Mätu ta Tu'de Oparo ta
1 Nye'be ama te äduako nonye etaya Äye Lu?
Tana e'di nya'dote kyilaro lidri modo miro robe ni ya?
2 Miyi ta lidri miro ro, se minjite andivo miro ri kyeno ana,
se nyolofote tesi ni a'do iyeäṛi ro yasi a'done 'bakala modo miro ro.
Miyi ta 'Bereŋwa Zaiona ro, se miri kpate kigye ono.
3 Nyaba vose kpeye tandro ro kwoi yasi;
kyila'baazii amaro pereyi ŋga cini Yekalu ya te.
4 Kyila'baazii miro treyite otre ŋgaopeṛe rosi kitoriya Yekalu miro ro ya;
ànya eŋgayi bere ànyaro te lau taka'daro ro.
5 Ànya labayite oso ice oga'bai ronye
kayi ugu ice oga vuru koloŋwai ànyaro si.
6 Ànya togayi ice cini gbetegbete ro te
koloŋwai ndi kyidii kulutu robe si.
7 Ànya soyi asi te Yekalu miro dri;
ànya 'bayi vose abe mi mätu kigye te undiro.
8 Ànya atayite ànyavoya ekye: “Màpena ànya ndi kpeye ṛe;”
ànya zayi vo cini Lu mätu ro wari ya te.

9 Mandre taka'dai ro aza kote;
nebii aza alo te i'do,
ago 'diaza ni ama lakosi ni ko tase ono tuna ka oye a'done mu'du eŋganye.
10 Äye Lu, kyila'baazii amaro ugunayi mi tuna mu'du eŋwanyeya?
inye'do ànya o'danayi mi te äduako ya?
11 Migazo ama opane etaya?
Nyepa drì miro gwo mikundu etaya?

12 Lu, nya'dote 'bädri'ba amaro ṛoni tu kyeno ya,
miye ŋgaopa te 'bädri ya.
13 Nyolonyi gyi'desi te mbara miro si
ago nyotoga drî äkpurukui gyi'desi rote.
14 Nyotoga drî äkpurukui rote
ago nyeca koronyai vocowa rote lomvo ndaro si!
15 Mi'ba gyi goloŋwai ro ndi gyilegwalegwa ro be te utine;
mi'ba goloi udiudiro te osene.
16 Kitu ndi ŋgäkyi be ni miro;
mira 'bi'bi, imba ndi kitu be ni voi ànyaro yasi.
17 Mi'ba sidri ädu 'bädri ro ni;
mi'ba duru ni ndi meṛi be.

18 Äye OPI, miyi ta se kyila'baazii miro kabe mi ugu ono,
ago tase lidri amama ro kabe mi mawo ono.
19 Nyozo ama se lidri miro ono ko kyila'baazii ri;
nyije ta lidri miro se ezabe ono ro ko!
20 Miyi ta tao'ba miro ro se mi'babe ama be ono,
siomba'bai orivoya vo cini uniro cuku wari ro ya yasi.
21 Mi'ba lidri ezabe 'do ko driupiro;
mi'ba ànya se ati'bai ro ndi se lemeri'bai ro be käräṛu mi.

22 Miŋga, Äye Lu, ago miye vure ta ono ro!
Miyi tase lidri luako'bai kayi be mi mawo tu cini si ono.
23 Nyije ta otre kyila si kyila'baazii miro ro ko,
amo oye 'duro se kyila'baazii miro kayibe amo ono.
(A special psalm by Asaph.)
A Prayer for the Nation in Times of Trouble
1 Our God, why have you
completely rejected us?
Why are you so angry
with the ones you care for?
2 Remember the people
you rescued long ago,
the tribe you chose
for your very own.

Think of Mount Zion,
your home;
3 walk over to the temple
left in ruins forever
by those who hate us.

4 Your enemies roared like lions
in your holy temple,
and they have placed
their banners there.
5 It looks like a forest
chopped to pieces.
6 They used axes and hatchets
to smash the carvings.
7 They burned down your temple
and badly disgraced it.
8 They said to themselves,
“We'll crush them!”
Then they burned every one
of your meeting places
all over the country.
9 There are no more miracles
and no more prophets.
Who knows how long
it will be like this?

10 Our God, how much longer
will our enemies sneer?
Won't they ever stop
insulting you?
11 Why don't you punish them?
Why are you holding back?

12 Our God and King,
you have ruled
since ancient times;
you have won victories
everywhere on this earth.
13 By your power you made a path
through the sea,
and you smashed the heads
of sea monsters.
14 You crushed the heads
of the monster Leviathan,
then fed him to wild creatures
in the desert.
15 You opened the ground
for streams and springs
and dried up mighty rivers.
16 You rule the day and the night,
and you put the moon
and the sun in place.
17 You made summer and winter
and gave them to the earth.

18 Remember your enemies, Lord!
They foolishly sneer
and won't respect you.
19 You treat us like pet doves,
but they mistreat us.
Don't keep forgetting us
and letting us be fed
to those wild animals.
20 Remember the agreement
you made with us.
Violent enemies are hiding
in every dark corner
of the earth.
21 Don't disappoint those in need
or make them turn from you,
but help the poor and homeless
to shout your praises.
22 Do something, God!
Defend yourself.
Remember how those fools
sneer at you all day long.
23 Don't forget the loud shouts
of your enemies.