Ezi Sänduku Tao'baro te Yekalu ya
(2 Ambâ 5:2–6:2)
1 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo zi dri'bai cini 'bakalai ndi käläsikalai Yisaraele ro be te ikyine ndare Yerusalema ya, Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro ezine Yekalu ya ni Zaiona 'Bakici Dawidi ro yasi. 2 Ànya cini otokalate 'Bädri'ba Solomo re tu karama kpakpa ro si imba Etanima rosi, se orivoya ni imba njidrieri yi. 3 Ago ondro dri'bai cini Yisaraele ro kotoyikalate oko, kohanii ŋgyiyi Sänduku tao'baro te, 4 ago ànya eziyite Yekalu ya. Kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be eziyi Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro ndi lakazà na cini be te Yekalu ya. 5 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele ro se mbiyikalabe mile Sänduku Tao'baro roya ana, loyi timele ndi tii amba be te tori ro, ṛo du'duro. 6 'Dooko kohanii eziyi Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro te Yekalu ya ago 'bayite Vo Alokado Foparandra ya kufu beti malaikai vookwaro ro ro zele. 7 Kufui ànyaro perepere ro se tako Sänduku Tao'baro ndi loro uŋgyina robe te. 8 Loro uŋgyina ro orivoya kaca ago 'dise kedrete ŋgye mile Vo Alokado Fondra roya unina ndi sidri loroi ro ondrene, oko äni kote ondrene ni vo aza yasi. (Loro kai dri gi'du orivoya lau le tu ono si.) 9 Ŋga aza i'do Sänduku Tao'baro ya e'be gialo toto kuni kalakparo ritu se Musa ko'babe kigye 'Bereŋwa Sinai pa ana, tuse OPI ko'ba tao'baro be lidri Yisaraele robe, tuse ànya kefoyibe ni 'bädri Ezipeto roya ana si. 10 Ago ondro kohanii kayite efo tesi ni Yekalu yasi oko, 'dikolo ga Yekalu te twi, 11 lägu ŋgaeyi a'do lototi OPI ro ro eyivote, ago ànya niyi kote ogone kovole ruindu kama ànyaro ro oyene. 12 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo atate ekye:
“OPI, mi'ba kitu ni vo'buyakuru ya,
caoko minjite orine 'dikolo gbiṛikyiri ya,
13 yauono mabe Yekalu 'desi te miri
vo oriro oriza miri kigye äduako.”
Ata Solomo ro Lidri ri
(2 Ambâ 6:3-11)
14 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo zamite, ago äṛu lidri cini Yisaraele ro te 'dooko ànya dri orivoya edrevoya lau. 15 Ago nda atate ekye: “Nyäräṛu OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, se äti tao'ba se nda ko'babe täpi maro Dawidi ri ana te, se nda katabe ndäri ekye: 16 ‘Eto ṛoni tuse molofo lidri maro Yisaraele robe ni Ezipeto ya si, manji 'bakici aza kote ni wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi Yekalu obezana kigye ma mätuzana. Oko manji mi Dawidi te, lidri maro Yisaraele ro mirine.’ ”
17 Ago Solomo ugu atate ekye: “Täpi maro Dawidi ratate Yekalu obene OPI Lu Yisaraele ro mätuzana, 18 oko OPI atate ndäri ekye: ‘Nyusu tate ŋgye Yekalu obene märi; 19 caoko miri ni obene i'do, oko ŋgwa miro, ŋgwa modo miro ro obena Yekalu maro ni.’
20 “Yauono OPI äti tao'baro ndaro se nda ko'ba be ono te, tana ma te 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele dri vo Dawidi täpi maro roya, ago mabe Yekalu te OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro mätuzana. 21 Ago mozo vo te Yekalu ya Sänduku Tao'baro ri se orivoya kuniŋwà kalakpaŋwà tao'baro se OPI ko'babe zutui amaro be, tuse nda kolofo ànya be ni Ezipeto ya ana si.”
