Baruka ka Buku Roṛoroṛo ro Uzi Yekalu ya
1 Ndroa lisu 'dimiri Jehoiakima ŋgwa Josia ro 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi, OPI atate ma Yeremaya ri ekye: 2 “Miru buku roṛoroṛo ro aza ago nyegyi ŋga cini se miti tana be miri ta Yisaraele ndi Yuda be rota ndi tu'dei cini be rota driigye. Nyegyi tase cini matabe miri eto ṛoni tuse käti meto ata be miri, se 'dooko Josia beni 'bädri'ba yi ana ya, kesa gwo le tu yauono ya. 3 Kode a'dona ondro lidri Yuda ro keriyii ta taezaro se ma oyebe ezine ànya dri ana rote oko, ànya ezanayi drî 'da ni taoye kozi ànyaro yasi. 'Dooko me'bene ànya 'da ta taoye kozi ànyaro ndi takozi ànyaro be ta.”
4 Ta'dota mäzi Baruka ŋgwa Neraya rote ago miti tase cini OPI katabe märi ana te ndäri. Ndi Baruka egyite vuru buku roṛoroṛo ro ya. 5 'Dooko miti ta kwoi te Baruka ri makye: “Ale kote märi ocine tona Yekalu ya. 6 Oko male ogo miri oyine lau tuse lidri kabe oye akpane 'do si. Miri tase nyegyibe cini OPI katabe märi ago se miti tana be miri egyine buku roṛoroṛo ro ya ono uzine ṛeṛe, tana ànya keriyi tase ono robe. Kpa miri uzine lidri Yuda ro se kikyiyibe lau ni 'ba'desii ànyaro yasi iyi ri erine. 7 Kode azaya ànya mätunayi 'da OPI ri ago etanayi drî 'da ni taoye kozi ànyaro yasi, tana OPI nya ozi te koziro lidri ono lomvo kyila si ago yaoso si.” 8 Ndi Baruka zi ata cini OPI ro buku roṛoroṛo ya te Yekalu ya oso se modona matabe ndäri uzine ana ronye.
9 Imba njidriesu ndroa linji 'dimiri Jehoiakima 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, lidri se cini Yerusalema ya ago se cini kikyiyibe lau ni 'ba'desii Yuda ro yasi iyi akpayite yauni OPI ro usuza. 10 'Dooko, ondro lidri koga bi te taerine oko, Baruka zi tase cini matabe ana teni buku roṛoroṛo ro yasi. Nda zite inye Yekalu ya, ni zo ya Gemaraya ŋgwa Sapana ro, egyi'ba goko ro ro yasi. Zoya ndaro orivoya goko kurusi ya lototi ecivo Dereŋwa To'di Yekalu ro roya.
Äzi Ta teni Buku Roṛoroṛo ro yasi Dri'bai Losi ro ri
11 Mikaya, ŋgwa Gemaraya ro kwozo Sapana ro, eri tase cini OPI katabe Baruka kabe uzina ni buku roṛoroṛo ro yasi ana te. 12 Ndi nda oyite zo'desi miri ro 'bädri'ba roya, zo ya egyi'ba goko ro roya, se dri'bai cini losi ro orivoya lau taäyivoya: Elisama, egyi'ba goko ro, Delaya ŋgwa Semaya ro, Elenatana ŋgwa Akebora ro, Gemaraya ŋgwa Sapana ro, Zedekia ŋgwa Anania ro, ndi dri'bai cini losi ro azaka be te orivoya lau. 13 Mikaya iti tase cini nda keribe, se Baruka kuzibe lidri ri ana tana te ànyari. 14 'Dooko dri'bai losi ro cini zoyi Jehudi (ŋgwa Netania ro kwozo Selemaya ro ago kwozo Kusi ro) te taitine Baruka ri buku roṛoroṛo ro se nda kuzi ta be ni kigyesi lidri ri ana ezine. Ndi Baruka ezite. 15 'Dooko ànya atayite ekye: “Miri vuru, ago mizi tase buku roṛoroṛo ya 'do ämäri.” Ta'dota Baruka zite. 16 Ondro ànya keriyi tase cini ono te oko, ànya zayimite azi dri turi si, ago atayite Baruka ri ekye: “Beṛo ämäri tase cini ono itine 'bädri'ba ri.” 17 'Dooko ànya ejiyi nda te ekye: “Nyiti tana ämäri, inye'do, mi'debe tase cini kwoi egyine eŋwanyeya? Inye'do Yeremaya iti tana ni miri egyine ya?”
