätruku'du ro, ago uguna taoye se zutui ndaro koye ko alona iyi loyena 'da. 'Dooko nda lanjina lakazà se otopabe kyila ya iyi 'da ànya se kosobe nda vosi iyi ri. Nda orana tavo 'da tiṛi obeobero mbaraekye gotane, oko toto tuna fere.
25 “Nda a'dona 'da turiako ago otona kala kyila'bai lowaro ro 'da 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro gotane. 'Bädri'ba Ezipeto ro edrena kpa 'da kyila oyene ànya yibe kyila'bai amba mbara amba be si. Oko odona 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro 'da ago anya unina kote edrene kyila'baazii mile. 26 Ànya se kayibe ŋgaonya toco onya voaloya nda be iyi perenayi nda 'da. Ayona äṛi kyila'bai ndaro ro 'da waṛi, ago utufuna amba kyila'bai ndaro ro 'da. 27 'Dooko 'bädri'bai se ritu kwoi taoye ànyaro a'dona 'da koziro. Ànya onyanayi ŋgaonya 'da ni tara'biza alodi drisi, ago ànya oganayi kowe 'da iyivoya, ago uninayi ko ŋgase ànya kolebe usune, tana tu se aka'dabe ana drigba sa ko. 28 'Bädri'ba Siria ro ogona 'da ŋgadriamba se nda kotopabe ana be 'bädri ndaro ya, oko mio'ba be ota alokado Lu ro perene. Nda oyena tase tana kusi nda be 'da, 'dooko ogona 'da wari modo ndaro ya.
29 “Tu aza si oko nda ogo gotana Ezipeto 'da kpa to'di, oko ono tozaruna 'da to ni se käti ana ri. 30 Roma'bai idinayi 'da toŋgo si ago gotanayi nda 'da, ago nda a'dona 'da turituriro.
“'Dooko nda otana drî 'da kovole kyila si ago ojona 'da ota alokado Lu ro perene. Nda osona 'da tavoata ànya se ke'beyi ota alokado be ana ro voro. 31 Rukä kyila'bai ndaro ro ikyinayi ago enjinayi Yekalu 'da. Ànya edrenayi ta tori oloro ondoalo ro 'da ago edrenayi ŋgase Koziro Konjiekye ana 'da kuru lau. 32 'Bädri'ba ana odona lidri se kepereyi ota alokado be iyi 'da ruezane nda resi, oko lidri se kosoyibe Lu ànyaro vosi iyi edrenayi 'da ŋgyiri ago oyenayi kyila 'da. 33 Lidri se tavouni be iyi embanayi lidri amba 'da tavouni ànyaro si, caoko utufuna rukä ànyaro 'da kyila ya kode azana 'da ṛi asi si, ago otopana ŋga azakana ro 'da ago avona 'da kamba ya tuna amba. 34 Ondro adrigica ugu lidri se tavouni be iyi tufu oko, ànya usunayi ŋgaopa 'da fereŋwa, ondro ka'do lidri amba kodro'beru gica ànya yibe ŋgaodo si owo. 35 Utufuna rukä lidri se tavouni be kai ro 'da, ànya ojoza ago wäṛiza, madale tu äduro esana gwo, tuse Lu kaka'dabe 'do.