Mätu Solomo ro
(2 Ambâ 6:12-42)
22 'Dooko Solomo oyi edrete vo tori oloro OPI ro kandra lidri se cini Yisaraele ro kombikalabe ana mile, ago eŋga drì ndaro te kuru; 23 ago mätute ekye: “OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, Lu aza i'do oso mi ronye, kuru vo'buyakuru ya kode vuru 'bädri ya! Nya tao'baro miro lidri miro be ätina ago nya ŋgalu ndra miro ka'dana ruindu'bai miro ri ondro ànya koriyite ya cini si taoro si miri owo. 24 Nyäti tao'ba miro se mi'babe ruindu'ba miro Dawidi täpi maro ri ono te, ondro ono tase cini nyatabe ndäri mi'ba tana sate mina ya. 25 Ka'do inye, yauono OPI, Lu Yisaraele ro, nyäti tao'ba miro se aza mi'babe ruindu'ba miro Dawidi täpi maro ri ono kpa se nyatabe mikye ondoalo 'dialo aza a'dona 'da ni zelevoi ndaro yasi 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele mirine, ondro ka'do ànya koroyi mi te taoti si oso nda koyebe ronye owo. 26 Ka'do inye, yauono Äye Lu Yisaraele ro, mi'ba tao'baro se cini mi'ba be ruindu'ba miro Dawidi täpi maro ri osane mina ya.
27 “Oko inye'do Äye Lu, minina gindi endaro orine 'bädri ya ya? Ca vo'buyakuru debere ono ojo mi ko oriza, ka'do inye Yekalu se mabebe miri ono ojona mi eŋwanyeya? 28 Oko nyeri mätu ma ruindu'ba miro ro OPI Lu maro. Nyeri mätu maro ago nyozo ŋgase mabe mi eji tana ro ondro ono. 29 Mindrevo Yekalu ono ro kitu ndi ŋgäkyi cini be si, vose minjite mi mätuzana ono. Nyeri mätu maro ondro mazamite Yekalu ono driro mätune owo. 30 Nyeri mätu maro ndi mätu lidri miro Yisaraele robe, ondro ànya kayite mätuoye oko kezayimite vo ono driro owo. Nyeri ama ni orivo miro vo'buyakuru ya yasi ago nye'be ama ta takozi rota.
31 “Ondro ka'do mano aza koye tate koziro 'diaza ri ago ezite ago käṛurute vo tori oloro miro ya oko, 32 Äye OPI, nyeri tana ni vo'buyakuru yasi ago mipe vure ruindu'bai miro ro. Nyeza taenji'ba oso se sibe nda ezane ronye ago nye'be 'dise taenjiako ono.
33 “Ondro ka'do kyila'baazii kopeyi lidri miro Yisaraele rote ṛe tana ànya yeyi takozi te milomvo, ago ondro ànya ketayidrite mire ago kikyiyite Yekalu ono ya, ago kämätuyi mi te a'do trwe si ta ŋga e'bero ta oko, 34 nyeri ta ànya ro ni vo'buyakuru yasi. Nye'be lidri miro Yisaraele ro ta takozi rota, ago nyologo ànya kovole wari se nyozobe zutui ànyaro ri ana ya.
35 “Ondro ka'do nyalaga 'bu tezo tana lidri miro yeyi takozi te miri, ago ondro ànya ketayidrite ago kezayimite Yekalu ono driro ago kämätuyi mi te a'do trwe si oko, 36 nyeri ta ànyaro ni vo'buyakuru yasi. Nye'be ruindu'bai miro lidri Yisaraele ro ta takozi rota, ago nyemba ànya takado oyene ayani. 'Dooko, Äye OPI, nyezo 'bu u'dine wari miro ono dri, se nyozote lidri miro ri drimbi ro ono.
37 “Ondro ka'do mä'bu ka'dote wari ya, kode adravo koziro, kode oli wärigbägbä, kode lowa tombi robe kenji ŋga luru lidri miro ro se ikyi'di be te, kode ondro ka'do kyila'baazii kogotayi ànya te, kode adravo ndi lomvoluwu be ka'dote oko, 38 nyeri mätu ànyaro. Ondro 'dialo aza ni lidri cini miro Yisaraele ro lakosi ka'dote tusuro ago keŋga drì anyaro te mätu oyevoya Yekalu ono driro oko, 39 nyeri mätu anyaro. Nyeri ta anyaro ni orivo miro vo'buyakuru ya yasi, nye'be anya ta takozi rota, ago mipa anya. Mini tausu se ya lidri roya toto ni. Miye ta 'dialo alo ri oso taoye ndaro ronye, 40 tana lidri miro koroyi mi robe tu cini ori ànyaro rosi wari se nyozobe zutui amaro ri ono ya.
