Ezekiele ka 'Bi ndaro Olo
1 OPI atate ekye: “Mi gi ŋgwa lidri ro ono, miru bando osiekye aza ago mi'ba ka'do oso kidri ronye ago milo drikyiri miro ndi tiṛi'bi miro be sina. 'Dooko nyojo 'bi na 'do ŋga ŋgaojoro si ago nyelewe yana nätu. 2 Miza telesi alo nina ro asi si kitoriya 'bakici ro ya ondro tu driumu ro kokyete owo. Miru nina telesi alo ro aza ago nyotola yana bando miro si ondro nyate ugu aba 'bakici lomvosi tesi si owo. Nyalari nina telesi alo ro aza oli ya, ago malanjana 'da bando maro si. 3 Nyeta 'bi fereŋwa aza ago nyembe si boŋgo miro roya. 4 'Dooko migo miru aza kpa fereŋwa ni kigyesi, mida ànya asi ya, mi'ba kuje. Asi ànyaro lariruna 'da gbikyi tu'de cini Yisaraele ro lakosi.”
5 OPI Mbarapara atate ekye: “Mindrevo Yerusalema dri. Ma'ba anya te kitoriya 'bädrii roya, tu'dei azaka be gbikyi anya lomvosi. 6 Caoko Yerusalema ogbote Ota maro be ago takozi anyaro te ndrani tu'dei azi drisi, taoroako anyaro ndrani 'bädri se cini gbikyi anya lomvosi iyi drisi. Yerusalema ga ota maro tezo ago lekote ota maro ätine. 7 Ka'do inye, nyeri dri, Yerusalema tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, mabe atana ono. Nyezi rriti te ndrani tu'dei se gbikyi milomvosi iyi drisi, ago miro ota maro kote ca nyäti ota maro kpa ko. Misote la'bi tu'dei se gbikyi milomvosi iyiro vo. 8 Ta'doro ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma taiti miri anjioko ma te kyila'baazi miro. Ma oye vure miro opene se tu'dei cini ondrena 'da. 9 Tana ta tase cini ya maro osoro lomvoigye miyebe ono rota, mezana Yerusalema 'da se meza kätina dri ko inye ago mänina ko ogo ezane oso inye. 10 Tana ta'dota, uti'bai se Yerusalema ya iyi onyanayi ŋgàga ànyaro 'da, ago ŋgàga onyana uti'bai ànyaro 'da. Mezana ami 'da ago anjoko amiro se kotabe lidriidriro iyi meperena 'da vo cini yasi.
11 “Ka'do inye, oso ma be Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye, 'do ni ata ma OPI Mbarapara ro, tana nyenji Yekalu maro te tase cini undiro, ago se ya maro osoro lomvoigye iyi si, ta'doro motogana ami 'da, ago ma'dona teinye yauni ako. 12 Talesi alo nina amiro ro todrana 'da ni adravo kozi ndi täbiri be ri 'bakici ya; otogana telesi alo nina aza ro 'da bando si 'bakici kundu tesi si, ago meperena telesi alo nina aza ro 'da vo cini yasi ago malanjana ànya 'da bando si.
13 “Nyä̀tämbina mbara kyila ndi siomba maro robe 'da madale tana ojona ma lutu. Ondro tase cini kwoi ka'dote oko, mìnina ndi anjioko ma, OPI, màtani ämiri tana ma orivoya kyilaro ndra ta ta'diriako amiro rota. 14 Ma'bana ami 'da tandro ro ago driupi ro tu'dei se gbikyi ami lomvosi iyi lako ondrene 'dise cini kabe lävu nasi kai ri.
15 “Tu'dei cini se gbikyi ami lomvosi iyi a'donayi 'da turituriro. Ànya mawonayi ami 'da ago oyenayi 'dolo 'da ami zele, ondro ma'dote kyilaro ago ya maro kosote ami lomvo ago meza ami te owo. 16 Ma'bana täbiri 'da ami ufune, ago ondro mezi täbiri ndra te ami ufune oko ma'bana ŋgaonya amiro 'da okyene. 17 Mazona täbiri ndi koronyai vocowa robe 'da ämidri ŋgàga amiro tufune, ago mazona adravo kozi, siomba, ndi kyila be 'da ami tufune. Ma, OPI, matani.”
Jerusalem's Coming Destruction
The Lord said:
1 Ezekiel, son of man, get a sharp sword and use it to cut off your hair and beard. Weigh the hair and divide it into three equal piles. 2 After you attack the brick that stands for Jerusalem, burn one pile of your hair on the brick. Chop up the second pile and let the small pieces of hair fall around the brick. Throw the third pile into the wind, and I will strike it with my own sword.
3 Keep a few of the hairs and wrap them in the hem of your clothes. 4 Then pull out a few of those hairs and throw them in the fire, so they will also burn. This fire will spread, destroying everyone in Israel.
5 I am the Lord God, and I have made Jerusalem the most important place in the world, and all other nations admire it. 6 But the people of Jerusalem rebelled and refuse to obey me. They ignored my laws and have become even more sinful than the nations around them.
7 So tell the people of Jerusalem:
I am the Lord God! You have refused to obey my laws and teachings, and instead you have obeyed the laws of the surrounding nations. You have become more rebellious than any of them! 8 Now all those nations will watch as I turn against you and punish you 9 for your sins. Your punishment will be more horrible than anything I've ever done or will ever do again. 10 Parents will be so desperate for food that they will eat their own children, and children will eat their parents. Those who survive this horror will be scattered in every direction.
11 Your sins have disgusted me and made my temple unfit as a place to worship me. So I swear by my own life that I will cut you down and show you no pity. 12 A third of you will die here in Jerusalem from disease or starvation. Another third will be killed in war. And I will scatter the last third of you in every direction, then track you down and kill you.
13 You will feel my fierce anger until I have finished taking revenge. Then you will know that I, the Lord, was furious because of your disobedience. 14 Every passerby will laugh at your destruction. Foreign nations 15 will insult you and make fun of you, but they will also be shocked and terrified at what I did in my anger. 16 I will destroy your crops until you starve to death, and disasters will strike you like arrows. 17 Starvation and wild animals will kill your children. I'll punish you with horrible diseases, and your enemies will strike you down with their swords. I, the Lord, have spoken.