Lävu Odra ro
1 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri wari Ezipeto roya ekye: 2 “Imba ono a'dona imba käti ndroa ro ro ämiri. 3 Nyàta lowa cini Yisaraele ro ri anjioko u'du 'bute imba ono rosi, mano alo ri timelegogo urune ta katidri ndaro rota. 4 Ago ondro oti lidri katidri ndaro roya ka'do te fere timelegogo alo onyane cu, 'dooko nda ndi oriazi se lototi zo ndaro re ri timelegogo 'do onyane voaloyasi a'do oti lidri nai ro voro. 5 Miri timelegogo kode indri onjine ayani, se ndroa na be orivoya alodi 'do, ago a'done rigye teinye mämbiako. 6 Ago tandrole u'du 'butealo fosu imba ono rosi oko, lowa cini Yisaraele ro ri koronyai 'ba ro ànyaro iyi tufune. 7 'Dooko lidri ri karina aza urune ago o'bane ice ritu lamadri käläsi roya iyi lomvosi, ago kpa se alalabe drina ya 'do lomvo, zo se ànya kayibe oye timelegogoi onyane kigye iyi ya. 8 Ànyari izana onyane ŋgäkyi ana si lo'bilo'bi ro, onyane ambata loŋgaako si ago agba osoro si. 9 Mìnya ko lururo kode la'dila'diro, oko mìnya ro kpeye lo'bilo'biro, drî na, ŋbiṛi na ndi làkaza na ya yasi iyi be. 10 Nyè'be aza alona ko orine madale kyenoŋbosi, oko ondro ka'do anjoko na aza ke'bete le kyenoŋbosi, beṛo ozane asi si. 11 Ämiri onyane nonye; boŋgoi amiro osone nja, mvokai amiro osone pa amiro yasi, ago dofoi amiro urune drí amiro yasi; ago ämiri onyane ndrindri. Tana 'do orivoya Karama Lävu Odra ro ro ma OPI orozana.
12 “Tana mälävuna 'da 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi ŋgäkyi ana si, ago mutufuna ŋgase cini àgoro kayoro 'bädri Ezipeto roya 'da, lidri ndi koronyai 'ba robe; ago mezana lui cini Ezipeto ro 'da, ma ni OPI owo. 13 Kari a'dona taka'daro ro ämiri, zo se ami be kigye iyi drisi, ago ondro mandre kari te oko, mälävuna 'da ami drisi, ago mezana ami ko, ondro ma te Ezipeto'bai ezana owo. 14 Beṛo ämiri tu ono tana oyine karama mätu ro ro, tana mìyi tase ma OPI mayebe ämiri ono tana robe. Mìye karama na tu cini se kabe ikyi ya.”
Karama Ambata Loŋgaako ro
15 OPI atate ekye: “Beṛo ko ämiri ambata loŋga si onyane u'duna njidrieri, mìnya toto ambata loŋgaako ayani. U'du käti si ämiri loŋga lofone tesi ni zoi amiro yasi, ondro 'diaza konya ambata se a'bebe loŋga si 'do te u'du njidrieri iyi ya, 'dina 'do beṛo onane tesi ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi. 16 U'du käti si ago kpa u'du njidrieri si ämiri kalakotone ta mätu rota. Ko losi aza oyene tu iyi si, oko nyàla'dina ŋgaonya ndi. 17 Mìyi Karama Ambata Loŋgaako ro ono tana, ono ni tuse molofo 'bakalai amiro be sina tesi ni Ezipeto yasi owo. Tu ono kesate oko beṛo ämiri karama na oyene tana ono orivoya ota yi rriro. 18 Etoni tandrole u'du 'butealo fosu imba käti rosi madale tandrole u'du 'buteritu foalo rosi, beṛo ko ämiri ambata loŋga si onyane. 19 U'du njidrieri ya ko loŋga usune zoi amiro yasi, tana ondro ka'do 'diaza konya ambata se a'bebe loŋga si 'do te, 'dina 'do beṛo onane tesi ni lidri Yisaraele ro lakosi, kode nda 'di atra yi, kode 'bädri kuzupi'ba yi. 20 Ko ämiri ambata loŋga si onyane tu karama ono rosi, orivo cini amiro ya, mìnya toto ambata loŋgaako ayani.”
