Tavologo Gibeona'bai ro Katidri Saulo ro ri
1 Tu se Dawidi be 'bädri'ba rosi mä'bu 'dete rritiro ndroa na nätu. Ago Dawidi eji OPI te tana ro. Ndi OPI atate ekye: “Taenji kari ro orivoya Saulo ndi katidri ndaro be dri, tana nda fu Gibeona'bai te.”
2 Ndi 'bädri'ba zi Gibeona'bai te. Gibeona'bai ko lidri Yisaraele ro, oko orivoya anjoko Amora'bai se ke'bebe ro; se Yisaraele'bai äṛurute ànya e'bene iyi lako, caoko Saulo ojote ànya ufune kpeye tana nda ya cini si le lidri Yisaraele ro ndi Yuda be ro opane. 3 Ago Dawidi atate Gibeona'bai ri ekye: “Mayena e'di ta amiro taya? Medena ta ono eŋwanye, ämiri lidri OPI ro äṛuza ya?”
4 Gibeona'bai zatadrite ndäri ekye: “Male mo'di kode logo läguläguro ko ni Saulo kode katidri ndaro be rigyesi; ago male kpa ko lidri alo aza o'bane odrane Yisaraele ya.”
Ago Dawidi atate ekye: “Tase milebe märi oyene ämiri ni e'diya?”
5 Ànya atayite 'bädri'ba ri ekye: “Saulo ratate ama tufune ago ko alo aza amaro e'bene lidriidri ro Yisaraele ya. 6 Ka'do inye nyozo ŋgwàagoro njidrieri ndaro ämäri, tana mayi ànya robe OPI kandra Gibeona ya, 'bereŋwa Opi ro dri, 'bädri'ba äṛuäṛuro OPI ro.”
Ago 'bädri'ba atate ekye: “Mozona ànya ndi.”
7 Oko 'bädri'ba pa Mefiboseta kwozo Saulo ro ŋgwa Jonatana rote, tana ta tao'ba ro se nda ndi Jonatana ŋgwa Saulo ro be ko'bayibe OPI kandra ana rota. 8 Caoko 'bädri'ba ru Arumoni ndi Mefiboseta ndi ŋgwàagoro ritu Rizepa ŋguti Aiya rote, se anya kutibe Saulo ri ana. Nda ru ŋgwàagoro nji Meraba ŋguti Saulo ro ro, se anya kutibe Adriele ŋgwa Baruzilai Meola'ba ro ri kai te; 9 ago Dawidi ozo ànya te drì Gibeona'bai roya ago ànya yiyi ànya te 'bereŋwa dri OPI kandra, ago ànya se njidrieri kwoi drate troalo. Äfu ànya te u'du käti jalia rosi, etovo jalia kaaza ro rosi.
10 'Dooko Rizepa ŋguti Aiya ro ru guniya te, ago 'bete andivo anyaro ri luutu dri, eto ṛoni etovo jalia rosi madale 'bu 'dite vuru ni vo'buyakuru yasi avo ànyaro dri. Anya le kote arii ri o'dene avo ànyaro dri kitu si, ca kode koronyai vocowa ro ri onyane ŋgäkyi si.
11 Ondro Dawidi keri tase Rizepa ŋguti Aiya ro toko ogyeako Saulo ro, koyebe ana tana te oko, 12 Dawidi oyite ru kowa Saulo rote ndi kowa ŋgwa ndaro Jonatana robe ni lidri Jabesa Gilada ro rigye si. (Ànya kukuguyi avo te ni goro Bete Sana ro yasi, vose Felesete'bai kotoyiyi avo ànyaro be kigye, tuse ànya kufu Saulo be 'Bereŋwa Gileboa dri ana si.) 13 Dawidi ezi kowa Saulo rote ndi kowa ŋgwa ndaro Jonatana robe; ago nda oto kowa màno se ayibe njidrieri kayi ro kpate. 14 Ago ànya seyi kowa Saulo rote ndi ŋgwa ndaro Jonatana ro robe Zela ya wari Benjamina roya 'budri Kisi täpi Saulo ro roya; ago ànya yeyi tase cini 'bädri'ba kota ànya be oyene te. Ono vosi Lu zatadri mätu se ànya koyebe ta 'bädri rota ana te.
Kyila oye Dawidi ro Lidri Dämbäṛäṛä Felesete'bai ro be
(1 Ambâ 20:4-8)
15 Felesete'bai 'beyi kyila te kpa to'di Yisaraele'bai be, ago Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be oyiyite kyila ya, ànya yeyi kyila te Felesete'bai be. Ago Dawidi okwote. 16 Isebi Benoba alo aza zelevoi lidri dämbäṛäṛä ro ro, se äzuna läŋgyina orivoya sekele atala ro kama nätu (300) ana, yi bando to'diro te, ago usu tate ekye yinina ndi Dawidi ufune. 17 Oko Abisai ŋgwa Zeruya ro ikyite Dawidi opane, ago gota Felesete'ba ana te ndi fu nda te. 'Dooko lidri Dawidi ro 'ba tao'ba te ndäri ekye: “Beṛo kote miri oyine kyila ya ama yibe tana, ukyi nyizwe lamba Yisaraele ro 'da.”
