Lu Äṛu Yakoba te Betele ya
1 Lu atate Yakoba ri ekye: “Miŋga nyoyi dori Betele ya ago miri lau. Mibe vo tori oloro märi, ma Lu se koloforube miri 'dooko se nyabe ugu umu ni ädrupi miro Esau risi ana.”
2 Ta'dota Yakoba atate 'di katidri ndaro ya ndi 'dise cini nda be ana ri ekye: “Mìna lui se cini atrai ro ono ni ami lakosi, ago nyä̀wäṛi andivo amiro, ago mìso boŋgoi wäṛiro amiro. 3 Mì'de màŋga mòyi robe Betele ya, tana mabe vo tori oloro robe Lu se kopa ma be tu rriti maro rosi ono ri, se a'do kpate tro mabe vose cini maba be kigyesi ya.” 4 Ta'dota ànya ozoyi lui se cini atrai ro ànya ka'dobe sina ana te Yakoba ri, ndi iŋgyi se cini bi ànyaro yasi iyi be, Yakoba se ànya te ce 'desi vudi ro se orivoya loto Sekeme ya ana zele.
5 Ondro Yakoba ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be kayite ugu oyi oko, turi 'desi Lu ro so lidri 'bakicii se gbikyi ànya lomvosi ana rote, ago ànya soyi kote ànya vo. 6 Yakoba ndi lidri se cini nda be ana yibe sayite Luza ya, (se ni Betele) se orivoya 'bädri Kanana roya. 7 Ago nda be vo tori oloro te lau, ago zi ävuru vo ana rote Lu Betele ro, tana Lu ka'darute ndäri lau, 'dooko se nda kabe ugu umu ni ädrupi ndaro risi ana. 8 Debora lekye'ba Rebeka ro drate lau, ago ase anya te vudi 'desi zele ogone ŋgäṛiŋwa Betele roya. Ago äzi ävuru vo ana rote Vudi Liyi ro.
9 Ondro Yakoba kego teni Mesopotamia yasi oko, Lu loforute ndäri kpa to'di, ago äṛu nda te. 10 Ago Lu atate ndäri ekye: “Ävuru miro ni Yakoba, oko etoni yauono oyigwo mileya ro äzina mi kote Yakoba oko Yisaraele.” Ta'dota Lu zi ävuru ndaro te Yisaraele. 11 Ago Lu atate ndäri ekye: “Ma ni Lu Mbarapara owo; nyiliti nyalakpa; tu'dei amba efona 'da ni miyasi, ago nya'dona zutu 'bädri'bai ro. 12 Ago mozona 'bädri se mozobe Abarayama ndi Yisika be ri ndi miri, ago mozona ndi zelevoi miro ri mivo si.” 13 'Dooko Lu oyite ni nda resi. 14 Ago Yakoba edre kuni taoyiro te vose Lu katabe nda be kigye ana ya lau, ndi nda äṛute vino ndi ido ice ido robe odana si driigye. 15 Ndi nda zi ävuru vose ana rote Betele.
Odra Raele ro
16 Yakoba ndi katidri ndaro yibe oyiyite ni Betele yasi, ago ondro ànya drigba lozo ni Eferata lomvosi oko; ŋgwa Raele ro 'be ta te utine, ago anya usute rritiro amba, 17 ondro anya kondrete uti anyaro te rritiro oko, toko se ŋgwa uru ro ana atate ekye: “Nyuturi ko Raele, tana nya kpate ŋgwa agoro aza uti.” 18 Oko anjioko anya ka odra te odra, ondro anya kate lawa ädu lawa oko, anya zi ävuru ndaro te Benoni: oko täpi ndaro zi ävuru ndaro te Benjamina.
19 Ondro Raele kodrate oko, ase anya te liti biṛi ya liti se kabe ukyi Eferata ya ana ya, se ni Beteleme. 20 Yakoba edre kuni te taoyiro ro lau 'budri anyaro dri; se dri gi orivoya 'budri Raele ro dri lau madale tu ondro ono si. 21 Ago Yakoba oyite ni nasi ndi 'ba gawa iro te ndra le zowiṛa Edera ro kundusi.
Ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro
(1 Ambâ 2:1-2)
22 Ondro Yakoba korite lau 'bädri ana ya oko, Rubena cite ago u'dute Bila toko ogyeako aza täpi ndaro robe; ago Yakoba eri tana te.
Yauono ŋgwàagoro Yakoba rote 'butealo foritu. 23 Ŋgwàagoro Lea ro ni Rubena (ŋgwa kayo Yakoba ro) Simeona, Lewe, Yuda, Yisakara ndi Zebuluna be. 24 Ŋgwàagoro Raele ro ni: Yosepa ndi Benjamina be. 25 Ŋgwàagoro Bila ruindu'ba Raele ro ni: Dana ndi Nafatali be. 26 Ŋgwàagoro Zilepa ruindu'ba Lea ro ro ni: Gada ndi Asera be. Kwoi ni ŋgwàagoro Yakoba ro se ätibe ndäri Mesopotamia ya owo.
Odra Yisika ro
27 Yakoba oyite täpi ndaro Yisika re Mamere ya, loto Eberona lomvo, vose Abarayama ndi Yisika be koriyibe kigye ana. 28 Yisika rite ndroa kama alo 'butenjidriena (180). 29 Ago drate le agoambago ro ndroa be amba ago ŋgwàagoro ndaro Esau ndi Yakoba be seyi nda te.
Jacob Returns to Bethel
1 God told Jacob, “Return to Bethel, where I appeared to you when you were running from your brother Esau. Make your home there and build an altar for me.”
2 Jacob said to his family and to everyone else who was traveling with him:
Get rid of your foreign gods! Then make yourselves acceptable to worship God and put on clean clothes. 3 Afterwards, we'll go to Bethel. I will build an altar there for God, who answered my prayers when I was in trouble and who has always been at my side.
4 So everyone gave Jacob their idols and their earrings, and he buried them under the oak tree near Shechem.
5 While Jacob and his family were traveling through Canaan, God terrified the people in the towns so much that no one dared bother them. 6 Finally, they reached Bethel, also known as Luz. 7 Jacob built an altar there and called it “God of Bethel,” because that was the place where God had appeared to him when he was running from Esau. 8 While they were there, Rebekah's personal servant Deborah died. They buried her under an oak tree and called it “Weeping Oak.”
God Blesses Jacob at Bethel
9-11 After Jacob came back to the land of Canaan, God appeared to him again. This time he gave Jacob a new name and blessed him by saying:
I am God All-Powerful, and from now on your name will be Israel instead of Jacob. You will have many children. Your descendants will become nations, and some of the men in your family will even be kings. 12 I will give you the land that I promised Abraham and Isaac, and it will belong to your family forever.
13 After God had gone, 14 Jacob set up a large rock, so that he would remember what had happened there. Then he poured wine and olive oil on the rock to show that it was dedicated to God, 15 and he named the place Bethel.
Benjamin Is Born
16 Jacob and his family had left Bethel and were still a long way from Ephrath, when the time came for Rachel's baby to be born. 17 She was having a rough time, but the woman who was helping her said, “Don't worry! It's a boy.” 18 Rachel was at the point of death, and right before dying, she said, “I'll name him Benoni.” But Jacob called him Benjamin.
19 Rachel was buried beside the road to Ephrath, which is also called Bethlehem. 20 Jacob set up a tombstone over her grave, and it is still there. 21 Jacob, also known as Israel, traveled to the south of Eder Tower, where he set up camp.
22 During their time there, Jacob's oldest son Reuben slept with Bilhah, who was one of Jacob's other wives. And Jacob found out about it.
Jacob's Twelve Sons
23-26 Jacob had twelve sons while living in northern Syria. His first-born Reuben was the son of Leah, who later gave birth to Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Leah's servant Zilpah had two sons: Gad and Asher.
Jacob and his wife Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel's servant woman Bilhah had two more sons: Dan and Naphtali.
Isaac Dies
27 Jacob went to his father Isaac at Hebron, also called Mamre or Kiriath-Arba, where Isaac's father Abraham had lived as a foreigner. 28-29 Isaac died at the ripe old age of 180, then his sons Esau and Jacob buried him.