Taäyi Yerusalema ya.
1 Lidri azaka ikyite ni Yuda yasi le Anetiokia ya ago etoyi taoma'bai embate ekye: “Änina ko ami opane e'be gialo alona ami lutu ŋbiṛiro oso Ota Musa ro ronye.” 2 Paulo ndi Baranaba be diṛikalate rritiro ànya be ta ono ta, ta ono ta Paulo ndi Baranaba be äyiyitate ndi lidri azaka ni Anetiokia yasi be beṛo oyine Yerusalema ya lazo'bai ndi 'desii be ondrene ta ono ta.
3 Känisa zo ànya te; ago ànya kayite lävu Foenesia ndi Samaria be yasi oko, ànya itiyi ta tase Atrai etadribe Lu re ono tana te, lazo se ono ezi riyä amba te taoma'bai ri. 4 Ondro ànya kesayite Yerusalema ya oko, Känisa, lazo'bai ndi 'di'desii be ru ànya te, ago ànya itiyi tase Lu koyebe ànya si ana tana te ànyari. 5 Oko rukä taoma'bai ro se ni gboko Parusii ro yasi kai ŋgayite kurusi ago atayite ekye: “Beṛo Atrai olone ŋbiṛiro ago beṛo ta itine ànyari Ota Musa ro orone.”
6 Lazo'bai ndi 'desii be otoyikalate taeji ono tavona usune. 7 Kalawasa amba vosi oko Petero ŋgate kuru ago atate ekye: “Ädrupii maro, mìnite tu kyeno ana si Lu nji ma teni ami lakosi Lazokado opene Atrai ri, tana ànya keriyi ago komayi ta robe. 8 Ago Lu, se kuni tavousu 'dicini robe ono, ka'da tadriole ndaro Atrai ri te Tori Alokado ozo si ànyari. Kpa oso nda yebe ämäri ronye. 9 Nda 'ba a'do toto kote lakole amaro ya ànya yibe; nda e'be ànya te takozii ànyaro ta tana ànya mayitate. 10 Tana e'di nyà ugu ta Lu ro ojo ŋgaläŋgyi se zutui amaro ca ama andivo mä̀ni kote uŋgyine ono o'bana taoma'bai dri niya? 11 Ko inye! Màmate ago apa ama te tai'dwero Opi Yesu rosi, ànya kpa orivoya oso inye.”
12 Gboko cini a'dote titiro ondro ànya keriyi Baranaba ndi Paulo be kitiyi talaro ro cini ndi rubä be se Lu koyebe ànya si Atrai lako ana tana te owo. 13 Ondro ànya kondeyi ata te oko, Yakoba atate ekye: “Nyèri ta maro, ädrupii maro! 14 Simona edre tase käti Lu ka'da taoti ndaro te Atrai ri 'di uru si ni ànya lako a'done lidri ndaro rote. 15 Ata nebii ro letadrite kpeye ta ono be. Oso taegyi katabe ronye ekye:
16 ‘Ono vosi megona 'da, Opi kani ata nonye,
ago mologona miri 'bädri'ba Dawidi ro 'da.
Mago mabena tandrona 'da
ago mago ma'bana 'da to'di ṛatara ro.
17 Ago anjoko lidri cini ro ikyinayi 'da mare,
Atrai cini se mäzite a'done modo maro ri.
18 Opi atani nonye, se ko'ba tase ono te unine kyeno ono.’ ”
19 Yakoba ugu atate ekye: “Tavousu maro ni no, beṛo ko ämäri Atrai se kabe ugu drieta Lu re okwone. 20 Oko beṛo ämäri taegyine ànyari ugu ta iti si ànyari ko ŋgaonya se la'bi voro undiro tana alote lui awi ri 'do onyane; ànyari andivo ànyaro gagane ni ronyi oye risi; ago ko koronya 'ba ro se ädu gborona udu 'do onyane ca kari. 21 Tana Ota Musa ro äzite tuna amba zoitaeriro yasi Sabata cini si, ago ata ndaro apete ṛo 'ba'desi cini yasi.”