41 “Ondro 'diatra se ko lidri miro Yisaraele ro, oko ikyite ni 'bädri lozo yasi ta ävuru miro likuna rota, 42 tana ànya erinayi a'do 'desi miro ndi mbara miro be tana 'da ndi ta a'do se ondoalo nya ta oyeni ono be 'da, ago ondro nda kikyite mätune miri Yekalu ono ya oko, 43 nyeri mätu ndaro ni orivo miro, vo'buyakuru ya yasi ago miye tase nda keji mi be oyene ndäri 'do; tana lidri cini 'bädri ya kuniyi mi robe ago koroyi mi robe, oso lidri miro Yisaraele ro kabe oyena ronye. 'Dooko ànya uninayi ndi anjioko Yekalu se mabebe ono ni vose mi mätuzana owo.
44 “Ondro ka'do nyozo otate lidri miro ri oyine kyila oyene kyila'baazii ànyaro be, ago ondro ànya koyeyi mätu te mi OPI ri, ni vose ànya be kigye yasi, ago kezayimite 'bakici se minjibe ono driro ago Yekalu se mabebe miri ono driro oko, 45 nyeri mätu ànyaro. Nyeri ànya ni vo'buyakuru yasi, ago nyäti ruutri ànyaro.
46 “Ondro ka'do lidri miro koyeyi takozi te miri, tana 'diaza alona ṛo i'do se ye takozi ko, ago nya'dote kyilaro ànya be, ago mi'ba kyila'baazii ànyaro te ànya opene ṛe ago kuruyi ànya te kamba'ba ro wari aza ya, ago wari na ana ka'do ca lozo oko, 47 nyeri mätu lidri miro ro. Ondro ka'do ànya ketayidrite wari se äru ànya be kigye ana ya ago kämätuyi te miri ago keṛoyi a'do ànyaro takozi amba be ago undiro 'do tana te oko, Äye OPI, nyeri mätu ànyaro. 48 Ondro ka'do wari ana ya ànya ketayidrite mire endaro ya cini ànyaro si, ago ondro ànya kayite mätu oye miri ago kezayimite wari se nyozobe zutui amaro ri, 'bakici se minjibe ono ndi Yekalu se mabebe miri ono driro oko, 49 nyeri mätu ànyaro. Nyeri ta ànyaro ni orivo miro vo'buyakuru ya yasi, ago nyäti ruutri ànyaro. 50 Nye'be lidri miro ta takozi se cini ànya koyeyibe miri ono rota, ago ta tase ànya kogbo yibe mibe ono rota, ago mi'ba kyila'baazii ànyaro koyeyi ànya yauni si. 51 Tana Ànya orivoya lidri modo miro ro, ago drimbi miro, se nyolofo teni Ezipeto yasi, ni kitoriya asinyende ro yasi.
52 “Mi'ba mi miro ka'do uŋbo ta taejiro ma ruindu'ba miro rota, ago ta taejiro lidri miro Yisaraele rota, nyeri mätu ànyaro ondro ànya kayite mi uzi ta ŋgaopa rota owo. 53 Tana minji ànya te ni lidri cini 'bädri ro lakosi, a'done lidri modo miro ro, oso se nyiti tana be ànyari ruindu'ba miro Musa si, tuse nyolofo zutui amaro be ni Ezipeto yasi ana ronye Äye OPI Lu.”
Onde Mätu ro
54 Ondro Solomo konde mätu oyete OPI ri oko, nda edrete mile vo tori oloro roya, vose nda ka'dobe kaya osovoya kigye drì eŋgaeŋgaro kuru ana ya. 55 Ndi otre amba si Solomo äṛu lidri se cini kombikalabe lau ana te. Nda atate ekye: 56 “Räṛu ka'do OPI se kozo loli be lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro ri, oso tao'ba cini se nda ko'babe ronye; ata se cini tao'ba kado ndaro ro ono pereru kote, se nda kata tana be ruindu'ba ndaro Musa si ono. 57 OPI Lu amaro ka'do ama yibe, oso se nda ka'dobe zutui amaro be ronye; nda ke'be ama gi ko ago konaru koni ama resi; 58 nda ko'ba ya amaro a'done taoro be ndäri, ago a'done ota cini ndaro äti ätiro, oso se nda kota zutui amaro be sina ronye. 59 Ka'do inye OPI Lu amaro koyi ta mätu ndi taeji se mejibe ni nda si kwoi ro, nda ka'do ondoalo yauni be lidri ndaro Yisaraele ro ndi 'bädri'ba ànyaro be ri, a'do taeji ànyaro ro tu cini si voro. 60 Ago 'dooko tu'dei cini 'bädri ro uninayi ndi anjioko OPI toto ni Lu yi; Lu aza tona i'do. 61 Ago ami, lidri ndaro ono, mi'ba ya amiro ri a'done cu ŋgye OPI Lu amaro ri, ugu ota cini ndaro orone oso nyàbe oyena ondro ono ronye.”
