Nebi Ka a'do Oso 'Dise Vomidiro ya ronye
1 OPI atate ma Ezekiele ri ekye: 2 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, nya ori ono lidri se ogbo'bai ro ono lako. Ànya gi orivoya mi be, caoko ànya ndreyi vo ko; ànya gi orivoya bi be, caoko ànya eriyi ta aza ko, tana ànya orivoya ogbo'bai.
3 “Ka'do inye, ŋgwa lidri ro, nyembe lakazà miro oso 'dise kabe oyi vomidiro ya 'do ronye, ago nyeto oyi kitu si mile lidri ro yasi. Mi'ba 'dicini kondre mi ofovoya ago oyivoya vo aza ya oso 'dise kabe oyi vomidiro ya ronye. Azaya ondro ànya kondreyi mi te oko ànya kuniyi tana robe, ànya ka'doyi gica ogbo'bai ro owo. 4 Nyoto lakazà miro oyiro vomidiro ya, kitu si mile ànyaro yasi ago miri oyine tandrole si mile ànyaro yasi osoago nyate oyi vomidiro ya. 5 Ondro ànya kayite mi ondre oko, miṛo vouŋbo tiṛi zo miro ro yasi ago nyolofo lakazà miro se nyembe be 'do loto kigyesi. 6 Mi'ba ànya kondreyi mi lakazà miro uŋgyivoya depere miro dri ago oyivoya tesi vouni ya. Nyatako mi miro, ukyi mindre wari 'da; tana ma'ba mi te taka'daro ro Yisaraele'bai ri.”
7 'Dooko maye ta te oso OPI kozo otana be ronye. Membe lakazà te oso 'dise kabe oyi vomidiro ya 'do ronye kitu si, ago tandrole ana si oko, maṛo vouŋbo te äbi tiṛi yasi drì maro si. Mäŋgyi lakazà maro te depere maro dri ago moyite mile lidri ro yasi ŋgäkyi si.
8 Kyenonosi oko OPI atate märi ekye. 9 Nda ekye: “Ŋgwa lidri ro, ondro Yisaraele'bai se ogbo'bai ro kwoi kàyite mi eji ekye: ‘Nya 'do e'di oye ya?’ 10 Oko nyata ànyari mikye: ‘OPI Mbarapara, ka atani ekye, lazo ono ta 'bädri'ba se kabe Yerusalema miri ana rota ndi lidri cini Yisaraele ro se koriyibe lau kai be rote.’ 11 Nyitita ànyari mikye, ‘tase ma'dobe oyevona ya ana orivoya taka'daro yi ta tase ka oyebe a'done ämiri rota. Nyà oye te oyine vomidiro ya kamba'bai ro. 12 'Bädri'ba se kabe ànya miri 'do uŋgyina lakazà ndaro 'da depere ndaro dri ŋgäkyi si ago ofona 'da vouŋbo tiṛi ro se ànya kogayibe ndäri ana yasi. Nda takona mi ndaro 'da ukyi ndana ondre wari 'da. 13 Oko mayina kyimba maro 'da ago nda o'dena 'da kigye. 'Dooko muguna nda 'da 'bakici Babelona roya, se nda odrana 'da lau teinye ondreakona. 14 Meperena 'di goko ndaro ya ago tavoata'bai ndaro ndi kyila'bai ndaro be 'da vo cini yasi, ago lidri uṛina ànya 'da ànya tufune.’
15 “Ondro mepere ànya te tu'dei azaka lakosi ago 'bädri atrai ro yasi oko, ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo. 16 Ma'bana fere ànyaro 'da voopane ni kyila yasi, ni mä'bu ri, ago ni adravo kozi ri, tana ànya kuniyi taoye konjiekye ànyaro robe tu'dei lako lau ago kuniyi robe anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Taka'daro Nebi se Lä'bilä'biro ana ro
17 OPI atate ekye: 18 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, ondro nyate ŋgaonya oko nyälä'bi, ago ondro nyate gyi umvu oko nyälä'bi ago nyuturi. 19 Nyitita lidri wari ana ya ri mikye ono OPI Mbarapara ka atani ta lidri Yerusalema ro se kayi dri gi ugu ori wari Yisaraele roya rota. Ànya onyanayi ŋga 'da turi si ago umvunayi gyi 'da lä'bilä'bi ro tana e'bena wari ànyaro 'da awi ta siomba ro se 'dicini se kayibe ori lau koyeyibe rota. 20 Eperena 'bakicii se cini yauono lidri orivoya twi kigye iyi 'da, ago a'bana 'bädri ana 'da a'done vocowa ro. 'Dooko ànya uninayi 'da anjioko ma ni OPI owo.”