18 Ono vosi kyila a'do kpate to'di Felesete'bai be Gobo ya. 'Dooko Sibekai ni Usa yasi fu Safa te, se ni alo aza zelevoi lidri dämbäṛäṛä ro ro. 19 Ago kyila go a'do kpate to'di Felesete'bai be Gobo ya; ago Elinana ŋgwa Jara Oregima, Beteleme'ba ro, fu Goliyata Gata'ba te, se äzuce äzu ndaro ro oso loro kodoopi'ba ro ronye.
20 Ago kyila go a'do kpate to'di Gata ya, se mano ṛoŋgoro aza orivoya kigye, se orivoya driŋgwà njidrialo be drì alo dri, ago paŋgwà njidrialo be pa alo dri, otina cini orivoya 'buteritu fosu; ago nda kpa ni zelevo lidri dämbäṛäṛä ro ro yasi. 21 Ago ondro nda kotokombate Yisaraele'bai be oko, Jonatana ŋgwa Simei, ädrupi Dawidi ro ro fu nda te. 22 Ànya se su kai orivoya ni zelevoi lidri dämbäṛäṛä ro ro ni Gata yasi; ago Dawidi ndi lidri ndaro be tufuyi ànya te.
The Gibeonites Hang Saul's Descendants
1 While David was king, there were three years in a row when the nation of Israel could not grow enough food. So David asked the Lord for help, and the Lord answered, “Saul and his family are guilty of murder, because he had the Gibeonites killed.”
2 The Gibeonites were not Israelites; they were descendants of the Amorites. The people of Israel had promised not to kill them, but Saul had tried to kill them because he wanted Israel and Judah to control all the land.
David had the Gibeonites come, and he talked with them. 3 He said, “What can I do to make up for what Saul did, so that you'll ask the Lord to be kind to his people again?”
4 The Gibeonites answered, “Silver and gold from Saul and his family are not enough. On the other hand, we don't have the right to put any Israelite to death.”
David said, “I'll do whatever you ask.”
5 They replied, “Saul tried to kill all our people so that none of us would be left in the land of Israel. 6 Give us seven of his descendants. We will hang these men near the place where the Lord is worshiped in Gibeah, the hometown of Saul, the Lord's chosen king.”
“I'll give them to you,” David said.
7 David had made a promise to Jonathan with the Lord as his witness, so he spared Jonathan's son Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul. 8 But Saul and Rizpah the daughter of Aiah had two sons named Armoni and Mephibosheth. Saul's daughter Merab had five sons whose father was Adriel the son of Barzillai from Meholah. David took Rizpah's two sons and Merab's five sons and 9 turned them over to the Gibeonites, who hanged all seven of them on the mountain near the place where the Lord was worshiped. This happened right at the beginning of the barley harvest.
Rizpah Takes Care of the Bodies
10 Rizpah spread out some sackcloth on a nearby rock. She wouldn't let the birds land on the bodies during the day, and she kept the wild animals away at night. She stayed there from the beginning of the harvest until it started to rain.
The Burial of Saul and His Descendants
11-12 Earlier the Philistines had killed Saul and Jonathan on Mount Gilboa and had hung their bodies in the town square at Beth-Shan. The people of Jabesh in Gilead had secretly taken the bodies away, but David found out what Saul's wife Rizpah had done, and he went to the leaders of Jabesh to get the bones of Saul and his son Jonathan. 13-14 David had their bones taken to the land of Benjamin and buried in a side room in Saul's family burial place. Then he gave orders for the bones of the men who had been hanged to be buried there. It was done, and God answered prayers to bless the land.
The Descendants of the Rephaim
(1 Chronicles 20.4-8)
15 One time David got very tired when he and his soldiers were fighting the Philistines. 16 One of the Philistine warriors was Ishbibenob, who was a descendant of the Rephaim, and he tried to kill David. Ishbibenob was armed with a new sword, and his bronze spearhead alone weighed about three and a half kilograms. 17 But Abishai came to the rescue and killed the Philistine.
David's soldiers told him, “We can't let you risk your life in battle anymore! You give light to our nation, and we want that flame to keep burning.”
18 There was another battle with the Philistines at Gob, where Sibbecai from Hushah killed a descendant of the Rephaim named Saph.
19 There was still another battle with the Philistines at Gob. A soldier named Elhanan killed Goliath from Gath, whose spear shaft was like a weaver's beam. Elhanan's father was Jari from Bethlehem.
20 There was another war, this time in Gath. One of the enemy soldiers was a descendant of the Rephaim. He was as big as a giant and had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. 21 But when he made fun of Israel, David's nephew Jonathan killed him. Jonathan was the son of David's brother Shimei.
22 David and his soldiers killed these four men who were descendants of the Rephaim from Gath.