Zelevoi Yuda ro
1 Yakoba orivoya ŋgwàagoro be 'butealo foritu: ni Rubena, Simeona, Lewe, Yuda, Yisakara, Zebuluna, 2 Dana, Yosepa, Benjamina, Nafatali, Gada ndi Asera be.
3 Ŋgwàagoro Yuda ro orivoya nji. Toko ndaro se Kanana'ba ro Batesuwa ana ti ŋgwàagoro nätu ndäri, ni Era, Onana ndi Sela be. Ŋgwa kayo ro ndaro Era a'dote pari koziro ta'dota Opi fu nda te. 4 Yuda ti ŋgwàagoro ritu kpate zubidri ndaro Tamara lomvo, ni Pereza ndi Zera be.
5 Pereza orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu, ni Ezerona ndi Amula be. 6 Ädrupi ndaro Zera orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nji: Ni Zimiri, Etana, Emana, Kalekola ndi Dareda be. 7 Akana ŋgwa Karemi ro, alo aza zelevoi Zera ro ro, ezi rriti te lidri Yisaraele ro dri ŋgase otopabe ago adite to Lu ri ana etana si. 8 Etana ŋgwaagoro be alodi ni Azaria.
Katidri Zutu 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ro ro
9 Ŋgwàagoro Ezerona ro orivoya nätu: ni Jeramela, Rama, ndi Kaleba be. 10 Rama ni täpi Aminadaba ro, Aminadaba ni täpi Nasona ro, se ni 'desi 'bakala Yuda ro ro. 11 Nasona ni täpi Salemona ro, Salemona ni täpi Boaza ro, 12 Boaza ni täpi Obeda ro, Obeda ni täpi Yisai ro, 13 Yisai orivoya ŋgwàagoro be njidrieri. Araba a'do utiro voro orivoya oso nonye: Eliaba, Abinadaba, sama, 14 Netaniela, Radai, 15 Ozema ndi Dawidi be. 16 Nda kpa ndiriŋwa be ritu, Zeruya ndi Abigaila be. Ŋguti Yisai ro Zeruya orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Abisai, Yoaba ndi Asaele be. 17 Jetera, ni zelevo Isamaele ro yasi gye ŋguti ndaro aza Abigaila ni, anya ŋgwaagoro alodi be äzi Amasa.
Zelevoi Ezerona ro
18 Kaleba ŋgwa Ezerona ro ti Jeriota te toko ndaro Azuba lomvo, anya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Jesera, Sobaba ndi Aredona be. 19 Ondro Azuba kodrate oko, Kaleba gye Eferata te, se ti ŋgwaagoro alodi te ndäri äzi Ura. 20 Ŋgwa Ura ro ni Uri, ago kwozo ndaro ni Bezalela.
21 Ondro ndroa Ezerona ro te 'bute njidrialo oko, nda gye ŋguti Makira ro, endreŋwa Gilada ro te, ànya ti ŋgwaagoro te alodi äzi Seguba, 22 ago Seguba ŋgwaagoro be alodi ävuruna Jaira. Jaira miri 'bakicii 'buteritu fonätu te wari Gilada roya. 23 Oko 'bädri Gesura ndi Arama be ro ruyi 'ba'desii 'butenjidrialo te ni lau, ndi 'baŋwai Jaira ndi Kenata be be, ndi 'ba'desii se loto lomvoigyesi yibe. Lidri se cini koriyibe lau kai ni zelevoi Makira, täpi Gilada ro ro owo. 24 Odra Ezerona ro vosi oko, Kaleba cite Eferata toko täpi ndaro ro se te ävuzi ro ana dri. Anya ti ŋgwaagoro alodi te ävuruna Asura, se ni täpi Tekoa ro.
Zelevoi Jeramela ro
25 Jeramela ŋgwa kayo ro Ezerona ro orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nji: Rama ni ŋgwa kayo ro yi, 'dooko Buna, Orena, Ozema ndi Aija be. 26 Jeramela kpa toko aza be ävuruna Atara, anya ti ŋgwaagoro alodi äzite Onama. 27 Rama orivoya ŋgwàagoro be nätu: ni Maza, Jamina ndi Ekera be. 28 Onama orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu: ni Samai ndi Jada be, ago Samai kpa ŋgwàagoro be ritu, ni Nadaba ndi Abisura be. 29 Ävuru toko Abisura ro ro ni Abihaila, anya ti ŋgwàagoro te ritu, ni Abana ndi Molida be. 30 Ädrupi Abisura ro Nadaba orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu, ni Seleda ndi Apaima be, oko Seleda drate teinye ŋgwàago ro ako. 31 Ŋgwa Apaima ro ni Isi, ŋgwa Isi ro ni Sesana, ago ŋgwa Sesana ro ni Alai.