Taoni se Likuekye ago Lazo se Likuako
21 OPI atate märi ekye! 22 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, tana e'di lidri Yisaraele ro kayi taoni ono tana atana gwo ekye; ‘tu lävu gwo, ago taäŋgu a'do gwo ŋga awi ro niya?’ 23 Ka'do inye nyiti tase ma, OPI Mbarapara, ma'dobe sina atane tana ro ono ànyari. Ma'bana taoni ono 'da okyene ago änina kote ogone delene Yisaraele ya tona. Nyiti ta ànyari mikye: Tu esate, ago taäŋgu kate a'do taŋgyero!
24 “Rulofoi se kowero ago taäŋgui se 'di odo ro iyi unina kote a'done lidri Yisaraele ro lako lau. 25 Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matana 'da ànyari, ago tase mabe atana 'do ayena 'da. Unina kote orine madaro, oko tu amiro si, ami ogbo'bai ono matana 'da ago mayena tase mabe atana 'do ndi. Ma, OPI Mbarapara, matani inye.”
26 OPI go ata kpate märi ekye: 27 “Ŋgwa lidri ro, Yisaraele'bai kusuyi iro be ekye rulofo miro tuna drigba ago taäŋgu miro tuna drigba lozo mileya. 28 Ta'doro nyata ànyari mikye ma, OPI Mbarapara mani ata makye: Ata maro azana ri leyene te i'do, oko tase matabe ono ayena ndi. Ma, OPI Mbarapara matani.”
Ezekiel Acts Out Israel's Captivity
1 The Lord said:
2 Ezekiel, son of man, you are living among rebellious people. They have eyes, but refuse to see; they have ears, but refuse to listen. 3 So before it gets dark, here is what I want you to do. Pack a few things as though you were going to be taken away as a prisoner. Then go outside where everyone can see you and walk around from place to place. Maybe as they watch, they will realize what rebels they are. 4 After you have done this, return to your house.
Later that evening leave your house as if you were going into exile. 5 Dig through the wall of your house and crawl out, carrying the bag with you. Make sure everyone is watching. 6 Lift the bag to your shoulders, and with your face covered, take it into the darkness, so that you cannot see the land you are leaving. All this will be a warning for the people of Israel.
7 I did everything the Lord had said. I packed a few things. Then as the sun was going down, and while everyone was watching, I dug a hole through one of the walls of my house. I pulled out my bag, then lifted it to my shoulders and left in the darkness.
8 The next morning, the Lord 9 reminded me that those rebellious people didn't even ask what I was doing. 10 So he sent me back to tell them:
The Lord God has a message for the leader of Jerusalem and everyone living there!
11 I have done these things to show them what will happen when they are taken away as prisoners.
12 The leader of Jerusalem will lift his own bag to his shoulders at sunset and leave through a hole that the others have dug in the wall of his house. He will cover his face, so he can't see the land he is leaving. 13 The Lord will spread out a net and trap him as he leaves Jerusalem. He will then be led away to the city of Babylon, but will never see that place, even though he will die there. 14 His own officials and troops will scatter in every direction, and the Lord will track them down and put them to death.
15 The Lord will force the rest of the people in Jerusalem to live in foreign nations, where they will realize that he has done all these things. 16 Some of them will survive the war, the starvation, and the deadly diseases. That way, they will be able to tell foreigners how disgusting their sins were, and that it was the Lord who punished them in this way.
A Sign of Fear
17 The Lord said:
18 Ezekiel, son of man, shake with fear when you eat, and tremble when you drink. 19 Tell the people of Israel that I, the Lord, say that someday everyone in Jerusalem will shake when they eat and tremble when they drink. Their country will be destroyed and left empty, because they have been cruel and violent. 20 Every town will lie in ruins, and the land will be a barren desert. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
The Words of the Lord Will Come True
21 The Lord said:
22 Ezekiel, son of man, you've heard people in Israel use the saying, “Time passes, and prophets are proved wrong.” 23 Now tell the people that I, the Lord, am going to prove that saying wrong. No one will ever be able to use it again in Israel, because very soon everything I have said will come true! 24 The people will hear no more useless warnings and false messages. 25 I will give them my message, and what I say will certainly happen. Warn those rebels that the time has come for them to be punished. I, the Lord, make this promise.
26-27 Ezekiel, the people of Israel are also saying that your visions and messages are only about things in the future. 28 So tell them that my words will soon come true, just as I have warned. I, the Lord, have spoken.