18 Baruka zatadri ànyaro te ekye: “Yeremaya iti tase cini ono ni märi, ndi megyite iniki si buku roṛoroṛo ro ono ya.”
19 'Dooko ànya atayite Buruka ri ekye: “Beṛo ämiri oyine Yeremaya be ruda'done. Mi'ba 'diaza kuni vose ami be kigye 'do ko.”
'Bädri'ba ka Buku Roṛoroṛo ro Ozana
20 Dri'bai losi ro 'bayi buku se roṛoroṛo ro ana te zo ya Elisama, egyi'ba goko ro roya, ago oyiyite goko 'bädri'ba roya, ànya itiyi tase cini ana te 'bädri'ba ri. 21 'Dooko 'bädri'ba zo Jehudi te buku roṛoroṛo ro se ana ezine. Nda kyi rute ni zo ya Elisama ro yasi ago zite 'bädri'ba ri ndi dri'bai losi ro se kedreyibe gbikyi 'bädri'ba lomvosi kai be ri. 22 Tu ana orivoya meṛi si ago 'bädri'ba orivoya zo'desi ndaro miri ro meṛi roya ago asi orivoya lekovoya nda kandra. 23 Dori ondro Jehudi kuzi lonyivona te oso nätu kode su ronye oko, 'bädri'ba tolo yana te iṛi giṛiŋwa aza si ago ugu ovona te asi ya. Madale buku roṛoroṛo jete kpeye. 24 Caoko 'bädri'ba ca alo aza dri'bai losi ro ndaro ro se keriyi tase cini kwoi be ono a'doyi kote turiro ago towayi boŋgo ànyaro kote ni tusu ri. 25 Elenatana, Delaya, ndi Gemaraya be kolo'bayiru gica 'bädri'ba ri ko buku roṛoroṛo ro se ana ozane, caoko nda eri ta ànyaro kote. 26 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba atate Jeramela ŋgwa 'bädri'ba ro ri, tro Seraya ŋgwa Azeriela ro ndi Selemaya ŋgwa Abedela robe ri, ma Yeremaya urune ndi egyi'ba maro Baruka be. Caoko OPI da'do ama te di.
Yeremaya ka Buku Roṛoroṛo ro Aza Egyi
27 Ondro 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakima koza buku roṛoroṛo ro se ma Yeremaya miti ta be egyine Baruka ri kigye ana te oko, OPI atate märi ekye: 28 “Mìru buku roṛoroṛo ro aza ago egyi tase cini egyibe se käti ana ya se 'bädri'ba kozabe ana kigye.” 29 Ago ta Jehoiakima rota, nyata mikye: “OPI ka atani ekye: ‘Miza buku se roṛoroṛo ro ono te, ago nyeji Yeremaya te mikye tana e'di nda ko'debe ta egyine ekye 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ka oye ikyine wari ono perene ago lidri na tufune ndi koronya nai be niya?’ 30 Ka'do inye, yauono, OPI, ka ni ata ta, 'Bädri'ba Jehoiakima rota, anjioko zelevo miro aza ri 'di mirine 'bädri se Dawidi ro ono ya te i'do. Avona avo miro 'da tesi kitu eme dri kitu si ago kyi'dwe dri ŋgäkyi si. 31 Mezana mi 'da, zelevoi miro, ndi dri'bai losi ro miro yibe ta takozi se cini miyebe ono rota. Mezina taezaro cini se manya ozina be 'do lidri Yerusalema ro ndi Yuda robe dri, tana ànya eriyi ta maro kote. Mezina taezaro 'da vo ami cini ro dri.”
32 'Dooko märu buku roṛoroṛo ro aza te mozote egyi'ba maro Baruka rigye, ago nda egyi tase cini mitibe ndäri egyine ana te vuru. Nda egyi tase cini buku roṛoroṛo ro käti ana ya se 'bädri'ba kozabe asi si ana te kigye kpa gi oso lazo se mitibe ndäri egyine ana ronye.