Taegyi Taoma'bai Atrai ro ri
22 'Dooko lazo'bai ndi 'di'desii, ndi troalo känisa cini be, äyiyitate lidri rukä onjine ni gboko ànyaro yasi ago ànya ozone Anetiokia ya Paulo ndi Baranaba be yibe. Ànya njiyi lidri ritu orooro ro ndra taoma'bai si te, Yuda se äzibe Baresaba, ndi Sila be, 23 ànya zo taegyi ono te ànya yibe ekye:
“Ama lazo'bai ndi 'di'desii ago ädrupii amiro, màzo mede ädrupii cini amaro Atrai ro uti yasi se kabe ori Anetiokia, Siria, ndi Silisia be ya ri. 24 Meri tate rukä lidri ro se oyite ni gboko amaro yasi okwo ago wiriyi ami te ata se ànya kabe atana si; caoko, ànya usuyi ŋgaemba aza koni ama resi. 25 Ago ta ono ta motokalate ago ama cini màletadrite lazo'bai rukä onjine ago mà ànya ozo amire. Ànya oyinayi 'da amire bereazii amaro luluro Baranaba ndi Paulo be be, 26 se ozoyi adri ànyaro te ruindu Opi amaro Yesu Kristo roya. 27 Màzo Yuda ndi Sila be, kpani amire, se itinayi ta 'da ämiri modo ànyaro si kpa oso megyibe ronye. 28 Tori Alokado ndi ama yibe letadrite ko ŋgaläŋgyi aza o'bane ämidri kinja tase arabe kwoi ro ro: 29 mìnya ŋgaonya se ozote lui awi ri ko, mìnya kari ko; mìnya koronya 'ba ro se ädu gborona udu ko; ago nyàgaga ami ni ronyi oye risi. Mìyena ta 'da kado ondro nyà'dote taoti be ŋga kwoi oyeako owo. Mede amaro amba ämiri.”
30 Azo lazo'bai te ago oyiyite Anetiokia ya, se ànya otoyi gboko taoma'bai rote cini kigye ago ozoyi taegyi ana te ànyari. 31 Ondro lidri kuzite oko, ànya a'dote twi riyä ro ta lazo se agoago ozoro ono rota. 32 Yuda ndi Sila be se andivo ànyaro orivoya nebii, peyitate ànyari madaro, uguyi agoago ozote ànyari ago tombayi ànya te. 33 U'du azaka vosi oko, taoma'bai zoyi ànya te tokpero, ago goyite kovole ànya se kezo ànya be kai re.
35 Paulo ndi Baranaba be riyite gafere Anetiokia ya, ago tro 'di amba azaka be ànya embayi ago peyi ata Opi rote.
Rulewe Baranaba ro ndi Paulo be
36 Tu aza si oko Paulo atate Baranaba ri ekye: “Mi'de màgo ädrupii amaro täkyi 'ba'desii cini se màpe ata Opi rote kigye yasi, tana mäni a'do ànyaro robe.” 37 Baranaba lete Yoane se äzibe Marako ana urune ànya yibe, 38 oko Paulo kusube ko kado nda urune, tana nda ri kote ànya yibe le ädu aba taopero ànyaro roya, oko tadrite kovole ago e'be ànya te Pamefulia ya. 39 Kaladiṛi a'dote, ago ànya lewerute: Baranaba ru Marako te ago diyite le Saiporosi ya, 40 ago Paulo nji Sila te ago oyiyite, ago taoma'bai ozoyi ànya te taoti tai'dwero Opi ro ri. 41 Nda oyite Siria ndi Silisia be yasi, ugu känisa tomba be.
1 Some people came from Judea and started teaching the Lord's followers that they could not be saved, unless they were circumcised as Moses had taught. 2 This caused trouble, and Paul and Barnabas argued with them about this teaching. So it was decided to send Paul and Barnabas and a few others to Jerusalem to discuss this problem with the apostles and the church leaders.
