1 Ndi äAduro màzadrite ago mòyite vocowa yasi, liti se kabe oyi Gyi'desi Okaro ya ana yasi, oso OPI kota ma be ronye, ago mùgu abate 'bädri 'Bereŋwa Seira ro yasi tuna amba.
2 “'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: 3 Yauono mìrite tuna amba ugu abavoya 'bädri lutui ro kai lakosi ka'do inye nyòyi teri mä'dudriro. 4 Nda atate märi atane lidri ri ekye: ‘Nyà oyete lävune 'bädri Seira ro, wari 'didiri amiro, zelevoi Esau ro ro yasi. Ànya a'donayi 'da turiro ni ämiri, oko nya'do miomba be. 5 Beṛo ko ämiri kyila oyene ànya yibe, tana mänina ko wari ànyaro azana ozone ämiri, ca giṛiŋwa pari oso pa kätäti ronye. Tana mozo Seira te zelevoi Esau ro ri drimbi ro. 6 Oko mìnina ndi ŋgaonya ogyene onyane ago gyi ogyene umvune ni ànya rigyesi parata si.’
7 “OPI Lu amiro äṛu ami te ŋgase cini mìyebe ono yasi. Nda ndrevo amiro te abavoya vocowa ndräläkäkä ono yasi. Ndroa gi cini 'butesu kwoi ya nda a'dote tro ami yibe, ago nyà'dokote lemeri ŋgaaza robe.
8 “Ta'dota mälävute mileya ago me'be ädrupii amaro zelevoi Esau ro se kabe ori 'bädri Seira ro ya ana te, mè'be Araba te ago liti se kabe efo ni 'ba'desii Elata ndi Ezionegebera be yasi kabe oyi Gyi'desi Täyiro ya ana te, ago màgo mòyite vo rriro Moaba ro driro. 9 Ago OPI atate märi ekye: ‘Nyozo rriti ko lidri Moaba ro, zelevoi Loto ro ri, ago miye kyila ko ànya be. Mänina ko wari ànyaro azana ozone ämiri tana mozo 'bakici Ara rote ànyari.’ ”
10 (Kyeno lidri dämbäṛäṛä ago amba azaka se äzibe Emima iyi riyi ni Ara ya. Ànya orivoya kacaro oso lidri Anakima'bai ro se lombaekye kai ronye. 11 Äzi ànya te Refaima'bai oso Anakima'bai ronye; oko Moaba'bai kayi ànya uzi Emima'bai. 12 Kyeno Orite'bai riyi ni Seira ya, oko zelevoii Esau ro njayi ànya te, ago tufuyi tu'de ànyaro te, ago goyi riyite ni vo ànyaro ya, kpa oso Yisaraele'bai kovolesi oko konjayi kyila'baazii ànyaro be ni wari se OPI kozobe ànyari yasi ana ronye.)
13 “'Dooko Opi atate ämäri ekye: ‘Mìŋga ago mìzadri Golo Zereda ro.’ Ndi màzadri Golo Zereda rote. 14 'Dooko me'be Kadesa Baranea be ru ama te ndroa na 'butenätu fonjidriena madego dri Golo Zereda ro ozane. Lidri se cini kyila oyero kovole'bai ana ro todrayite kyiti oso OPI kata tana be ronye. 15 OPI ugu a'dote 'du kyilaro ànya be madale nda tufu ànya te kpeye.
16 “Ondro lidri se cini kyila oyero kotodrate oko, 17 OPI atate märi ekye: 18 ‘Ondro ono te miri lävune wari Moaba yasi ro liti Ara roya yasi. 19 Ondro misate loto lidri Amona'bai, zelevoi Loto ro ro lomvo oko nyozo rriti ko ànyari ago miye kyila ko ànya be. Mänina ko wari se mozobe ànyari ono azana ozone miri.’ ”
20 (Wari se ana äzi kpate wari Refaima ro ävuru lidri se kyeno koriyibe lau ana ro dri; oko Amona'bai ziyi ànya te Zamezumi'bai. 21 Ànya lomba kpa kacaro oso Anakima'bai ronye. Ànya orivoya lowa ro amba, ago orivoya lidri mbaraekye yi. Oko OPI tufu ànya te, ta'dota Amona'bai ruyi wari ànyaro te ago riyite ni kigye. 22 OPI ye ta kpate inye zelevoi Esau ro, se koriyibe Seira ya ana ri oso inye. Nda tufu Orite'bai te, ta'doro ruyi wari ànyaro te, ago riyite 'du lau madale yauono. 23 Tana lidri se ni Kurete ro yasi kai tufuyi Avima'baii se koriyibe käti loto Gaza lomvo kai te, ago riyi teni vo ànyaro ya.)