Tu Käti Lävu Odra ro ro
21 'Dooko Musa zi dri'bai cini Yisaraele rote, ago atate ànyari ekye: “Nyòtope timelegogoi andivo amiro ri a'do katidri amiro ro voro, ago mìlo ànya Karama Lävu Odra ro ro. 22 Mìru to'bi ice se äzibe usopa ono ro mìso kari se doo ya 'do ya, ago mì'be kari ni doo yasi 'do ice alalabe kurusi käläsi zo amiro ro kala 'do lomvo ago kpa ice ritu lamadri na ya iyi lomvosi. Ago alo aza amiro kofo ko tesi ni zo yasi madale vo kiwi gwo. 23 Tana ondro OPI kate lävu Ezipeto yasi Ezipeto'bai tufune oko, nda ondrena kari se ice kurusi käläsi ro drisi ago ice ritu lamadri na yasi iyi 'da, ago 'dooko OPI lävuna 'da käläsi drisi ago o'bana Malaika Odra ro ko ocine zoi amiro yasi ami tufune. 24 Beṛo ota ono orone rriro ämiri ndi ŋgwai amiro be. 25 Ondro nyèsate 'bädri se OPI kolebe ozone ämiri 'do ya, oso se nda ko'ba tana be ronye oko, beṛo ämiri tase ono oyene. 26 Ago ondro ŋgwà amiro kejiyi ami te ekye: ‘Tase nyàbe oyena nonye ono takacina e'diya?’ 27 'Dooko mìzana tadrina 'da mìkye: ‘Ono orivoya tori olo Lävu Odra ro OPI oroza, tana nda lävute zoi Yisaraele'bai ro drisi Ezipeto ya. Nda tufu Ezipeto'bai te oko eta ama te.’ ”
'Dooko lidri Yisaraele ro soyi kaya te vuru ago mätuyite. 28 'Dooko ànya oyiyite ago yeyite oso se OPI kota Musa ndi Arona be ronye.
Odra Ŋgwàagoro Kayo ro ro
29 Ago o'bwaro oko OPI tufu ŋgwàagoro kayo ro cini 'bädri Ezipeto ro rote, etoni ŋgwaagoro kayo ro 'bädri'ba roya se kabe oye orine vo ndaro ya giti ndaro dri ana ya le ŋgwaagoro kamba'ba se kamba ya roya. Ago ŋgwà cini kayo ro koronyai 'ba ro utufu kpate. 30 Ago ŋgäkyi gi ana si, 'bädri'ba ndi dri'bai cini losi ro ndaro yibe ndi Ezipeto'bai cini be piyi mi te. Ago liyi amba a'dote Ezipeto ya, tana 'ba aza a'do kote teinye avo ako. 31 Ago 'bädri'ba zi Musa ndi Arona be te ŋgäkyi ana si, ago atate ekye: “Mìŋga ri nyòyi teri ni lidri maro lakosi, ami ndi Yisaraele'bai amiro be! Nyòyi ri OPI mätune oso se nyàtabe ronye. 32 Mìru timele amiro, indrii ndi tii be oso se nyèji ta be ta ro ronye, ago nyòyi teri. Ago nyämätu kpa ma ta.”
33 Ago Ezipeto'bai loriyi Yisaraele'bai te, ofone ndrindri; ànya atayite ekye: “Ama cini madrana ndi ondro nyòyi kote owo.” 34 Ta'dota lidri ru kyira se aŋgabe gyi si te o'bene ambata ro teinye loŋgaako ana te, ago 'bayi te làkaza ànyaro ambata o'bero yasi ago payi lomvo na te boŋgo si ago ŋgyiyite kyembe ànyaro yasi. 35 Yisaraele'bai yeyi tate oso se Musa katabe ronye, ànya ejiyi Ezipeto'bai te 'bela mo'di ro, logo läguläguro ndi boŋgoi be ta. 36 Ago OPI 'ba Ezipeto'bai te ànya orone ago ozoyi ŋgase ànya kejiyibe te. Ago liti ono yasi Yisaraele'bai otoyi ŋgadriamba Ezipeto'bai rote.
