Miriama ndi Arona be Atayi tate Musa Lomvo
1 Miriama ndi Arona be atayi tate koziro Musa lomvo ta toko se Kusa'ba ro nda kogyebe ana rota, tana nda gyete toko se Kusa'ba ro 'do ayani; 2 Ànya atayite ekye: “Inye'do OPI atate toto Musa si ayani ya? Inye'do nda ata kote kpa ama si ya?” Ndi OPI eri tase ono te. 3 (Musa ni 'dise tokyeako ndra lidri se koribe 'bĂ€dri ya lako owo.) 4 Dori OPI atate Musa ri ago Arona ndi Miriama be ri ekye: “Ami nĂ€tu ono, nyefo nyoyi Mutuguáč›i a'do maro lototi roya.” Ta'dota Ă nya nĂ€tu ana efoyite. 5 'Dooko OPI ikyite vuru 'dikolo cariro si, ago edrete kĂ€lĂ€si Mutuguáč›i roya, ago zi Arona ndi Miriama be te, ago Ă nya riti efoyite mileya. 6 Ago nda atate ekye: “NyĂšri ata maro. Ondro nebi aza ka'dote orivoya ami lako, ma Opi ma'ba andivo maro te unine anyari rulofo si, ago ma ata anyari tori si. 7 Oko ruindu'ba maro Musa be ko oso inye, nda orivoya 'dise 'diriro yi zo maro ya. 8 Ma ata áč›o nda be miya miya, áč›o Ƌbelero ago ko lapidriopi si; ago nda ndre beti ma OPI rote. Tana e'di nyĂ 'do ko turiro ta atavoya ruindu'ba maro Musa lomvo niya?”
9 OPI a'dote kyilaro Ă nya be ago nda oyite; 10 ago ondro 'dikolo konarute ni Mutuguáč›i drisi oko, Miriama a'dote kari'ba ro, onjero oso siya ronye. Arona kozamite Miriama dri oko nda ndre anya te orivoya kari'ba ro. 11 Ago Arona atate Musa ri ekye: “Äye 'desi maro, nyeza ama ko, tana mĂ ye ta ono te tauniako si ago maye takozi te. 12 Mi'ba Miriama ka'do ko oso 'dise abe utina avo ro, se ka efo ni ya endre ro yasi oko lomvo telesi na enjirute 'do ronye.” 13 Ta'dota Musa ayodrite OPI ri ekye: “Äye Lu, molo'baru miri nyede anya.” 14 Oko OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Ondro aba ka'do tĂ€pi anyaro kovo to be mi anyaro ya, inye'do anya a'dona áč›o ko driupi ro u'duna njidrieri ya? Mi'ba anya kori tesi ni gawa yasi u'duna njidrieri, 'do vosi oko a'dena gwo ogone anya logone gawa ya.” 15 Ta'dota olofo Miriama teni gawa yasi u'duna njidrieri, ago lidri rite oyiako madale ago ologo Miriama lutu. 16 'Do vosi oko Ă nya e'be Azerota te ago otoyi gawa te vocowa Parana roya.
Miriam and Aaron Are Jealous of Moses
1-3 Although Moses was the most humble person in all the world, Miriam and Aaron started complaining, “Moses had no right to marry that woman from Ethiopia! Who does he think he is? The Lord has spoken to us, not just to him.”
The Lord heard their complaint 4 and told Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to come to the entrance of the sacred tent. 5 There the Lord appeared in a cloud and told Aaron and Miriam to come closer. 6 Then after commanding them to listen carefully, he said:

“I, the Lord, speak to prophets
in visions and dreams.
7 But my servant Moses
is the leader of my people.
8 He sees me face to face,
and everything I say to him
is perfectly clear.
You have no right to criticize
my servant Moses.”

9 The Lord became angry with Aaron and Miriam. And after the Lord left 10 and the cloud disappeared from over the sacred tent, Miriam's skin turned white with leprosy. When Aaron saw what had happened to her, 11 he said to Moses, “Sir, please don't punish us for doing such a foolish thing. 12 Don't let Miriam's flesh rot away like a child born dead!”
13 Moses prayed, “Lord God, please heal her.”
14 But the Lord replied, “Miriam would be disgraced for seven days if her father had punished her by spitting in her face. So make her stay outside the camp for seven days, before coming back.”
15 The people of Israel did not move their camp until Miriam returned seven days later. 16 Then they left Hazeroth and set up camp in the Paran Desert.