Taiti ta Daniele rota ndi Bereazii ndaro be
Agoànji Goko Nebukadenezara roya
1 Ndroa nina 'dimiri Jehoiakima 'bädri'ba Yuda ro rosi oko, Nebukadenezara 'bädri'ba Babelona ro ikyi te ago mudri Yerusalema rote. 2 Opi ozo Jehoiakima 'bädri'ba Yuda ro te drì ndaro ya, rukä lakazà Yekalu ro robe. Nda ugu ànya te le Babelona ya, ago dro lakazà alokado se kai te voŋgaodroro lui modo ndaro roya.
3 'Bädri'ba ta Asepenaza, dri'ba 'desi losiro ndaro te, agoànji azaka ezine ni kamba'bai Yisaraele'bai ro lakosi, ni zelevo 'bädri'ba ro kode 'di 'desi ro yasi. 4 Ànyari a'done teinye mämbiako liŋgyiliŋgyiro, tauni kado ta cini robe, embaembaro tavouni be, tauniuniro ndrindri, ago unina ndi ruindune kadoro zo 'bädri'ba roya. Asepenaza modo ri ni ànya embane kala ndi taegyi Babelona'bai rosi. 5 'Bädri'ba 'ba tate ŋgaonya toco ndi vino kado se 'bädri'ba kabe onyana ago umvuna 'do modona ozone ayani ànyari. Ànya embane ndroa nätu, ago voigyesi oko oloci ànya robe ruindune 'bädri'ba ri. 6 'Dise anjibe 'dina kwoi lako ni Daniele, Anania, Misaela ago Azaria, se cini kwoi ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi. 7 Dri'ba 'desi losi ro ozo ävuru aza te ànyari, zi Daniele te Beletesazara, zi Anania te Sadaraka, zi Misaela te Mesaka, ago zi Azaria te Abedenego.
8 Daniele usutate ko andivo ndaro enjine ŋgaonya toco ndi vino se 'bädri'ba kabe umvuna ana si, ta'dota nda eji Asepenaza te ole ozone ndäri ko ŋga iyi onyane ago umvune, 9 ago Lu 'ba Asepenaza te yauni ka'dane ago tadriolene Daniele ri. 10 'Dooko Asepenaza atate Daniele ri ekye: “Ma orivoya turituriro ni 'bädri'ba ri, tana nda ra ta ni ämiri ŋga iyi onyane ago umvune, oko ondro ka'do nda kondre ami bete orweorwero ndrani agoànji azi amiro ri, 'dooko nda ufuna ma ndi.”
11 'Dooko Daniele atate mano se 'desiro Asepenaza kaka'dabe vo Daniele, Anania, Misaela ndi Azaria be ro ondrene ana ri ekye: 12 “Molo'baru miri, nyojo ta ama ruindu'bai miro kwoi ro u'duna 'butealo; u'du kwoi ya mi'ba ozo toto agba ayani onyane ndi gyi be umvune ämäri. 13 'Dooko mindre a'do toto amaro agoànji se kayibe ŋgaonya se toco 'bädri'ba ro onyana 'do be, ago miye ta ama ruindu'bai miro ri oso mindre ama be ronye.”
14 Nda le tase ànya kejibe ana tadrina te ago ojo ta ànyaro te u'duna 'butealo. 15 Ondro u'du 'butealo kokyete oko, andre be lomvo ànyaro a'dote kadopara ago oseosero ndrani agoànji se kabe ŋgaonya toco 'bädri'ba ro onyana iyi drisi. 16 Ta'dota voondre'ba ana na ŋgaonya se toco ndi vino se 'bädri ra tana be ozobe ànyari ana te ago nda go ozote agba ayani onyane ànyari.
17 Lu ozo tauni, tauzi ndi tatenyi be te kadoro agoànji se su kwoi ri. Ndra na, nda ozo tauni takaci rulofo ndi tori itiro be te Daniele ri.
18 Ondro ndroa se nätu 'bädri'ba kotibe agoànji ana eziza nda kandra ana kokyete oko, Asepenaza ezi ànya te Nebukadenezara kandra. 19 'Bädri'ba atate ànya yibe, ago ànya cini lakosi, nda usu 'diaza kote oso Daniele, Anania, Misaela ndi Azaria be ronye; ta'dota oloci ànya te ruindune 'bädri'ba ri. 20 Tase cini 'bädri'ba kabe ejina kode rriti se cini nda kabe tana itina, lidri su kwoi niyi ṛo kadopara perena 'butealo ndrani tetedri'bai ndi taläkä'bai cini se 'bädri ndaro ya drisi. 21 Daniele rite goko 'bädri'ba roya lau madale Sairasi 'bädri'ba Peresia ro ru Babelona gwo.
Daniel and His Friends
1 In the third year that Jehoiakim was king of Judah, King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia attacked Jerusalem. 2 The Lord let Nebuchadnezzar capture Jehoiakim and take away some of the things used in God's temple. And when the king returned to Babylonia, he put these things in the temple of his own god.
3 One day the king ordered Ashpenaz, his highest palace official, to choose some young men from the royal family of Judah and from other leading Jewish families. 4 The king said, “They must be healthy, handsome, smart, wise, educated, and fit to serve in the royal palace. Teach them how to speak and write our language 5 and give them the same food and wine that I am served. Train them for three years, and then they can become court officials.”
6 Four of the young Jews chosen were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah, all from the tribe of Judah. 7 But the king's chief official gave them Babylonian names: Daniel became Belteshazzar, Hananiah became Shadrach, Mishael became Meshach, and Azariah became Abednego.
8 Daniel made up his mind to eat and drink only what God had approved for his people to eat. And he asked the king's chief official for permission not to eat the food and wine served in the royal palace. 9 God had made the official friendly and kind to Daniel. 10 But the man still told him, “The king has decided what you must eat and drink. And I am afraid he will kill me, if you eat something else and end up looking worse than the other young men.”
11 The king's official had put a guard in charge of Daniel and his three friends. So Daniel said to the guard, 12 “For the next ten days, let us have only vegetables and water at mealtime. 13 When the ten days are up, compare how we look with the other young men, and decide what to do with us.” 14 The guard agreed to do what Daniel had asked.
15 Ten days later, Daniel and his friends looked healthier and better than the young men who had been served food from the royal palace. 16 After this, the guard let them eat vegetables instead of the rich food and wine.
17 God made the four young men smart and wise. They read a lot of books and became well educated. Daniel could also tell the meaning of dreams and visions.
18 At the end of the three-year period set by King Nebuchadnezzar, his chief palace official brought all the young men to him. 19 The king interviewed them and discovered that none of the others were as outstanding as Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. So they were given positions in the royal court. 20 From then on, whenever the king asked for advice, he found their wisdom was ten times better than that of any of his other advisors and magicians. 21 Daniel served there until the first year of King Cyrus.