Yisaraele'bai E'beyi Ezipeto te
37 Yisaraele'bai abayite ni Ramesesa yasi le Sukota ya. Oti mànoago ro orivoya oso kutu kama njidrialo (600,000) ronye, 'do teinye 'ditoko ndi ŋgàga be otiako. 38 Ago lowa du atrai ro dro'berute ago oyiyite ànya yibe ago oti amba timele, indrii ndi tii be oyiyi kpate ànya yibe. 39 Ànya 'beyi ambata loŋgaako teni kyira oŋgaoŋgaro se ànya kefoyibe sina ni Ezipeto yasi ana yasi, tana äsi ànya te ndrindri ni Ezipeto yasi ago niyi kote ŋgaonya la'dine andivo ànyaro ri, ca kyira oŋgane nja loŋga si.
40 Yisaraele'bai rite Ezipeto ya ndroa na kama su 'butenätu (430). 41 Ago ädu ndroa kama su 'butenätu (430) roya, u'du gi ana modona ya oko, 'bakalai cini lidri OPI ro ro e'beyi Ezipeto te. 42 Ana ni ŋgäkyi se OPI kwa vo be sina, ànya lofoza tesi ni 'bädri Ezipeto ro yasi owo, ago ŋgäkyina gialo ono tu cini se kabe ikyi ya anjioko ni ŋgäkyi se beṛo Yisaraele'bai ri vookwane sina owo.
Ota Karama Lävu Odra ro ro
43 OPI atate Musa ndi Arona be ri ekye: “Kwoi ni ota Karama Lävu Odra ro ro owo. Ko 'dise atra ro ri ŋgaonya Karama Lävu Odra ro ro onyane. 44 Oko iyeäṛi se mìgyete ogye parata si onyana ndi, ondro ka'do mìlo nda te käti ŋbiṛiro owo. 45 Ko 'diaza se kabe ikyi orine tiko ro 'bädri amiro ya ri onyane kode ruindu'ba se ka losi oye päläti dri ri onyane. 46 Beṛo ŋgaonya cini onyane zo se ala'dibe kigye ya; ago beṛo ko lofone tesi. Ago ko ämiri kowa alona aza oŋgone. 47 Beṛo lowa cini Yisaraele ro ri karama ono oyene. 48 Ago ondro 'dise atra ro se koribe ami yibe kolete Karama Lävu Odra ro ro oyene, beṛo ämiri 'dise cini ndäriga àgoro iyi olone ŋbiṛiro; 'dooko nda dro'beruna ndi oyena ya, ago ayena nda ndi oso Yisaraele'bai ronye. Oko 'dise oloako ŋbiṛiro konya Karama Lävu Odra ro ro ko. 49 Ota gi alo ono a'done Yisaraele'bai ri ago kpa atrai se kayibe ori ànya lako ri.” 50 Lidri cini Yisaraele ro royi tate ago yeyi tase cini OPI kota Musa ndi Arona be oyene te. 51 Ago tuna gialo ana modona si OPI lofo 'bakalai Yisaraele'bai rote ni Ezipeto yasi.
The Passover
1 Some time later the Lord said to Moses and Aaron:
2 This month is to be the first month of the year for you. 3 Tell the people of Israel that on the tenth day of this month the head of each family must choose a lamb or a young goat for his family to eat. 4-5 If any family is too small to eat the whole animal, they must share it with their next-door neighbors. Choose either a sheep or a goat, but it must be a one-year-old male that has nothing wrong with it. And it must be large enough for everyone to have some of the meat.
6 Each family must take care of its animal until the evening of the fourteenth day of the month, when the animals are to be killed. 7 Some of the blood must be put on the two doorposts and above the door of each house where the animals are to be eaten. 8 That night the animals are to be roasted and eaten, together with bitter herbs and thin bread made without yeast. 9 Don't eat the meat raw or boiled. The entire animal, including its head, legs, and insides, must be roasted. 10 Eat what you want that night, and the next morning burn whatever is left. 11 When you eat the meal, be dressed and ready to travel. Have your sandals on, carry your walking stick in your hand, and eat quickly. This is the Passover Festival in honor of me, your Lord.
12 That same night I will pass through Egypt and kill the first-born son in every family and the first-born male of all animals. I am the Lord, and I will punish the gods of Egypt. 13 The blood on the houses will show me where you live, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. Then you won't be bothered by the terrible disasters I will bring on Egypt.