Äru Yekalu ro
(2 Ambâ 7:4-10)
62 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Solomo ndi Yisaraele cini be, loyi tori te OPI ri. 63 Solomo lo tori rumora rote, oti tii ro orivoya kutu 'buteritu foritu (22,000), ago oti timele ro orivoya kutu kama alo 'buteritu (120,000) ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro OPI ri. Ago 'bädri'ba ndi lidri cini be äṛuyi Yekalu te. 64 Tu gi alo ono si nda äṛu kitoriya goko ro kpate, vose orivoya mile Yekalu roya ana, ago nda za ŋgapäṛi ozaro cu te lau, ŋgapäṛi inya ro ndi vo ombiombi koronyai se ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro. Nda yete inye tana vo tori oloro se atala ro ana orivoya pari giṛiŋwa ŋgapäṛi kwoi ozaza.
65 Ndi Solomo ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe yeyi Karama te tu ana si Yekalu ya lau, u'duna njidrieri. Lowa lidri ro a'dote du'du ro eṛite leni ecivo Amata roya ago ndi leni kishwedri Ezipeto ro yasi. 66 U'du njidriena si oko Solomo pere lidri gwo oyine 'bäru. Ago ànya cini räṛuyi 'bädri'ba te ago oyiyite 'ba ànyaro yasi, yai'dwesi ago riyä si tana takado se cini OPI koyebe ruindu'ba ndaro Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro Yisaraele robe ri ana tana ro.
Solomon Brings the Sacred Chest to the Temple
(2 Chronicles 5.2—6.2)
1-2 The sacred chest had been kept on Mount Zion, also known as the city of David. But Solomon decided to have the chest moved to the temple while everyone was in Jerusalem, celebrating the Festival of Shelters during Ethanim, the seventh month of the year.
Solomon called together the important leaders of Israel. 3-4 Then the priests and the Levites carried to the temple the sacred chest, the sacred tent, and the objects used for worship. 5 Solomon and a crowd of people stood in front of the chest and sacrificed more sheep and cattle than could be counted.
6 The priests carried the chest into the most holy place and put it under the winged creatures, 7 whose wings covered both the chest and the poles used for carrying it. 8 The poles were so long that they could be seen from right outside the most holy place, but not from anywhere else. And they stayed there from then on.
9 The only things kept in the chest were the two flat stones Moses had put there when the Lord made his agreement with the people of Israel at Mount Sinai, after bringing them out of Egypt.
10 Suddenly a cloud filled the temple as the priests were leaving the most holy place. 11 The Lord's glory was in the cloud, and the light from it was so bright that the priests could not stay inside to do their work. 12 Then Solomon prayed:

“Our Lord, you said that you
would live in a dark cloud.
13 Now I have built a glorious temple
where you can live forever.”
Solomon Speaks to the People
(2 Chronicles 6.3-11)
14 Solomon turned toward the people standing there. Then he blessed them 15-16 and said:
Praise the Lord God of Israel! Long ago he brought his people out of Egypt. He did not choose a city from any tribe in Israel where his temple would be built, but he kept his promise to make my father David the king of Israel.
17 So when David wanted to build a temple for the Lord God of Israel, 18 the Lord said, “It's good that you want to build a temple where I can be worshiped. 19 But you're not the one to do it. Your son will build a temple to honor me.”
20 The Lord has done what he promised. I am the king of Israel like my father, and I've built a temple for the Lord our God. 21 I've also made a place in the temple for the sacred chest. And in that chest are the two flat stones on which is written the solemn agreement the Lord made with our ancestors when he led them out of Egypt.
Solomon Prays at the Temple
(2 Chronicles 6.12-42)
22 Solomon stood facing the altar with everyone standing behind him. Then he lifted his arms toward heaven 23 and prayed:
Lord God of Israel, no other god in heaven or on earth is like you!
You never forget the agreement you made with your people, and you are loyal to anyone who faithfully obeys your teachings. 24 My father David was your servant, and today you have kept every promise you made to him.
