Vo Ŋga ŋgutruro Ozaro
(Ofo 37:25-28)
1 “Nyede vo ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro ni ice weri ro yasi. 2 Ocana ri a'done nji'dinji'di 'butealo fonjidriena, ago käkpuna ri a'done nji'dinji'di 'butealo fonjidriena, gwoṛi na ri a'done cukudri be su, ogwana ri a'done nji'dinji'di 'butenätu fonjidrialo, ago lusi nai a'done ŋga aloro sina. 3 Mindru drina logo läguläguro wäṛiro si, ndi lamadrina yibe ago mi'bi lusii nai lomvo na gbikyi logo läguläguro si. 4 Nyede katiŋwa ritu läguläguro uŋgyina ro, minju miäwuäwuro lamadri ritu iyi yasi tana ànya kätiyi ice caricariro uŋgyina ro 'do robe. 5 Nyede ice caricari iyi ni ice weri ro yasi, ago mi'bi lomvo ànyaro logo läguläguro si. 6 Mi'ba vo tori oloro ono mile boŋgo se ayibe tesi Sänduku Tao'baro resi 'do roya, 'doni vose ma'bena dri 'da mibe kigye owo. 7 Arona ri ŋga ŋgutruro tägyi ndeṛindeṛiro be ozane driigye kyenoŋbo cini si, ondro nda kate lambai ede owo, 8 ago ondro Arona kate lamba leru tandrolesi oko, ndäri ŋga ŋgutruro ozane OPI kandra rriro le kovole'bai amiro ya. 9 Miza ŋga ŋgutruro undiro ko driigye, ca ŋgapäṛi ozaro ca ŋgapäṛi inya ro, ago mida ŋgapäṛi undiro vino ro ko driigye. 10 Arona ri vo tori olo ro wäṛine perena alo ndroa alo ya kari koronya se alobe ta takozi rota 'do o'ba si lusi su iyi drisi. Ta ono oyene inye ndroa cini si le kovole'bai amiro ya. Vo tori oloro ono a'done alokado para ndra ma OPI ri.”
Parata Osa ta Mutuguṛi A'do Lototi OPI ro rota
11 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 12 “Ondro nyate lidri Yisaraele ro otina oko, mano alo ri ŋga drî andivo ndaro utwero ozone märi, ukyi nyate ànya oti oko taezaro ikyi'da ànya dri. 13 'Dise atite beṛo ndäri telesi sekele ro ozone oso sekele vo alo kado ro ronye tana sekele alo orivoya gera 'buteritu telesi sekele ro ozone ŋgapäṛi ro ma Opi ri. 14 'Dise cini atite, etoni ndroa 'buteritu ya ago oyigwo mileya ro beṛo ndäri ŋgapäṛi Opi ro ozone. 15 Ŋga amba'ba ri ko ozone ndra ni telesi sekele ro drisi, ŋgaako'ba ri ca ko ozone pari, ondro ànya kayite ŋgapäṛi drî ànyaro utwero ozona owo. 16 Nyokoto parata driutwe ro ono ni lidri Yisaraele ro rigyesi, ago miye losi sina ta Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro rota, parata ono a'done drî ànyaro utwero, ago mayina ta ànya gaga ro 'da.”
Kagyi Atala ro
17 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 18 “Nyede kagyi atala ro, ndi jope na atala robe, ŋga ojaro. Mi'ba lakole Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro ro ndi vo tori oloro be ya, ago miso gyi kigye, 19 Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be ri drì ànyaro ojane sina ndi pa ànyaro be, 20 teinye ànyari oyiako Mutuguṛi a'do maro lototi ro ya kode ikyi ako lototi vo tori oloro lomvo ŋgapäṛi ŋgaonya ro ozane, be ànyari drì anyaro ojane gyi si ukyi ànya odra 'da. 21 Beṛo ànyari drì ànyaro ndi pa ànyaro be ojane, ukyi ànya odra 'da. Ono orivoya ota yi ànyari ndi zelevoi ànyaro be se ätine rriro.”
