Lidri Lu ro Lekyena
1 Ma, andivo maro orivoya 'di'desi yi, ma taayo 'di'desii känisa ro ami lako ri. Ma orivoya tazevoedre'ba rueza Kristo ro ro, ago mala'dona 'desi se oyebe ka'dane ana 'da. Ma taayo ämiri 2 a'done lekye'bai gboko se Lu kozobe ämiri ro ago mindrevona ya cini si, oso Lu kole ami be oyene ronye, ago ko ya ŋgyi'diŋgyi'di rosi. Mìye losi amiro, ko gialo toto ta päläti rota, oko ya ŋgye ruindu rosi. 3 Nyòjo ko ànya se a'babe taoti amiro zele ono mirine, oko nyà'do taka'daro ro gboko ri. 4 Ago ondro Lekye'ba 'Desi kaka'darute oko, nyùsuna tagyia liŋgyiekye 'da se läguna kye kote alona.
5 Kpa oso inye ami agoànji beṛo andivo amiro logone vuru 'di'desi zele. Ago vo amiro cini beṛo tokyeako osone ami lomvo, ruindune azi ri; tana taegyi ka ata ekye: “Lu ka ogbo driuŋgyi'bai be, oko nda ka tai'dwero ka'da driuŋgyiako'bai ri.” 6 Nyòlogo andivo amiro vuru drí mbaraekye Lu ro zele, tana nda keŋga ami robe kuru tu kado modo ndaro rosi. 7 Nyè'be milo'be cini amiro tana nda rigye, tana nda ka ta amiro otina ni.
8 Nyà'do nja, vookwa be! Kyila'baazi amiro, Kicu'ba, ka voonde oso ibi kabe ugu liyi vouṛi be 'diaza onyane ronye. 9 Nyà'do ŋgyiri taoma amiro ya ago nyògbo nda be, tana mìni ndi anjioko taoma'bai azi amiro 'bädri cini yasi ka ugu oyi rueza gi nonye ono yasi. 10 Oko 'do vosi ondro nyèzarute fere oko, Lu tai'dwe cini ro, se kabe ami uzi 'desi äduako ndaro la'done rumora Kristo be si, nda andivona o'bana ami 'da ŋgye, ago ozona a'do ŋgyiri, mbara ndi edrevo ŋgye be 'da ämiri. 11 Mbara ka'do ndäri äduako! Amen.
Mede Äduro
12 Megyi taegyi fereŋwa ono ämiri ŋgaopa Sila, se musu nda be ädrupi ŋgye Kristo'ba ro ono rosi. Male agoago ozone ämiri ago ma tazevoedre anjioko ono orivoya taŋgye tai'dwero Lu ro ro. Nyèdre ŋgyiri kigye.
13 Känisa endreŋwaazi amiro Babelona ya, se anji kpate Lu si, ye mede ämiri, ago ŋgwa maro Marako kpa inye. 14 Mìye mede azi ri 'dinjunju ŋgalu Kristo'ba rosi.
Taliatokpe ka'do ami se cini Kristo ya ri.
Helping Christian Leaders
1 Church leaders, I am writing to encourage you. I too am a leader, as well as a witness to Christ's suffering, and I will share in his glory when it is shown to us.
2 Just as shepherds watch over their sheep, you must watch over everyone God has placed in your care. Do it willingly in order to please God, and not simply because you think you must. Let it be something you want to do, instead of something you do merely to make money. 3 Don't be bossy to those people who are in your care, but set an example for them. 4 Then when Christ the Chief Shepherd returns, you will be given a crown that will never lose its glory.
5 All of you young people should obey your elders. In fact, everyone should be humble toward everyone else. The Scriptures say,

“God opposes proud people,
but he helps everyone
who is humble.”

6 Be humble in the presence of God's mighty power, and he will honor you when the time comes. 7 God cares for you, so turn all your worries over to him.
8 Be on your guard and stay awake. Your enemy, the devil, is like a roaring lion, sneaking around to find someone to attack. 9 But you must resist the devil and stay strong in your faith. You know that all over the world the Lord's followers are suffering just as you are. 10 But God shows undeserved kindness to everyone. That's why he appointed Christ Jesus to choose you to share in his eternal glory. You will suffer for a while, but God will make you complete, steady, strong, and firm. 11 God will be in control forever! Amen.
Final Greetings
12 Silvanus helped me write this short letter, and I consider him a faithful follower of the Lord. I wanted to encourage you and tell you how kind God really is, so you will keep on having faith in him.
13 Greetings from the Lord's followers in Babylon. They are God's chosen ones.
Mark, who is like a son to me, sends his greetings too.
14 Give each other a warm greeting. I pray that God will give peace to everyone who belongs to Christ.