Ŋgapäṛi Ŋga Vologo ro
1 Kwoi ni ota ŋgapäṛi ta taenjiro ta owo, se orivoya alokado parandra. 2 Be koronya ŋgapäṛi ta taenjiro ta ono ufune lama telesi vo tori oloro ro ogone mä'dudrisi yasi vose abe koronya ŋgapäṛi ozaro ufuna kigye 'do ya, ago kari na luvune lamadri vo tori oloro ro yasi gbikyi. 3 Vo na se cini ombiombiro iyi ewene: tavi ombiombiro, vo ombiombiro lakazà yasi lomvosi, 4 koṛomoci ritu ndi vo ombiombiro se loriori lomvo 'do be, ndi telesi togo ro se kadopara 'do be. 5 Kohani ri vo ombiombiro se cini ono ozane vo tori oloro dri ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ro OPI ri. Tana 'do orivoya ŋgapäṛi ta taenjiro ta yi. 6 'Diàgo cini se katidri kohanii roya onyanayi ndi, oko beṛo onyane vo alokado ya; tana orivoya alokado parandra.
7 Ota orivoya alodi ta Ŋgapäṛi ta taenjiro ta kpa oso ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ronye, ota orivoya alodi ta ànyaro ta: iza na orivoya kohani se kolo tori be 'do ri. 8 Kohani se kabe koronya se ozobe ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro ozana 'do, kyini koronya na 'do ro a'dona te ndäri. 9 Ŋgapäṛi se cini inya ro se a'bete vo ambata o'bero ya ago se cini a'bete kagyi kode doka si 'do orivoya te kohani se kabe ozona Lu ri 'do ro. 10 Oko ŋgapäṛi cini inya ro se odro'be ido si kode forokoti ro 'do, orivoya ŋgwàagoro Arona ro iyi ri, ago beṛo la'done ba ojoojoro ànya voya.
Ŋgapäṛi Rumora ro
11 Kwoi ni ota ŋgapäṛi rumora ro se lidri ri ozone OPI ri owo. 12 Ondro ka'do mano aza kate ŋgapäṛi ono ozona ŋgapäṛi aro'boya oyero ro, ndäri ozone tro ambata loŋgaako dro'bedro'be ro ido ice ido ro rosi ago kulugbu loŋgaako ido ice ido ro ro osone drî naya ago ambata kyira 'boloto ro yana dro'bene kadoro ido ice ido ro rosi. 13 Be ndäri ambata se a'bebe loŋgasi iyi ozone ŋgapäṛi rumora robe aro'boya oyezana. 14 Be ndäri telesi alo alo ambata kwoi ro ozone ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri; 'do ozone kohani se kabe kari koronya ŋgapäṛi rumora ro uruna ago kabe luvuna vo tori oloro dri 'do ri. 15 Beṛo iza koronya na 'do ro onyane 'bu'dä tu gi alobe sina 'do si; be ko anjokona aza e'bene orine le kyenoŋbo kinja si.
16 Ondro ka'do mano aza kezi ŋgapäṛi ndaro te, ngapäṛi tao'ba si kode ŋgapäṛi dritairo yi, änina ndi onyane 'bu'dä tu gi alobe sina 'do si, oko anjokona aza ke'bete änina ndi onyane tu kinja si. 17 Oko anjokona se kabe osa le u'du nina ya 'do beṛo ozane asi si. 18 Ondro ka'do 'diaza konya iza ŋgapäṛi rumora ro te le u'du nina ya, änina kote ŋgapäṛi manona 'do ro tadrina olene. Änina kote ŋgapäṛi na 'do otine takado ro ndäri oko a'dona te undiro, ago nda se kabe onyana uŋgyina taezaro na ni. 19 Ondro ka'do iza na 'do kodo ŋga aza se undiro 'do te, beṛo kote onyane, oko beṛo ozane asi si.
'Dise cini orivoya wäṛiro onyana iza na 'do ndi, 20 oko 'dise ko wäṛiro 'do konya iza ŋgapäṛi rumora ro te nda unina kote a'done alo aza lidri Lu ro ro. 21 Ondro ka'do 'diaza kodo ŋgase undiro te, kode lidri yi kode koronya yi, kode ŋgase aleko yi, 'dooko konya iza ŋgapäṛi rumora rote, ndäri a'done alo aza lidri Lu ro te i'do.
22 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 23 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: beṛo ko vo ombiombiro ti ro, kode timele ro, kode indri ro onyane. 24 Beṛo ko vo ombiombiro koronya se kodrabe ta iro ronye, ago vo ombiombiro koronya se vocowaro kosi ni 'do ro onyane, oko losi to oyene ayani sina, beṛo ko ämiri anya onyane. 25 'Dise konya vo ombiombi koronya se ozote ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonyaro ro OPI ri 'do bete 'dina 'do a'done alo aza lidri Lu rote i'do. 26 Beṛo ko kari arii ro kode koronyai ro onyane vose cini Yisaraele'bai kayibe ugu ori kigyesi yasi. 27 'Dise konya kari te unina kote a'done alo aza lidri Lu ro.