24 “OPI atate ämäri ekye: ‘Yaouono miŋga mizadri Golo Arenona ro teri. Tana mozo Siona Amora'ba 'bädri'ba Esebona ro rote mbara amiro zele, tro wari ndaro be. Nyogota nda teri, ago nyeto wari ndaro uruna teri. 25 Etoni tu gi ondro ono ya màsona turi 'da ya lidri cini 'bädri ono roya. Ago ànya cini lä'binayi 'da ondro keriyi äzi ävuru amiro te owo.’
Yisaraele Pe 'Bädri'ba Siona te Ṛe
(Oti 21:21-30)
26 “'Dooko mazo lazo'bai teni vocowa Kedemota ro yasi Siona 'bädri'ba Esebona ro re taeji ta taliatokpe ro ta makye: 27 ‘Mi'ba mälävu 'bädri miro yasi. Moyina dori ŋgyero toto liti drisi. Mänina ko ukune drigo ya kode gaṛi ya. 28 Màgyena ŋgaonya ndi gyi umvuro be ogye parata si. Ŋgase màlebe toto ämäri lävune 'bädri miro yasi, 29 madale mazana dri Golo Yaradene ro gwo le wari se OPI Lu amaro kolebe ozone ämäri ana ya. Zelevoi Esau ro, se koriyibe Seira ya, ago Moaba'bai, se koriyibe Ara ya kai, 'bayi ma te lävune wari ànyaro yasi.’
30 “Oko Siona, 'bädri'ba Esebona ro le kote ämäri lävune 'bädri ndaro yasi. Tana OPI Lu amiro 'ba nda te a'done taeriako ago yana uŋgyine, tana màpe nda robe ṛe oso yauono ronye.
31 “'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: ‘Mindre, yauono mate 'bädri'ba Siona ndi wari ndaro be ozona miri; miru wari ndaro teri ago miri teri kigye.’ 32 Siona efote lidri cini ndaro be kyila oyene ama yibe 'ba'desi Jahaza ya. 33 Oko OPI Lu amaro ozo nda te ämärigye; ago mäfu nda te ŋgwàagoro ndaro ndi lidri cini ndaro be te. 34 Mä̀ru 'bakicii cini ndaro te tu gi alo ana si, màpere ago mùtufu 'dicini te, manoàgo, 'ditoko ndi ŋgàga be. Me'be 'diaza alo kote lidriidriro. 35 Märu tii te ago làkaza se cini motopa be ni 'ba'desii yasi te ämäri. 36 OPI Lu amaro 'ba ama te 'ba'desii cini urune etoni Aroeri ya se ogone sidri vodelero Arenona ro yasi ana, ndi 'bakici se orivoya Vodele ro ya, ana be, sagwo le Gilada ya. 'Ba'desi aza a'do kote mbararo ämäri. 37 Oko moyi kote lototi wari Amona'bai ro ca kototi Golo Jaboka ro ca 'ba'desii 'bädri lutu ro ro ca vose aza OPI Lu ama ro kota ama be ko ukyine kigye 'do lomvo.
1 We spent many years wandering around outside the hill country of Seir, 2 until the Lord said:
Moses, 3 Israel has wandered in these hills long enough. Turn and go north. 4 And give the people these orders: “Be very careful, because you will soon go through the land that belongs to your relatives, the descendants of Esau. They are afraid of you, 5 but don't start a war with them. I have given them the hill country of Seir, so I won't give any of it to you, not even enough to set a foot on. 6 And as you go through their land, you will have to buy food and water from them.”