36 “'Bädri'ba Siria ro oyena ta 'da oso se nda kolebe ronye. Nda eŋgana andivo ndaro 'da, ago atana takozii 'da Lu 'desi para ndrani lui cini drisi lomvo. Nda uguna ta ono oyena ndi inye madale Lu ezana nda gwo. Lu oyena ndi tase nda korabe 'do modona ayani. 37 'Bädri'ba se ana otina ta lui se zutui ndaro kindurube rigye ana ro ko, ago otina ta lu se 'ditoko kulube ana ro kpa ko. Endaro nda otina ta lu aza ro ko, tana nda eŋgana andivo ndaro 'da 'desi para, ndrani ànya cini drisi. 38 Nda ogo orona ro lu se kabe tiṛi obeobero mbaraekye gaga 'do ayani. Nda ozona ŋgapäṛi logo läguläguro mo'di ro, kuni lagyeamba ndi ŋgapäṛi cini lagyeamba be 'da lu se aza zutui ndaro kämätu be ko ana ri. 39 Nda o'bana lidri se kabe lu atra ro mätuna iyi 'da tiṛi obeobero mbaraekye gagane. Nda ozona taoro 'desi para 'da ànya se koleyi tadri be ndäri 'di mirine iyi ri, nda o'bana ànya 'da drikaca be lidri amba dri ago lonyina 'bädri 'da ànyari päläti ro.
40 “Ondro tu ädu 'bädri'ba Siria ro ro kesate ti oko, 'bädri'ba Ezipeto ro gotana nda 'da; ago 'bädri'ba Siria ro oyena kyila 'da sina mbara cini ndaro si, arabia kyila ro, farasi'bai, ndi toŋbo amba be si. Nda oyena kyila 'da 'bädri amba be, oso oga gyi ro ronye. 41 Nda oyena kyila kpa 'da wari se liŋgyiekye ana be ago tufuna lidri kutu du 'da, oko 'bädri Edoma ro, Moaba ro, ndi lidri Amona ro azakana be opana vo 'da. 42 Nda oyena kyila 'da 'bädri cini kwoi be, ago ca Ezipeto ri voopane ni nda rigyesi i'do. 43 Nda otona lakazà Ezipeto ro se ada'dobe logo läguläguro, mo'di ro, ndi ŋga cini lagyeamba be 'da. Nda opena Libiya ndi Kusa be 'da ṛe. 44 'Dooko lazo se ka oyebe ikyini ni 'buzelesi ago ni mä'dudrisi ana o'bana nda 'da a'done turituriro, ago nda oyena kyila 'da kozipara, tufuna lidri amba 'da. 45 Nda otona zoi boŋgoro miri ndaro ro kpa 'da lakole gyi'desi ro 'bereŋwa se Yekalu be driigye ana be roya. Caoko nda odrana 'da, 'diaza ri nda opane te i'do.”
1 You also need to know that I protected and helped Darius the Mede in his first year as king.
The Angel's Message to Daniel
Part One: The Four Kings and Their Successors
2 What I am going to tell you is certain to happen. Four kings will rule Persia, one after the other, but the fourth one will become much richer than the others. In fact, his wealth will make him so powerful that he will turn everyone against the kingdom of Greece. 3 Then a mighty king will come to power and will be able to do whatever he pleases. 4 But suddenly his kingdom will be crushed and scattered to the four corners of the earth, where four more kingdoms will rise. But these won't be ruled by his descendants or be as powerful as his kingdom.
5 The king of the south will grow powerful. Then one of his generals will rebel and will rule an even larger kingdom. 6 Years later the southern kingdom and the northern kingdom will make a treaty, and the daughter of the king of the south will marry the king of the north. But she will lose her power. Then she, her husband, their child, and the servants who came with her will all be killed.
After this, 7 one of her relatives will become the ruler of the southern kingdom. He will attack the army of the northern kingdom and capture its fortresses. 8 Then he will carry their idols to Egypt, together with their precious treasures of silver and gold, but it will be a long time before he attacks the northern kingdom again. Some years later 9 the king of the north will invade the southern kingdom, but he will be forced back to his own country.
10 The sons of the king of the north will gather a huge army that will sweep down like a roaring flood, reaching all the way to the fortress of the southern kingdom. 11 But this will make the king of the south angry, and he will defeat this large army from the north. 12 The king of the south will feel proud because of the many thousands he has killed. But his victories won't last long, 13 because the king of the north will gather a larger and more powerful army than ever before. Then in a few years, he will start invading other countries.