Ido 'Diäṛu ro
22 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: 23 “Miru ŋgaŋgutru ndi mure alaalaro be sekele kama nji (500), ago ce tägyi ndeṛindeṛiro ŋgala'di ro kama ritu 'butenji (250), ago käyi tägyi be kama ritu 'butenji (250), 24 kasia kama nji (500) oso sekele vo alokado ro ronye, ago ido ice ido ro ro dooŋwa na alo, 25 nyede ido dro'bedro'bero alokado 'diäṛu ro ni kigyesi tägyina ka'do ndeṛiekye. 26 Nyäṛu Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro ro sina ndi Sänduku Tao'baro be, 27 ndi tara'biza na be ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, ŋga lamba edrero ndi lakazà losi na robe, ndi vo ŋga ŋgutruro ozaro be, 28 vo tori oloro ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro ndi lakazà cini losi na robe, ago kagyi ndi jope na be, 29 midi ànya to alokado ro, tana ànya ka'do robe kpeye alokado ro; ŋga aza se kabe ànya odo ayena ndi koziro a'do alokado na rosi. 30 Nyäṛu Arona ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, ago midi ànya to alokado ro, tana ànya kinduru robe märi kohanii ro. 31 Nyata lidri Yisaraele ro ri mikye: ‘Ono ido alokado maro 'diäṛu ro tu kabe ikyi mileya 'do ya. 32 Beṛo ko odane lidri etero dri, ago ko ämiri azana edene oso 'do ronye, tana orivoya alokado, beṛo ämiri oyene alokado. 33 'Dise kede azana te oso 'do ronye ago koda te lidri se ko kohani ro dri, nda ondrene lidri maro ro te i'do alona.’ ”
Ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro
34 OPI atate Musa ri ekye: “Miru ŋga ŋgutruro kwoi, setakete, onika, galebanuma ndi kiswe tägyi ndeṛiekye be (vona cini ba ojoojoro). 35 Nyede ŋga tägyi be tasatasaro ndeṛindeṛiro ociociro täyi be wäṛiro ago alokado; 36 ago miyi rukäna 'boloto ro ago nyologyi azana mile Sänduku Tao'baro Mutuguṛi a'do lototi maro roya, miye ànya kpeye alokado ro. 37 Ko ämiri ŋga tägyi ŋgutruro edene andivo amiro ri liti alo ono yasi; oko ämiri o'bane a'done alokado ro ma Opi ri. 38 'Dise aza kede ŋga ŋgutruro te oso inye beṛo 'dina 'do onane tesi ni lidri maro lako.”
The Altar for Burning Incense
(Exodus 37.25-28)
The Lord said to Moses:
1 Build an altar of acacia wood where you can burn incense. 2 Make it 45 centimeters square and 90 centimeters high, and make each of its four corners stick up like the horn of a bull. 3 Cover it with pure gold and put a gold edging around it. 4 Then below the edging on opposite sides attach two gold rings through which you can put the poles for carrying the altar. 5 These poles are also to be made of acacia wood covered with gold.
6 Put the altar in front of the inside curtain of the sacred tent. The chest with the place of mercy is kept behind that curtain, and I will talk with you there. 7-8 From now on, when Aaron takes care of the lamps each morning and evening, he must burn sweet-smelling incense to me on the altar. 9 Burn only the proper incense on the altar and never use it for grain sacrifices or animal sacrifices or drink offerings. 10 Once a year Aaron must purify the altar by smearing on its four corners the blood of an animal sacrificed for sin, and this practice must always be followed. The altar is sacred because it is dedicated to me.
The Money for the Sacred Tent
11 The Lord said to Moses:
12 Find out how many grown men there are in Israel and require each of them to pay me to keep him safe from danger while you are counting them. 13-15 Each man over 19, whether rich or poor, must pay me the same amount of money, weighed according to the official standards. 16 This money is to be used for the upkeep of the sacred tent, and because of it, I will never forget my people.
The Large Bronze Bowl
(Exodus 38.8)
17 The Lord said to Moses:
18-21 Make a large bronze bowl and a bronze stand for it. Then put them between the altar for sacrifice and the sacred tent, so the priests can wash their hands and feet before entering the tent or offering a sacrifice on the altar. Each priest in every generation must wash himself in this way, or else he will die right there.
The Oil for Dedication and Ordination
(Exodus 37.29)
22 The Lord said to Moses:
23-25 Mix four liters of olive oil with the following costly spices: six kilograms of myrrh, three kilograms of cinnamon, three kilograms of cane, and six kilograms of cassia. Measure these according to the official standards. Then use this sacred mixture 26 for dedicating the tent and chest, 27 the table with its equipment, the lampstand with its equipment, the incense altar with all its utensils, 28 the altar for sacrifices, and the large bowl with its stand. 29 By dedicating them in this way, you will make them so holy that anyone who even touches them will become holy.
30 When you ordain Aaron and his sons as my priests, sprinkle them with some of this oil, 31 and say to the people of Israel: “This oil must always be used in the ordination service of a priest. It is holy because it is dedicated to the Lord. 32 So treat it as holy! Don't ever use it for everyday purposes or mix any for yourselves. 33 If you do, you will no longer belong to the Lord's people.”
The Sweet-Smelling Incense
34-35 Mix equal amounts of the costly spices stacte, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense, then add salt to make the mixture pure and holy. 36 Pound some of it into powder and sprinkle it in front of the sacred chest, where I meet with you. Be sure to treat this incense as something very holy. 37 It is truly holy because it is dedicated to me, so don't ever make any for yourselves. 38 If you ever make any of it to use as perfume, you will no longer belong to my people.