Yisaraele, Ŋgaeyi yi Tu'dei ri
1 Nyèri ta maro, ami lidri se mìribe lozo di ono
nyèri ami tu'dei se lozo ono,
Ṛo teinye dri ma utiako, OPI nji ma ṛote ago ka'da
mate 'dooko ma driṛo endre ya.
2 Nda 'ba ata maro te a'done osiekye oso bando ronye.
Nda gaga mate dri modo ndaro si.
Nda 'ba mate a'done oso ätu ronye,
ago so mate mvolo ndaro ya.
3 Nda atate märi ekye: “Yisaraele, mi orivoya ruindu'ba maro;
ta miro si, lidri räṛuna ma 'da.”
4 Matate makye: “Maye losi te voawi ya, menji mbara maro te takaci ako.”
Oko endaro taŋgye maro orivoya OPI be,
päläti maro orivoya Lu maro be.

5 OPI ka'da mate; ṛo teinye dri ma utiako
a'done ruindu'ba ndaro, lidri ndaro logone kovole ndare,
lidri Yisaraele ro se kepererube iyi logone kovole ndare.
OPI kani taoro ozo märi;
Lu maro ni etovo mbara maro ro.

6 OPI atate märi ekye:
“Ko toto miri a'done ruindu'ba ro märi
a'do 'desi lidri Yisaraele ro
se ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi ro ogo logone ayani,
oko ma'bana mi kpa 'da ŋgaeyi ro tu'dei ri,
tana mapa lidri cini 'bädri ya robe.”

7 Lu alokado ago opa'ba Yisaraele ro ka ata
nda se amawo te ago tu'dei leko
se ruindu'ba 'dimiri'bai ro ono ri ekye:
“'Bädri'bai ondrenayi mi 'da
ago oŋganayi 'da kuru miri;
dri'bai ondrenayi kpa,
ago ànya ändinayi 'da vuru mi orone.”

Tana OPI se orivoya 'diri;
Lu alokado Yisaraele ro ono nji mi ni.
Logo Yerusalema ro Kovole
8 OPI ka ata lidri ndaro ri ekye:
“Tu yauni rosi oko, mazana tadri amiro 'da
tu 'diopa rosi oko, mapana ami 'da.
Magagana ami 'da
ago ma'bana ami 'da taka'daro tao'ba ro ro lidri cini ri
ogo wari logona.
Ma'bana ami 'da ogone orine kpa to'dina
ago wari se te voawiro ono lanjine kuzupi nai ri.
9 Matana 'da kamba'bai ri makye: ‘Nyoyi ri dritai ro!’
ago ànya se ŋgätini ya ri makye:
‘Nyefo ŋgaeyi ya!’
Ànya a'donayi 'da oso timele se kabe ŋgaonya lutu dri ronye;
ago lutui se vorriro 'do a'dona 'da ŋgaonyavo ànyaro;
10 ànya uninayi ko a'done täbiri ro kode gyilu be alona.
Ca kitu kode voeme siŋgwa ro unina ko ànya oyene koziro,
tana nda se yauni be ànyari ono ka oye ni ànya lepene.
Nda lepena ànya 'da le gyi legwalegwaro kala.

11 “Medena liti 'da 'bereŋwai lakosi
ago medena liti ŋbokoloko aza 'da lidri maro ri abaza.
12 Lidri maro ikyinayi 'da leni lozo si,
ni mä'dudrisi ago ni aŋgoyasi,
ago ni Asewana yasi.”

13 Mìŋgo loŋgo, ami vo'buyakuru! Mitre riyä si, mi 'bädri!
Mi'ba 'bereŋwai kotreyi loŋgo be!
Tana OPI ka lidri ndaro i'dwena;
nda a'dona 'da yauni be lidri ndaro se kayibe rueza ono ri.

14 Oko lidri Yerusalema ro atayite ekye:
“OPI e'be ama te!
OPI ije ta amaro te.”
15 Ta'dota OPI ka tadrioza ekye:
“Inye'do toko aza ijena ta ŋgwa anyaro ro se ba si 'do ndi
ago orina ndi ŋgwa se anya kutibe ono luako ya?
Aba ondro ka'do toko aza kije ta ŋgwa anyaro ro gica,
märi ta amiro ijene i'do alona.
16 Yerusalema, megyi ävuru miro te drî kätäti maro ya!
Märi ta tiṛi miro ro ijene i'do alona.

17 “Ànya se kayi oyebe ogo mi obene iyi kayite oye ikyine,
ago ànya se kepereyi mibe iyi oyinayi 'da.
18 Mindrevo gbikyi ago mindre tase ono!
Lidri miro kayite kalaombi, ànya kayite ego 'bäru!
Oso mabe endaro Lu lidriidriro yi ono ronye,
nya'dona 'da driuŋgyi be ta lidri miro rota,
oso toko to'di kabe driuŋgyi ta 'bela anyaro rota ronye.