14 At this time many of your own people will try to make this vision come true by rebelling against the king of the south, but their rebellion will fail. 15 Then the army from the north will surround and capture a fortress in the south, and not even the most experienced troops of the southern kingdom will be able to make them retreat. 16 The king who invaded from the north will do as he pleases, and he will even capture and destroy the holy land. 17 In fact, he will decide to invade the south with his entire army. Then he will attempt to make peace by giving the king of the south a bride from the northern kingdom, but this won't be successful.
18 Afterwards, this proud king of the north will invade and conquer many of the nations along the coast, but a military leader will defeat him and make him lose his pride. 19 He will retreat to his fortresses in his own country, but on the way he will be defeated and never again be seen.
20 The next king of the north will try to collect taxes for the glory of his kingdom. However, he will come to a sudden end in some mysterious way, instead of in battle or because of someone's anger.
Part Two: The Evil King from the North
21 The successor of this king of the north will be a worthless nobody, who doesn't even come from a royal family. He will suddenly appear and gain control of the kingdom by treachery. 22 Then he will destroy armies and remove God's chosen high priest. 23 He will make a treaty, but he will be deceitful and break it, even though he has only a few followers. 24 Without warning, he will successfully invade a wealthy province, which is something his ancestors never did. Then he will divide among his followers all of its treasures and property. But none of this will last very long.
25 He will gather a large and powerful army, and with great courage he will attack the king of the south. The king of the south will meet him with a much stronger army, but he will lose the battle, because he will be betrayed 26 by members of the royal court. He will be ruined, and most of his army will be slaughtered.
27 The two kings will meet around a table and tell evil lies to each other. But their plans will fail, because God has already decided what will happen. 28 Then the king of the north will return to his country with great treasures. But on the way, he will attack the religion of God's people and do whatever else he pleases.
29 At the time God has decided, the king of the north will invade the southern kingdom again, but this time, things will be different. 30 Ships from the west will come to attack him, and he will be discouraged. Then he will start back to his own country and take out his anger on the religion of God's faithful people, while showing kindness to those who are unfaithful. 31 He will send troops to pollute the temple and the fortress, and he will stop the daily sacrifices. Then he will set up that “Horrible Thing” that causes destruction. 32 The king will use deceit to win followers from those who are unfaithful to God, but those who remain faithful will do everything possible to oppose him.
33 Wise leaders will instruct many of the people. But for a while, some of these leaders will either be killed with swords or burned alive, or else robbed of their possessions and thrown into prison. 34 They will receive only a little help in their time of trouble, and many of their followers will be treacherous. 35 Some of those who are wise will suffer, so that God will make them pure and acceptable until the end, which will still come at the time he has decided.
36 This king will do as he pleases. He will proudly claim to be greater than any god and will insult the only true God. Indeed, he will be successful until God is no longer angry with his people. 37 This king will reject the gods his ancestors worshiped and the god preferred by women. In fact, he will put himself above all gods 38 and worship only the so-called god of fortresses, who was unknown to his ancestors. And he will honor it with gold, silver, precious stones, and other costly gifts. 39 With the help of this foreign god, he will capture the strongest fortresses. Everyone who worships this god will be put in a position of power and rewarded with wealth and land.
Part Three: The Time of the End
40 At the time of the end, the king of the south will attack the kingdom of the north. But its king will rush out like a storm with war chariots, cavalry, and many ships. Indeed, his forces will flood one country after another, 41 and when they reach the holy land, tens of thousands will be killed. But the countries of Edom and Moab and the ruler of Ammon will escape.
42 The king of the north will invade many countries, including Egypt, 43 and he will take its rich treasures of gold and silver. He will also conquer Libya and Ethiopia. 44 But he will be alarmed by news from the east and the north, and he will become furious and cause great destruction. 45 After this, he will set up camp between the Mediterranean Sea and Mount Zion. Then he will be destroyed, and no one will be able to save him.