Ndiriŋwa Zelofeda ro
1 'Dooko ndiriŋwa Zelofeda ŋgwa Efera ro, ŋgwa Gilada ro, ŋgwa Makira ro, ŋgwa Manase ro, ni käläsikala Manase ŋgwa Yosepa ro ro yasi ikyiyite taeji be. Ävuru ànyaro ni Mahela, Noa, Ogela, Mileka ndi Tiraza be. 2 Ànya edreyite Musa ndi kohani Eleazara be kandra, ago kpa dri'bai ndi lowa cini be kandra, ecivo Mutuguṛi a'do lototi OPI ro roya, atayite ekye: 3 “Täpi amaro drate vocowa ya, ago nda ko gboko Kora ro se kogboyibe OPI be kai lako, nda dra gi ni takozi modo ndaro ro ri; ago nda teinye ŋgwaagoro ako. 4 Tana e'di a'degwo ävuru täpi amaro ro onane ni katidri ndaro yasi niya? Tana nda be teinye ŋgwàagoro ako ono roya? Nyozo drimbi ämäri kpa oso 'didiri täpi amaro ro ri iyi ronye.”
5 Musa ezi ta ànyaro te OPI kandra. 6 Ago OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 7 “Taeji ndiriŋwa Zelofeda ro ro orivoya ŋgye; miri ŋga ozone ànyari ni ŋgase drimbi ro yasi kpa oso 'didiri täpi ànyaro ro ri ronye, mi'ba drimbi täpi ànyaro ro ka'do gi ànyari. 8 'Dooko nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: ‘Ondro ka'do manoaza kodrate ago ka'dote teinye ŋgwaagoro ako, 'dooko drimbi ndaro ozone ŋgwatokoro ndaro ri. 9 Ago ondro nda ka'dote teinye ŋgwatokoro ako, 'dooko miri drimbi ndaro ozone ädrupii ndaro ri. 10 Ondro nda ka'dote teinye ädrupii ako, 'dooko miri drimbi ndaro ozone täpiazii ndaro ro ri. 11 Ago ondro täpi ndaro ka'dote teinye ädrupii ako, 'dooko miri drimbi ndaro ozone 'didiri se a'dona paca katidri ndaro be 'do ri, ago ndäri teni drimbi na urune. Se ono te a'done inye ota ro ago la'bi ro lidri Yisaraele ro ri, oso se OPI kota mibe ronye.’ ”
Anji Yosua te Vo Musa roya
(Otadele 31:1-8)
12 Opi atate Musa ri ekye: “Mitu kuru 'Bereŋwa gi Abarima ono dri, ago mindre 'bädri se mozobe lidri Yisaraele ro ri ono. 13 Ago ondro mindrete oko, ndi midrana gwo, oso Arona ädrupi miro kodrabe ronye, 14 tana ami riti nyògbote ota maro be vocowa Zina roya tuse lidri kovidribe mabe ana si, mì'ba ma kote a'done alokado ànya mile ta gyi rota.” (Kwoi ni orivoya gyi Meriba Kadesa ro se vocowa Zina roya ana owo.) 15 'Dooko Musa atate OPI ri ekye: 16 “OPI LU, ozo'ba adri 'dicini ro ro, nyaka'da manoaza lowa ono dri, 17 o'dene ànyari mile ya ago ànya lepene, tana ukyi lowa mi OPI ro a'do 'da oso timele se lekye'ba ako ronye.” 18 Ta'dota OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Yosua ŋgwa Nuna ro, mano se Tori orivoya yana ya ono, mi'ba drî miro nda dri; 19 Mi'ba nda kedre kohani Eleazara ndi lowa cini be kandra, nyozo drikaca ndäri ànya milesi. 20 Nyozo drikaca modo miro ro azakana kpa ndäri, tana lowa cini lidri Yisaraele ro ro koroyi nda robe. 21 Ago ndäri edrene kohani Eleazara kandra, se orana vo taro 'da ndäri tavoata Urima si OPI kandra. Liti ono yasi Eleazara lepena Yosua 'da ndi lowa lidri Yisaraele ro robe ta cini ànyaro yasi.” 22 Musa yete oso se OPI kota nda be ronye; nda ru Yosua te ago 'ba nda te edrene kohani Eleazara kandra ago lowa cini kandra, 23 Musa 'ba drì ndaro te Yosua dri, ago ozo drikaca te ndäri oso se OPI kota Musa be ronye.
The Daughters of Zelophehad Are Given Land
1 Zelophehad was from the Manasseh tribe, and he had five daughters, whose names were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah.
2 One day his daughters went to the sacred tent, where they met with Moses, Eleazar, and some other leaders of Israel, as well as a large crowd of Israelites. The young women said:
3 You know that our father died in the desert. But it was for something he did wrong, not for joining with Korah in rebelling against the Lord.
Our father left no sons 4 to carry on his family name. But why should his name die out for that reason? Give us some land like the rest of his relatives in our clan, so our father's name can live on.
5 Moses asked the Lord what should be done, 6 and the Lord answered:
7 Zelophehad's daughters are right. They should each be given part of the land their father would have received.
8 Tell the Israelites that when a man dies without a son, his daughter will inherit his land. 9 If he has no daughter, his brothers will inherit the land. 10 But if he has no brothers, his father's brothers will inherit the land. 11 And if his father has no brothers, the land must be given to his nearest relative in the clan. This is my law, and the Israelites must obey it.
Joshua Is Appointed Israel's Leader
(Deuteronomy 31.1-8)
12 The Lord said to Moses, “One day you will go up into the Abarim Mountains, and from there you will see the land I am giving the Israelites. 13 After you have seen it, you will die, just like your brother Aaron, 14 because both of you disobeyed me at Meribah near the town of Kadesh in the Zin Desert. When the Israelites insulted me there, you didn't believe in my holy power.”
15 Moses replied, 16 “You are the Lord God, and you know what is in everyone's heart. So I ask you to appoint a leader for Israel. 17 Your people need someone to lead them into battle, or else they will be like sheep wandering around without a shepherd.”
18 The Lord answered, “Joshua son of Nun can do the job. Place your hands on him to show that he is the one to take your place. 19 Then go with him and tell him to stand in front of Eleazar the priest and the Israelites. Appoint Joshua as their new leader 20 and tell them they must now obey him, just as they obey you. 21 But Joshua must depend on Eleazar to find out from me what I want him to do as he leads Israel into battle.”
22 Moses followed the Lord's instructions and took Joshua to Eleazar and the people, 23 then he placed his hands on Joshua and appointed him Israel's leader.