The Church Leaders Meet in Jerusalem
3 The men who were sent by the church went through Phoenicia and Samaria, telling how the Gentiles had turned to God. This news made the Lord's followers very happy. 4 When the men arrived in Jerusalem, they were welcomed by the church, including the apostles and the leaders. They told them everything God had helped them do. 5 But some Pharisees had become followers of the Lord. They stood up and said, “Gentiles who have faith in the Lord must be circumcised and told to obey the Law of Moses.”
6 The apostles and church leaders met to discuss this problem about Gentiles. 7 They had talked it over for a long time, when Peter got up and said:
My friends, you know that God decided long ago to let me be the one from your group to preach the good news to the Gentiles. God did this so they would hear and obey him. 8 He knows what is in everyone's heart. And he showed he had chosen the Gentiles, when he gave them the Holy Spirit, just as he had given his Spirit to us. 9 God treated them in the same way that he treated us. They put their faith in him, and he made their hearts pure.
10 Now why are you trying to make God angry by placing a heavy burden on these followers? This burden was too heavy for us or our ancestors. 11 But we believe that we will be saved by the gift of undeserved grace from our Lord Jesus Christ, just as the Gentiles are.
12 Everyone kept quiet and listened as Barnabas and Paul told how God had given them the power to work a lot of miracles and wonders for the Gentiles.
13 After they had finished speaking, James said:
My friends, listen to me! 14 Simon Peter has told how God first came to the Gentiles and made some of them his own people. 15 This agrees with what the prophets wrote,

16 “I, the Lord, will return
and rebuild
David's fallen house.
I will build it from its ruins
and set it up again.
17 Then other nations
will turn to me
and be my chosen ones.
I, the Lord, say this.
18 I promised it long ago.”

19 And so, my friends, I don't think we should place burdens on the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 We should simply write and tell them not to eat anything that has been offered to idols. They should be told not to eat the meat of any animal that has been strangled or that still has blood in it. They must also not commit any terrible sexual sins.
21 We must remember that the Law of Moses has been preached in city after city for many years, and every Sabbath it is read in our synagogues.
A Letter to Gentiles Who Had Faith in the Lord
22 The apostles, the leaders, and all the church members decided to send some men to Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas. They chose Silas and Judas Barsabbas, who were two leaders of the Lord's followers. 23 They wrote a letter that said:
We apostles and leaders send friendly greetings to all of you Gentiles who are followers of the Lord in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia.
24 We have heard that some people from here have terribly upset you by what they said. But we did not send them! 25 So we met together and decided to choose some men and to send them to you along with our good friends Barnabas and Paul. 26 These men have risked their lives for our Lord Jesus Christ. 27 We are also sending Judas and Silas, who will tell you in person the same things that we are writing.
28 The Holy Spirit has shown us that we should not place any extra burden on you. 29 But you should not eat anything offered to idols. You should not eat any meat that still has the blood in it or any meat of any animal that has been strangled. You must also not commit any terrible sexual sins. If you follow these instructions, you will do well.
We send our best wishes.
30 The four men left Jerusalem and went to Antioch. Then they called the church members together and gave them the letter. 31 When the letter was read, everyone was pleased and greatly encouraged. 32 Judas and Silas were prophets, and they spoke a long time, encouraging and helping the Lord's followers.
33 The men from Jerusalem stayed on in Antioch for a while. And when they left to return to the ones who had sent them, the followers wished them well. 34-35 But Paul and Barnabas stayed on in Antioch, where they and many others taught and preached about the Lord.
Paul and Barnabas Go Their Separate Ways
36 Sometime later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let's go back and visit the Lord's followers in the cities where we preached his message. Then we will know how they are doing.” 37 Barnabas wanted to take along John, whose other name was Mark. 38 But Paul did not want to, because Mark had left them in Pamphylia and had stopped working with them.
39 Paul and Barnabas argued, then each of them went his own way. Barnabas took Mark and sailed to Cyprus, 40 but Paul took Silas and left after the followers had placed them in God's care. 41 They traveled through Syria and Cilicia, encouraging the churches.