Ezi Sänduku Tao'baro teni Kiriatajearima yasi
(2 Samuele 6:1-11)
1 Dawidi atatavote otaozo'bai dri'bai kutui ndi kamai robe, tro dri'bai losi ro cini be. 2 Ago Dawidi atate lowa cini Yisaraele ro se kombikalabe lau ana ri ekye: Ondro ka'do kalandre gindi kado ämiri, ago ondro ka'do gindi ni ole Opi Lu amaro ro, mì'de màzo lazo lidri cini 'bädri amaro ro se koriyibe wari cini Yisaraele ro yasi ri, kpa kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ri 'ba'desii ànyaro yasi, ànyari ikyine rudro'bene ama yibe noŋwa. 3 'Dooko mòyi mèzi Sänduku Tao'baro Lu amaro ro robe amare; tana tu 'bädri'ba Saulo rosi mati tana kote. 4 Lidri cini se kombikala be ana a'doyite yai'dwesi ta se ono ta ago leyitadrite oyene inye.
5 Ta'dota Dawidi mbikala lidri cini Yisaraele ro rote leni Siora Ezipeto yasi ago kpa leni ecivo Amata ya yasi. Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro ezine ni Kiriatajearima yasi Yerusalema ya. 6 Dawidi ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe oyiyite Bala ya anjioko ni Kiriatajearima, wari Yuda roya, Sänduku Tao'baro Lu ro ezine ni nasi, se Opi koribe driigye malaikai vookwaro kufube dri, se äzi ävuru Opi rote driigye ana. 7 Ànya lofoyi Sänduku Tao'baro teni zo Abinadaba ro yasi 'bayite arabia to'di ya. 8 Dawidi ndi lidri cini Yisaraele robe uguyi riyä oyete läri otosi Opi oroza mbara cini ànyaro si. Ànya ŋgoyi loŋgo te ago epayi drina te lakazà loŋgo oŋgoro kudi, läri, toro'ba, araca ndi cekuṛe be si.
9 Ondro ànya kesayite kaladri Kidona roya oko, 'daŋgoi 'dete parapara, ago Uza ozo dri ndaro te ago äti Sänduku te. 10 Dori Opi a'dote kyilaro Uza be; ago fu nda te tana nda do Sänduku te; ago nda drate lau Opi kandra. 11 Ago Dawidi njuagote tana Opi eza Uza te kyila si; ta'dota äzi vo ana te Perezuza le tu ono si. 12 'Dooko tu gi ana si; Dawidi a'dote turituri ro ni Opi ri; ago nda atate ekye: “Mezina Sänduku Tao'baro eŋwanye 'bäru mare ya?” 13 Ta'dota Dawidi ezi Sänduku kote ndare Yerusalema ya, oko ugute zo Obededoma Gata'ba roya. 14 Sänduku Lu ro rite imba na nätu zo Obededoma roya, ago Opi äṛu katidri Obededoma rote ndi ŋgase cini nda be sina be.
David Moves the Sacred Chest to Jerusalem
(2 Samuel 6.1-12a)
1 Some time later, David talked with his army commanders, 2-3 and then announced to the people of Israel:
While Saul was king, the sacred chest was ignored. But now it's time to bring the chest to Jerusalem. We will invite everyone in Israel to come here, including the priests and the Levites in the towns surrounded by pastureland. But we will do these things only if you agree, and if the Lord our God wants us to.
4 The people agreed this was the right thing to do.
5 David gathered everyone from the Shihor River in Egypt to Lebo-Hamath in the north. 6 Then he led them to Baalah in Judah, which was also called Kiriath-Jearim. They went there to get the sacred chest and bring it to Jerusalem, because it belonged to the Lord God, whose throne is above the winged creatures on the lid of the chest.
7 The sacred chest was still at Abinadab's house, and when David and the crowd arrived there, they brought the chest outside and placed it on a new ox cart. Abinadab's sons Uzzah and Ahio guided the cart, 8 while David and the crowd danced and sang praises to the Lord with all their might. They played music on small harps and other stringed instruments, and on tambourines, cymbals, and trumpets.
9 But when they came to Chidon's threshing place, the oxen stumbled, and Uzzah reached out and took hold of the chest to stop it from falling. 10 The Lord God was very angry with Uzzah for doing this, and he killed Uzzah right there beside the chest.
11 David then got angry with God for killing Uzzah. So he named that place “Attack on Uzzah,” and it's been called that ever since.
12 David was afraid what the Lord might do to him, and he asked himself, “Should I really be the one to take care of the sacred chest?” 13 So instead of taking it to Jerusalem, David decided to take it to the home of Obed-Edom, who lived in the town of Gath.
14 The chest stayed there for three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-Edom, his family, and everything he owned.