14 Remember this day and celebrate it each year as a festival in my honor. 15 For seven days you must eat bread made without yeast. And on the first of these seven days, you must remove all yeast from your homes. If you eat anything made with yeast during this festival, you will no longer be part of Israel. 16 Meet together for worship on the first and seventh days of the festival. The only work you are allowed to do on either of these two days is that of preparing the bread.
17 Celebrate this Festival of Thin Bread as a way of remembering the day that I brought your families and tribes out of Egypt. And do this each year. 18 Begin on the evening of the fourteenth day of the first month by eating bread made without yeast. Then continue this celebration until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 During these seven days no yeast is allowed in anyone's home, whether they are native Israelites or not. If you are caught eating anything made with yeast, you will no longer be part of Israel. 20 Stay away from yeast, no matter where you live. No one is allowed to eat anything made with yeast!
21 Moses called the leaders of Israel together and said:
Each family is to pick out a sheep and kill it for Passover. 22 Make a brush from a few small branches of a hyssop plant and dip the brush in the bowl that has the blood of the animal in it. Then brush some of the blood above the door and on the posts at each side of the door of your house. After this, everyone is to stay inside until morning.
23 During that night the Lord will go through the country of Egypt and kill the first-born son in every Egyptian family. He will see where you have put the blood, and he will not come into your house. His angel that brings death will pass over and not kill your first-born sons.
24-25 After you have entered the country promised to you by the Lord, you and your children must continue to celebrate Passover each year. 26 Your children will ask you, “What are we celebrating?” 27 And you will answer, “The Passover animal is killed to honor the Lord. We do these things because on that night long ago the Lord passed over the homes of our people in Egypt. He killed the first-born sons of the Egyptians, but he spared our children from death.”
After Moses finished speaking, the people of Israel knelt down and worshiped the Lord. 28 Then they left and did what Moses and Aaron had told them to do.
Death for the First-Born Sons
29 At midnight the Lord killed the first-born son of every Egyptian family, from the son of the king to the son of every prisoner in jail. He also killed the first-born male of every animal that belonged to the Egyptians.
30 That night the king, his officials, and everyone else in Egypt got up and started crying bitterly. In every Egyptian home, someone was dead.
The People of Israel Escape from Egypt
31 During the night the king sent for Moses and Aaron and told them, “Get your people out of my country and leave us alone! Go and worship the Lord, as you have asked. 32 Take your sheep, goats, and cattle, and get out. But ask your God to be kind to me.”
33 The Egyptians did everything they could to get the Israelites to leave their country as quickly as possible. They said, “Please hurry and leave. If you don't, we will all be dead.” 34 So the Israelites quickly made some bread dough and put it in pans. But they did not mix any yeast in the dough to make it rise. They wrapped cloth around the pans and carried them on their shoulders.
35 The Israelites had already done what Moses had told them to do. They had gone to their Egyptian neighbors and asked for gold and silver and for clothes. 36 The Lord had made the Egyptians friendly toward the people of Israel, and they gave them whatever they asked for. In this way they carried away the wealth of the Egyptians when they left Egypt.
37 The Israelites walked from the city of Rameses to the city of Succoth. There were about 600,000 of them, not counting women and children. 38 Many other people went with them as well, and there were also a lot of sheep, goats, and cattle. 39 They left Egypt in such a hurry that they did not have time to prepare any food except the bread dough made without yeast. So they baked it and made thin bread.
40-41 The Lord's people left Egypt exactly 430 years after they had arrived. 42 On that night the Lord kept watch for them, and on this same night each year Israel will always keep watch in honor of the Lord.
Instructions for Passover
43 The Lord gave Moses and Aaron the following instructions for celebrating Passover:
Only Israelites may eat the Passover meal.
44 Your slaves may eat the meal if they have been circumcised, 45 but no foreigners who work for you are allowed to have any.
46 The entire meal must be eaten inside, and no one may leave the house during the celebration.
No bones of the Passover lamb may be broken. 47 And all Israelites must take part in the meal.
48 If anyone who isn't an Israelite wants to celebrate Passover with you, every man and boy in that family must first be circumcised. Then they may join in the meal, just like native Israelites. No uncircumcised man or boy may eat the Passover meal! 49 This law applies both to native Israelites and to those foreigners who live among you.
50 The Israelites obeyed everything the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron to tell them. 51 And on that same day the Lord brought Israel's families and tribes out of Egypt.