25 Lord God of Israel, you promised my father that someone from his family would always be king of Israel, if they do their best to obey you, just as he did. 26 Please keep this promise you made to your servant David.
27 There's not enough room in all of heaven for you, Lord God. How could you possibly live on earth in this temple I have built? 28 But I ask you to answer my prayer. 29 This is the temple where you have chosen to be worshiped. Please watch over it day and night and listen when I turn toward it and pray. 30 I am your servant, and the people of Israel belong to you. So whenever any of us look toward this temple and pray, answer from your home in heaven and forgive our sins.
31 Suppose someone accuses a person of a crime, and the accused has to stand in front of the altar in your temple and say, “I swear I am innocent!” 32 Listen from heaven and decide who is right. Then punish the guilty person and let the innocent one go free.
33 Suppose your people Israel sin against you, and then an enemy defeats them. If they come to this temple and beg for forgiveness, 34 listen from your home in heaven. Forgive them and bring them back to the land you gave their ancestors.
35 Suppose your people sin against you, and you punish them by holding back the rain. If they turn toward this temple and pray in your name and stop sinning, 36 listen from your home in heaven and forgive them. The people of Israel are your servants, so teach them to live right. And please send rain on the land you gave them to be theirs forever.
37 Sometimes the crops may dry up or rot or be eaten by locusts or grasshoppers, and your people will be starving. Sometimes enemies may surround their towns, or your people will become sick with deadly diseases. 38 Listen when anyone in Israel truly feels sorry and sincerely prays with arms lifted toward your temple. 39 You know what is in everyone's heart. So from your home in heaven answer their prayers, according to the way they live and what is in their hearts. 40 Then your people will worship and obey you for as long as they live in the land you gave their ancestors.
41-42 Foreigners will hear about you and your mighty power, and some of them will come to live among your people Israel. If any of them pray toward this temple, 43 listen from your home in heaven and answer their prayers. Then everyone on earth will worship you, just like your people Israel, and they will know that I have built this temple to honor you.
44 Our Lord, sometimes you will order your people to attack their enemies. Then your people will turn toward this temple I have built for you in your chosen city, and they will pray to you. 45 Answer their prayers from heaven and give them victory.
46 Everyone sins. But when your people sin against you, suppose you get angry enough to let their enemies drag them away to foreign countries. 47-49 Later, they may feel sorry for what they did and ask your forgiveness. Answer them when they pray toward this temple I have built for you in your chosen city, here in this land you gave their ancestors. From your home in heaven, listen to their sincere prayers and do what they ask. 50 Forgive your people no matter how much they have sinned against you. Make the enemies who defeated them be kind to them. 51 Remember, they are the people you chose and rescued from Egypt that was like a blazing fire to them.
52 I am your servant, and the people of Israel belong to you. So listen when any of us pray and cry out for your help. 53 When you brought our ancestors out of Egypt, you told your servant Moses to say to them, “From all people on earth, the Lord God has chosen you to be his very own.”
Solomon Blesses the People
54 When Solomon finished his prayer at the altar, he was kneeling with his arms lifted toward heaven. He stood up, 55 turned toward the people, blessed them, and said loudly:
56 Praise the Lord! He has kept his promise and given us peace. Every good thing he promised to his servant Moses has happened.
57 The Lord our God was with our ancestors to help them, and I pray that he will be with us and never abandon us. 58 May the Lord help us obey him and follow all the laws and teachings he gave our ancestors.
59 I pray that the Lord our God will remember my prayer day and night. May he help everyone in Israel each day, in whatever way we need it. 60 Then every nation will know that the Lord is the only true God.
61 Obey the Lord our God and follow his commands with all your heart, just as you are doing today.
Solomon Dedicates the Temple
(2 Chronicles 7.4-10)
62-63 Solomon and the people dedicated the temple to the Lord by offering 22,000 cattle and 120,000 sheep as sacrifices to ask the Lord's blessing. 64 On that day, Solomon dedicated the courtyard in front of the temple and made it acceptable for worship. He offered the sacrifices there because the bronze altar in front of the temple was too small.
65 Solomon and the huge crowd celebrated the Festival of Shelters at the temple for seven days. There were people from as far away as the Egyptian Gorge in the south and Lebo-Hamath in the north. 66 Then on the eighth day, he sent everyone home. They said goodbye and left, very happy, because of all the good things the Lord had done for his servant David and his people Israel.