King Jehoiakim Burns Jeremiah's First Scroll
1 During the fourth year that Jehoiakim son of Josiah was king of Judah, the Lord said to me, “Jeremiah, 2 since the time Josiah was king, I have been speaking to you about Israel, Judah, and the other nations. Now, get a scroll and write down everything I have told you, 3 then read it to the people of Judah. Maybe they will stop sinning when they hear what terrible things I plan for them. And if they turn back to me, I will forgive them.”
4 I sent for Baruch son of Neriah and asked him to help me. I repeated everything the Lord had told me, and Baruch wrote it all down on a scroll. 5 Then I said,
Baruch, the officials refuse to let me go into the Lord's temple, 6 so you must go instead. Wait for the next holy day when the people of Judah come to the temple to pray and to go without eating. Then take this scroll to the temple and read it aloud. 7 The Lord is furious, and if the people hear how he is going to punish them, maybe they will ask to be forgiven.
8-10 In the ninth month of the fifth year that Jehoiakim was king, the leaders set a day when everyone who lived in Jerusalem or who was visiting there had to pray and go without eating. So Baruch took the scroll to the upper courtyard of the temple. He went over to the side of the courtyard and stood in a covered area near New Gate, where he read the scroll aloud.
This covered area belonged to Gemariah, one of the king's highest officials. 11 Gemariah's son Micaiah was there and heard Baruch read what the Lord had said. 12 When Baruch finished reading, Micaiah went down to the palace. His father Gemariah was in the officials' room, meeting with the rest of the king's officials, including Elishama, Delaiah, Elnathan, and Zedekiah. 13 Micaiah told them what he had heard Baruch read to the people. 14 Then the officials sent Jehudi and Shelemiah to tell Baruch, “Bring us that scroll.”
When Baruch arrived with the scroll, 15 the officials said, “Please sit down and read it to us,” which he did. 16 After they heard what was written on the scroll, they were worried and said to each other, “The king needs to hear this!” Turning to Baruch, they asked, 17 “Did someone tell you what to write on this scroll?”
18 “Yes, Jeremiah did,” Baruch replied. “I wrote down just what he told me.”
19 The officials said, “You and Jeremiah must go into hiding, and don't tell anyone where you are going.”
20-22 The officials put the scroll in Elishama's room and went to see the king, who was in one of the rooms where he lived and worked during the winter. It was the ninth month of the year, so there was a fire burning in the fireplace, and the king was sitting nearby. After the officials told the king about the scroll, he sent Jehudi to get it. Then Jehudi started reading the scroll to the king and his officials. 23-25 But every time Jehudi finished reading three or four columns, the king would tell him to cut them off with his penknife and throw them in the fire. Elnathan, Delaiah, and Gemariah begged the king not to burn the scroll, but he ignored them, and soon there was nothing left of it.
The king and his servants listened to what was written on the scroll, but they were not the least bit afraid, and they did not tear their clothes in sorrow.
26 The king told his son Jerahmeel to take Seraiah and Shelemiah and to go arrest Baruch and me. But the Lord kept them from finding us.
Jeremiah's Second Scroll
27 I had told Baruch what to write on that first scroll, but King Jehoiakim had burned it. So the Lord told me 28 to get another scroll and write down everything that had been on the first one. 29 Then he told me to say to King Jehoiakim:
Not only did you burn Jeremiah's scroll, you had the nerve to ask why he had written that the king of Babylonia would attack and ruin the land, killing all the people and even the animals. 30 So I, the Lord, promise that you will be killed and your body thrown out on the ground. The sun will beat down on it during the day, and the frost will settle on it at night. And none of your descendants will ever be king of Judah. 31 You, your children, and your servants are evil, and I will punish everyone of you. I warned you and the people of Judah and Jerusalem that I would bring disaster, but none of you have listened. So now you are doomed!
32 After the Lord finished speaking to me, I got another scroll and gave it to Baruch. Then I told him what to write, so this second scroll would contain even more than was on the scroll Jehoiakim had burned.