32 Jada, ädrupi Samai ro orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu, ni Jetera ndi Jonatana be, ojo Jetera drate teinye ŋgwàago ro ako. 33 Jonatana orivoya ŋgwàagoro be ritu, Peleta ndi Zaza be. Se cini kwoi ni zelevoi Jeramela ro owo. 34 Sesana teinye ŋgwàagoro ako, toto ndiriŋwa ayani; nda orivoya ruindu'ba Ezipeto'ba ro be ävuruna Jara, 35 Sesena ozo ŋguti ndaro aza ogyene Jara se ruindu'ba ndaro ana ri; anya ti ŋgwaagoro te ndäri ävuruna Atai. 36 Atai ni täpi Natana ro, Natana ni täpi Zabada ro. 37 Zabada ni täpi Efelala ro, Efelala ni täpi Obeda ro, 38 Obeda ni täpi Jehu ro, Jehu ni täpi Azaria ro, 39 Azaria ni täpi Eleza ro, Eleza ni täpi Eleasa ro, 40 Eleasa ni täpi Sisemai ro, Sisemai ni täpi Saluma ro, 41 Saluma ni täpi Jekamia ro, ago Jekamia ni täpi Elisama ro.
Zelevoi Kaleba ro azaka
42 Ŋgwa kayo ro Kaleba ro, ädrupi Jeramela ro, äzi ävuruna Mesa. Mesa ni täpi Zifa ro, Zifa ni täpi Maresa ro, Maresa ni täpi Eberona ro. 43 Eberona orivoya ŋgwàagoro be su: ni Kora, Tapua, Rekema, ndi Sema be. 44 Sema ni täpi Rahama ro ago ti'bi Jorekeama ro. Ädrupi Sema ro Rekema, ni täpi Samai ro, 45 Samai ni täpi Maona ro, Maona ni täpi Betezura ro.
46 Kaleba orivoya toko ogyeako aza be ävuruna Efa, nda ti ŋgwàagoro te lomvoigye nätu: ni Arama, Moza ndi Gazeza be. Arama kpa ŋgwaagoro alodi be ävuruna Gazeza. 47 Mano aza ävuruna Jadai orivoya ŋgwàgoro be njidrialo: ni Regema, Yotama, Gesana, Peleta, Efa ndi Safa be. 48 Kaleba kpa toko ogyeako aza be ävuruna Maka, se ti ŋgwàagoro te ritu ndäri: ni Sebera ndi Tirana be. 49 Kovolesi anya go ti ŋgwàagoro azaka kpate ni Safa täpi Mademana ro, ago Seva ni täpi Makebena ndi Gibea be ro.
Ago Kaleba kpa ŋguti aza be ävuruna Akasa. 50 Kwoi kpa ni zelevoi Kaleba ro owo.
Ŋgwa kayo ro Kaleba ro toko ndaro Eferata lomvo ni Hura. Ŋgwa Hura ro Sobala ni täpi Kiriyata Jearima ro, 51 ŋgwa ṛiri ndaro ni Salema täpi Beteleme ro, ago ŋgwa nina ndaro ni Arefa täpi Betegadera ro. 52 Sobala täpi Kiriyata Jearima ro ni zutu lidri Aroe ro ro, telesi lidri Memuata ro ro, 53 ago käläsikalai se koriyibe Kiriyata Jearima ya ni Itera'bai, Puta'bai, Suma 'bai, ndi Misera'bai be. (Lidri 'bakici Zora ndi Esetaola be ro efo ni käläsikalai kwoi yasi.) 54 Salema täpi Beteleme ro ni zutu lidri Netofata, Atrota, Beta Yoaba, ndi Zora'bai be ro, se ni alo aza käläsikalai ritu se Manahata ya ana ro. 55 Käläsikalai se tauni taegyiro be koriyibe 'ba'desi Jabeza ya: ni Tira'bai, Simeata'bai ndi Sukata'bai be. Ànya ni Kena'bai se kogyeruyibe Reka'bai be owo.
The Descendants of Judah
1-2 Jacob was the father of twelve sons: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Dan, Joseph, Benjamin, Naphtali, Gad, and Asher.
3 Judah and his Canaanite wife Bathshua had three sons: Er, Onan, and Shelah. But the Lord had Er put to death, because he disobeyed and did what the Lord hated. 4 Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar also had two sons: Perez and Zerah.
