A'do Yerusalema ro O'dena vosi
1 Logo läguläguro tozarute dubäniro;
beti logo wäṛiro läguläguro ro te to
kuniŋwà Yekalu ro pererute litiŋwai cini drisi.

2 Lidri Zaiona ro tapara yi ämäri
oso logo läguläguro ronye,
oko yauono ate ànya oti oso
lakazà ete ludri ro ronye.

3 Ca endre ihwi ro kayi ba
ozo ŋgwà giṛiŋwà ànyaro ri ondrone,
oko lidri maro a'doyite siomba
oso aricoro vocowa ro ronye.

4 Ànya 'bayi ŋgwà giṛiŋwà ànyaro te
todrane ni täbiri ndi gyilu be ri;
Ŋgagà kate drilämi ŋgaonya ta,
oko 'diaza ozo ŋga kote ànyari.

5 Lidri se kayibe ŋgaonya ndeṛiekye onya iyi
kayite todra litiŋwai drisi ni täbiri ri;
ago ànya se kayibe boŋgo kado oso iyi
kate lo'de turu'du torofo ro yasi.

6 Eza lidri maro te ndrani
taezaro lidri Sodomo ro ri drisi,
se o'de ànyaro a'dote ätruku'du drì Lu rosi.

7 Opii amaro a'doyite wäṛiro ndra siya drisi
ago whiya ndra leyi drisi,
lomvo ànyaro a'do gi kolondro
ago liŋgyiekye.

8 Oko yauono militi ànyaro nite gbiṛikyiri
ndra ni kyiriṛi drisi;
äni ànya kote litiŋwai drisi
kyini ànyaro sete aŋbe kowa ànyaro lomvo,
a'dote ṛatara oso ice awi ronye.

9 Ànya se äfube kyila ya iyi a'dote kadopara
ni ànya se täbiri kufube,
ago se kakpabe ago kotodrabe
ni ŋgaonya ako ri iyi ri.

10 Rriti se ko'debe lidri maro dri ono 'ba;
endrei se ŋgalu be iyi te ŋgaŋgà
modo ànyaro la'dine ŋgaonya ro ànyari.

11 OPI lofo mbara kyila ndaro rote ka,
ago eda kyila ndaro te;
se leru asi te Zaiona ya
ago jete foda ndi le kotopa na ya.

12 'Bädri'bai tu'dei ro,
ca lidri 'bädri cini ya,
ma kote ekye kyila'baazi aza unina ndi ocine
dereŋwai Yerusalema ro yasi.

13 Caoko a'dote inye tana
nebii ànyaro yeyi takozi te
ndi kohanii ànyaro iyibe
se fuyi lidri se taenjiako iyi te.

14 Ànya abayite mbali litiŋwai drisi
oso miako'ba ronye,
kari enji ànya te
'diaza ni kote ca boŋgo ànyaro odone.

15 Lidri totrete ànya dri ekye:
“Minaru! Ami te orivoya undiro! Mido ànya ko!”
Ta'dota ànya uguyi abate tu'dei amba lakosi,
caoko 'diaza ru ànya kote orine ànya lako.

16 OPI modo pere ànya te;
nda ti ta ànyaro kote
Aro kohanii ndi dri'bai be kote.

17 Màndre vo gwo onyo ŋgaopa ta,
madale mokwote, tana ŋgaopa te i'do.
Mokote ŋgaopa te kpi ni tu'dei se
ni ko ama opane 'do resi.

18 Kyila'baazii ka ama gogo;
'ba mä̀ni kote abane ca litiŋwai drisi.
Tana tu ama ro kyete;
e'bete otioti ro tana ori amaro äduna esate.

19 Ànya se kayibe ama lanja iyi, kayi imu gbiriṛi si,
ndrani ägyiribi kabe eli ni vokuru yasi drisi.
Ànya lanjayi ama te lutui pasi;
ànya vuyite ama gotane vocowa ya.

20 Ànya ruyi lawavo amaro te
'bädri'ba se OPI konji ni ono,
Nda se matabe màkye: “Nda gagana ama ni
kyila'baazi amaro ri.”

21 Nyà'do yai'dwesi ago riyä ro ami lidri Edoma ro;
ami se nyàbe ori Uza ya ono.
Kandrakozi ka oye kpa esane ämiri;
nyàbana kpa 'da pälipäliro ro ago driupi si.

22 Lidri Zaiona ro nde taezaro ta takozi anyaro ro te;
OPI unina kote anya o'bane 'du kamba'ba ro.
Oko lidri Edoma ro, OPI ezana ami 'da;
nda upina drî taenji amiro ro 'da.
The Punishment of Jerusalem
The Prophet Speaks:
1 The purest gold is ruined
and has lost its shine;
jewels from the temple
lie scattered in the streets.
2 These are Zion's people,
worth more than purest gold;
yet they are counted worthless
like dishes of clay.

3 Even jackals nurse their young,
but my people are like ostriches
that abandon their own.
4 Babies are so thirsty
that their tongues are stuck
to the roof of the mouth.
Children go begging for food,
but no one gives them any.
5 All who ate expensive foods
lie starving in the streets;
those who grew up in luxury
now sit on trash heaps.

6 My nation was punished worse
than the people of Sodom,
whose city was destroyed
in a flash without the help
of human hands.
7 The leaders of Jerusalem
were purer than snow
and whiter than milk;
their bodies were healthy
and glowed like jewels.
8 Now they are blacker than tar,
and no one recognizes them;
their skin clings to their bones
and is drier than firewood.
9 Being killed with a sword
is better than slowly
starving to death.
10 Life in the city is so bad
that loving mothers have boiled
and eaten their own children.

11 The Lord was so fiercely angry
that he burned the city of Zion
to the ground.
12 Not a king on this earth
or the people of any nation
believed enemies could break
through her gates.

13 Jerusalem was punished because
her prophets and her priests
had sinned and caused the death
of innocent victims.
14 Yes, her prophets and priests
were covered with blood;
no one would come near them,
as they wandered
from street to street.
15 Instead, everyone shouted,
“Go away! Don't touch us!
You're filthy and unfit
to belong to God's people!”

So they had to leave
and become refugees.
But foreign nations told them,
“You can't stay here!”
16 The Lord is the one
who sent them scattering,
and he has forgotten them.
No respect or kindness
will be shown
to the priests or leaders.
17 Our eyes became weary,
hopelessly looking
for help from a nation
that could not save us.
18 Enemies hunted us down
on every public street.
Our time was up;
our doom was near.
19 They swooped down faster
than eagles from the sky.
They hunted for us in the hills
and set traps to catch us
out in the desert.
20 The Lord's chosen leader
was our hope for survival!
We thought he would keep us safe
somewhere among the nations,
but even he was caught
in one of their traps.

21 You people of Edom
can celebrate now!
But your time will come
to suffer and stagger
around naked.
22 The people of Zion
have paid for their sins,
and the Lord will soon
let them return home.
But, people of Edom,
you will be punished,
and your sins exposed.