19 “'Bädri miro epere ca ago ka'do ca tandroro ago rri awi,
oko yauono ka oye a'done pari giṛiŋwa
ànya se kayibe ikyi orine lau kai ri.
Ago ànya se kepereyi mi be tandroro kai
anana 'da lozo ni mi yasi.
20 Lidri miro se ätibe tuse ami tusu ro iyi si,
tu alodi aza si oko atanayi 'da miri ekye:
‘Wari ono orivoya pari tegiṛiŋwa ämäri,
màlena vo drigba amba oriza kigye!’
21 'Dooko nyatana 'da andivo miro ri mikye:
‘A'di ti ŋgàga cini kwoi ni märi ya?
Mate tusu ro ago ŋgaga aza ako,
äru mate midiro ago oyite sina lozo,
oko a'di eca ŋgàga kwoi niya?
E'be mate iṛe,
oko ŋgàga kwoi ikyiyi ni eŋwaroya?’ ”

22 OPI Mbarapara ka ata lidri ndaro ri ekye:
“Meŋgana drì 'da kuru, ago maka'dana taka'daro 'da tu'dei ri,
ago ànya ezinayi ŋgàgaago miro ndi ndiriŋwa miro be 'da 'bäru.
23 'Bädri'bai a'donayi 'da oso täpii ronye ämiri;
'ditoko 'bädri'bai ro a'donayi 'da oso endrei ronye.
Ànya ändinayi 'da vuru ami kandra ago oronayi ami 'da;
ànya ka'danayi taoro ànyaro 'da ämiri rulogo si vuru.
'Dooko minina 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo;
'dise kabe ŋgaopa maro kwotena 'do unina ko a'done tusuro.”

24 Inye'do miruna ŋgase kyila'bai kotopabe ndi ya?
Inye'do mipana kamba'bai se siomba'bai kurube ndi ya?

25 OPI ka talogo ekye:
“Äruna kamba'bai se kyila'bai kurube iyi 'da,
ago apana ŋgase siomba'bai kotopabe iyi 'da.
Mayena kyila 'da ànya se kayibe kyila oye ami yibe iyi be,
ago mapana ŋgàga amiro 'da.
26 Ma'bana ànya se kayibe ami eza iyi 'da ànya tufune iyivoya;
ànya a'donayi 'da parapara ro ni 'ditufu ri oso ni vino ri ronye.
'Dooko lidri cini uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI,
se kopa ami be ago konji ami be dritai ro ono owo,
Lu Mbaraekye Yisaraele ro owo.”
The Work of the Lord's Servant
1 Everyone, listen,
even you foreign nations
across the sea.
The Lord chose me
and gave me a name
before I was born.
2 He made my words pierce
like a sharp sword
or a pointed arrow;
he kept me safely hidden
in the palm of his hand.
3 The Lord said to me,
“Israel, you are my servant;
and because of you
I will be highly honored.”

4 I said to myself,
“I'm completely worn out;
my time has been wasted.
But I did it for the Lord God,
and he will reward me.”

5 Even before I was born,
the Lord God chose me
to serve him and to lead back
the people of Israel.
So the Lord has honored me
and made me strong.

6 Now the Lord says to me,
“It isn't enough for you
to be merely my servant.
You must do more than lead back
survivors from the tribes
of Israel.
I have placed you here as a light
for other nations;
you must take my saving power
to everyone on earth.”
The Lord Will Rescue His People
7 Israel, I am the holy Lord God,
the one who rescues you.
You are slaves of rulers
and of a nation
who despises you.
Now this is what I promise:
Kings and rulers will honor you
by kneeling at your feet.
You can trust me! I am your Lord,
the holy God of Israel,
and you are my chosen ones.
The Lord Will Lead His People Home
8 This is what the Lord says:
I will answer your prayers
because I have set a time
when I will help
by coming to save you.
I have chosen you
to take my promise of hope
to other nations.
You will rebuild the country
from its ruins,
then people will come
and settle there.
9 You will set prisoners free
from dark dungeons
to see the light of day.

On their way home,
they will find plenty to eat,
even on barren hills.
10 They won't go hungry
or get thirsty;
they won't be bothered
by the scorching sun
or hot desert winds.
I will be merciful
while leading them along
to streams of water.
11 I will level the mountains
and make roads.
12 Then my people will return
from distant lands
in the north and the west
and from the city of Syene.
The Lord's Mercy
13 Tell the heavens and the earth
to celebrate and sing;
command every mountain
to join in the song.
The Lord's people have suffered,
but he has shown mercy
and given them comfort.

14 The people of Zion said,
“The Lord has turned away
and forgotten us.”

15 The Lord answered,
“Could a mother forget a child
who nurses at her breast?
Could she fail to love an infant
who came from her own body?
Even if a mother could forget,
I will never forget you.
16 A picture of your city
is drawn on my hand.
You are always in my thoughts!

17 “Your city will be built faster
than it was destroyed
those who attacked it
will retreat and leave.
18 Look around! You will see
your people coming home.
As surely as I live,
I, the Lord, promise
that your city with its people
will be as lovely as a bride
wearing her jewelry.”
Jerusalem's Bright Future
19 Jerusalem is now in ruins!
Nothing is left of the city.
But it will be rebuilt
and soon overcrowded;
its cruel enemies
will be gone far away.

20 Jerusalem is a woman
whose children were born
while she was in deep sorrow
over the loss of her husband.
Now those children
will come and seek room
in the crowded city,
21 and Jerusalem will ask,
“Am I really their mother?
How could I have given birth
when I was still mourning
in a foreign land?
Who raised these children?
Where have they come from?”

22 The Lord God says:
“I will soon give a signal
for the nations
to return your sons
and your daughters
to the arms of Jerusalem.
23 The kings and queens
of those nations
where they were raised
will come and bow down.
They will take care of you
just like a slave
taking care of a child.
Then you will know
that I am the Lord.
You won't be disappointed
if you trust me.”
The Lord Is on Our Side
24 Is it possible to rescue victims
from someone strong
and cruel?
25 But the Lord has promised
to fight on our side
and to rescue our children
from those strong
and violent enemies.
26 He will make those cruel people
dine on their own flesh
and get drunk from drinking
their own blood.
Then everyone will know
that the Lord is our Savior;
the powerful God of Israel
has rescued his people.