7 The Lord has helped us and taken care of us during the past 40 years that we have been in this huge desert. We've had everything we needed, and the Lord has blessed us and made us successful in whatever we have done.
8 We went past the territory that belonged to our relatives, the descendants of Esau. We followed Arabah Road that starts in the south at Elath and Ezion-Geber, then we turned onto the desert road that leads to Moab.
9 The Lord told me, “Don't try to start a war with Moab. Leave them alone, because I gave the land of Ar to them, and I will not let you have any of it.”
Tribes That Lived near Canaan
10 Before the Lord gave the Moabites their land, a large and powerful tribe lived there. They were the Emim, and they were as tall as the Anakim. 11 The Moabites called them Emim, though others sometimes used the name Rephaim for both the Anakim and the Emim.
12 The Horites used to live in Seir, but the Edomites took over that region. They killed many of the Horites and forced the rest of them to leave, just as Israel did to the people in the land that the Lord gave them.
Israel Crossed the Zered Gorge
Moses said to Israel:
13 When we came to the Zered Gorge along the southern border of Moab, the Lord told us to cross the gorge into Moab, and we did. 14 This was 38 years after we left Kadesh-Barnea, and by that time all the men who had been in the army at Kadesh-Barnea had died, just as the Lord had said they would. 15-16 The Lord kept getting rid of them until finally none of them were left.
17 Then the Lord told me, 18 “Moses, now go past the town of Ar and cross Moab's northern border 19 into Ammon. But don't start a war with the Ammonites. I gave them their land, and I won't give any of it to Israel.”
More Nations That Lived near Canaan
20 Before the Ammonites conquered the land that the Lord had given them, some of the Rephaim used to live there, although the Ammonites called them Zamzummim. 21 The Zamzummim were a large and powerful tribe and were as tall as the Anakim. But the Lord helped the Ammonites, and they killed many of the Zamzummim and forced the rest to leave. Then the Ammonites settled there. 22 The Lord helped them as he had helped the Edomites, who killed many of the Horites in Seir and forced the rest to leave before settling there themselves.
23 A group called the Avvim used to live in villages as far south as Gaza, but the Philistines killed them and settled on their land.
Israel Crossed the Arnon Gorge
Moses said:
24 After we went through Ammon, the Lord told us:
Israel, pack up your possessions, take down your tents, and cross the Arnon River gorge. The territory of the Amorite King Sihon of Heshbon lies on the other side of the river, but I now give you his land. So attack and take it! 25 Today I will start making all other nations afraid of you. They will tremble with fear when anyone mentions you, and they will be terrified when you show up.
The Defeat of King Sihon of Heshbon
(Numbers 21.21-30)
Moses said to Israel:
26 After we had crossed the Arnon and had set up camp in the Kedemoth Desert, I sent messengers to King Sihon of Heshbon, telling him that his nation and ours could be at peace. I said:
27 Please let Israel go across your country. We will walk straight through, without turning off the road. 28-29 You can even sell us food and water, and we will pay with silver. We need to reach the Jordan River and cross it, because the Lord our God is giving us the land on the west side. The Edomites and Moabites have already let us cross their land. Please let us cross your land as well.
30-31 But Sihon refused to let us go across his country, because the Lord made him stubborn and eager to fight us. The Lord told me, “I am going to help you defeat Sihon and take his land, so attack him!”
32 We met Sihon and his army in battle at Jahaz, 33 and the Lord our God helped us defeat them. We killed Sihon, his sons, and everyone else in his army. 34 Then we captured and destroyed every town in Sihon's kingdom, killing everyone, 35 but keeping the livestock and everything else of value. 36 The Lord helped us capture every town from the Arnon River gorge north to the boundary of Gilead, including the town of Aroer on the edge of the gorge and the town in the middle of the gorge.
37 However, we stayed away from all the Ammonite towns, both in the hill country and near the Jabbok River, just as the Lord had commanded.