28 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 29 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: Nda se kabe ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ezina beṛo telesina ozone ŋgapäṛi ro OPI ri, 30 ndäri ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonyaro ezine drì modo ndaro rosi Ndäri vo ombiombiro ndi kätäti koronya na 'do robe ezine ozone ŋgapäṛi lämu'du ro OPI ri. 31 Kohani ri vo ombiombi na ozane vo tori oloro dri, oko kätäti na a'done kohanii ri. 32 Ŋbiṛi drigwo ro koronya ŋgapäṛi rumora ro ro ozone ŋgapäṛi ro kohani ri, 33 kohani se koza kari ndi vo ombiombiro ŋgapäṛi rumora robe 'do ri. 34 Tana kätäti koronya se ngapäṛi lämu'du ro ro ndi ŋbiṛi drigwo yasi koronya ŋgapäṛi rumora ro robe Lu rute ni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi ago ozote kohanii ri. 'Dori a'done rri inye ni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi. 35 Ono ni ŋgaonya se ozobe Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri ni ŋgaonya se ozobe Opi ri yasi owo, ṛoni tuse a'ba ànya te kohanii ro ruindune Opi ri si owo. 36 OPI ta lidri Yisaraele rote telesi ŋgapäṛi ono ro ozone ànyari tuse a'ba ànya be kohanii ro ana si. 'Do a'dona te ànyaro le kovole'bai ànyaro ya.
37 'Dooko kwoi ni ota ŋgapäṛi tori ozaro ro, ŋgapäṛi inyaro ro, ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota ro, ŋgapäṛi ta taenji rota ro, ŋgapäṛi ta 'diodi to rota, ndi ŋgapäṛi rumora robe owo. 38 OPI ozo ota kwoi te Musa ri vocowa ya 'Bereŋwa Sinai dri lau, tuse nda katabe lidri Yisaraele ro ri ŋgapäṛi ànyaro ezine vocowa Sinai roya ana si.
Sacrifices To Make Things Right
(Leviticus 5.14-19)
The Lord said:
1 The sacrifice to make things right is very sacred. 2 The animal must be killed in the same place where the sacrifice to please me is killed, and the animal's blood must be splattered against the four sides of the bronze altar. 3 Offer all of the animal's fat, including the fat on its tail and on its insides, 4 as well as the lower part of the liver and the two kidneys with their fat. 5 One of the priests will lay these pieces on the altar and send them up in smoke to me. 6 This sacrifice for making things right is very holy. Only the priests may eat it, and they must eat it in a holy place.
7 The ceremony for this sacrifice and the one for sin are the same, and the meat may be eaten only by the priest who performs this ceremony of forgiveness.
8 In fact, the priest who offers a sacrifice to please me may keep the skin of the animal, 9 just as he may eat the bread from a sacrifice to give thanks to me. 10 All other grain sacrifices—with or without olive oil in them—are to be divided equally among the priests of Aaron's family.
Sacrifices To Ask the Lord's Blessing
The Lord said:
11 Here are the instructions for offering a sacrifice to ask my blessing: 12 If you offer it to give thanks, you must offer some bread together with it. Use the finest flour to make three kinds of bread without yeast—two in the form of loaves mixed with olive oil and one in the form of thin wafers brushed with oil. 13 You must also make some bread with yeast. 14 Give me one loaf or wafer from each of these four kinds of bread, after which they will belong to the priest who splattered the blood against the bronze altar.
15 When you offer an animal to ask a blessing from me or to thank me, the meat belongs to you, but it must be eaten the same day. 16 It is different with the sacrifices you offer when you make me a promise or voluntarily give me something. The meat from those sacrifices may be kept and eaten the next day, 17-18 but any that is left over must be destroyed. If you eat any of it after the second day, your sacrifice will be useless and unacceptable, and you will be both disgusting and guilty.
19 Don't eat any of the meat that has touched something unclean. Instead, burn it. The rest of the meat may be eaten by anyone who is clean and acceptable to me. 20-21 But don't eat any of this meat if you have become unclean by touching something unclean from a human or an animal or from any other creature. If you do, you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.
22 The Lord told Moses 23 to say to the people:
Don't eat the fat of cattle, sheep, or goats. 24 If one of your animals dies or is killed by some wild animal, you may do anything with its fat except eat it. 25 If you eat the fat of an animal that can be used as a sacrifice to me, you will no longer belong to the community of Israel. 26 And no matter where you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal, 27 or you will no longer belong to the community of Israel.
28 The Lord also told Moses 29-30 to say to the people of Israel:
If you want to offer a sacrifice to ask my blessing, you must bring the part to be burned and lay it on the bronze altar. But you must first lift up the choice ribs with their fat to show that the offering is dedicated to me. 31 A priest from Aaron's family will then send the fat up in smoke, but the ribs belong to the priests. 32-33 The upper joint of the right hind leg is for the priest who offers the blood and the fat of the animal. 34 I have decided that the people of Israel must always give the choice ribs and the upper joint of the right hind leg to Aaron's descendants 35 who have been ordained as priests to serve me. 36 This law will never change. I am the Lord!
37 These are the ceremonies for sacrifices to please the Lord, to give him thanks, and to ask for his blessing or his forgiveness, as well as the ceremonies for those sacrifices that demand a payment and for the sacrifices that are offered when priests are ordained. 38 While Moses and the people of Israel were in the desert at Mount Sinai, the Lord commanded them to start offering these sacrifices.