5 Perez was the father of Hezron and Hamul. 6 Zerah was the father of Zimri, Ethan, Heman, Calcol, and Darda. 7 Achan, who was a descendant of Zerah and the son of Carmi, caused trouble for Israel, because he kept for himself things that belonged only to the Lord. 8 Ethan's son was Azariah.
The Ancestors of King David
9 Hezron was the father of Jerahmeel, Ram, and Caleb. 10 Ram was the father of Amminadab and the grandfather of Nahshon, a tribal leader of Judah. 11 Nahshon's descendants included Salma, Boaz, 12 Obed, and Jesse. 13-15 Jesse had seven sons, who were born in the following order: Eliab, Abinadab, Shimea, Nethanel, Raddai, Ozem, and David. 16 Jesse also had two daughters: Zeruiah and Abigail. Zeruiah was the mother of Abishai, Joab, and Asahel. 17 Abigail's husband was Jether, who was a descendant of Ishmael, and their son was Amasa.
The Descendants of Hezron
18 Hezron's son Caleb married Azubah, and their daughter was Jerioth, the mother of Jesher, Shobab, and Ardon. 19 After the death of Azubah, Caleb married Ephrath. Their son Hur 20 was the father of Uri and the grandfather of Bezalel.
21 When Hezron was 60 years old, he married the daughter of Machir, who settled the region of Gilead. Their son Segub 22 was the father of Jair, who ruled 23 villages in the region of Gilead. 23 Some time later the nations of Geshur and Aram captured 60 towns in that region, including the villages that belonged to Jair, as well as the town of Kenath and the nearby villages. Everyone from the region of Gilead was a descendant of Machir.
24 After the death of Hezron, Caleb married Ephrath, his father's wife. Their son was Ashhur, who later settled the town of Tekoa.
The Descendants of Jerahmeel
25 Jerahmeel, Hezron's oldest son, was the father of Ram, Bunah, Oren, Ozem, and Ahijah. 26 Jerahmeel had a second wife, Atarah, who gave birth to Onam. 27 Ram was the father of Maaz, Jamin, and Eker. 28 Onam was the father of Shammai and Jada.
Shammai was the father of Nadab and Abishur. 29 Abishur married Abihail, and their two sons were Ahban and Molid. 30 Nadab was the father of Seled and Appaim. Seled had no children; 31 Appaim's son was Ishi, the father of Sheshan and the grandfather of Ahlai.
32 Jada was the father of Jether and Jonathan. Jether had no children, 33 but Jonathan had two sons: Peleth and Zaza.
34-35 Sheshan had no sons, and so he let one of his daughters marry Jarha, his Egyptian slave. Their son was Attai, 36 the father of Nathan and the grandfather of Zabad. 37-41 Zabad's descendants included Ephlal, Obed, Jehu, Azariah, Helez, Eleasah, Sismai, Shallum, Jekamiah, and Elishama.
The Descendants of Caleb
42 Caleb, Jerahmeel's brother, had the following descendants: Mesha, Ziph, Mareshah, Hebron, 43 and Hebron's four sons, Korah, Tappuah, Rekem, and Shema. 44 Shema was the father of Raham and the grandfather of Jorkeam. Rekem was the father of Shammai, 45 the grandfather of Maon, and the great-grandfather of Bethzur.
46 Ephah was one of Caleb's wives, and their sons were Haran, Moza, and Gazez. Haran named his son after his brother Gazez. 47 Ephah was the daughter of Jahdai, who was also the father of Regem, Jotham, Geshan, Pelet, and Shaaph.
48 Maacah was another of Caleb's wives, and their sons were Sheber and Tirhanah. 49 Later, they had two more sons: Shaaph the father of Madmannah, and Sheva the father of Machbenah and Gibea. Caleb's daughter was Achsah. 50-51 All of these were Caleb's descendants.
Hur, the oldest son of Caleb and Ephrath, had three sons: Shobal, Salma, and Hareph, who settled the town of Beth-Gader. 52 Shobal, who settled the town of Kiriath-Jearim, was the ancestor of Haroeh, half of the Menuhoth clan, 53 and the clans that lived near Kiriath-Jearim; they were the Ithrites, the Puthites, the Shumathites, and the Mishraites. The Zorathites and the Eshtaolites were descendants of the Mishraites.
54 Salma settled the town of Bethlehem and was the ancestor of the Netophathites, the people of Atroth-Bethjoab, half of the Manahathite clan, and the Zorites. 55 Salma was also the ancestor of the clans in Jabez that kept the court and government records; they were the Tirathites, the Shimeathites, and the Sucathites. These clans were the descendants of Hammath the Kenite, who was also the ancestor of the Rechabites.