Manase 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro
(2 Ambâ 33:1-20)
1 Manase ka eto 'dimiri oko ndroa ndaro te 'butealo foritu, ago nda mirivote ndroa 'butenji fonji Yerusalema ya. Ävuru endre ndaro ro ni Efeziba. 2 Nda yete tase undiro ayani OPI mile, oso tase undiro tu'dei se OPI konjabe ni lidri Yisaraele ro milesi kai koyeyi be ana ronye. 3 Tana nda go be voi lu awi mäturo se täpi ndaro Ezekia keperebe kai te; nda be voi tori oloro te Bala mätuza ago ede beti lu tokoro Asera rote, oso se Aba 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro koyebe ronye. Manase mätu 'bi'bii vo'buyakuru ro kpate ago indurute ànya ri. 4 Nda be voi tori oloro lu awi rote Yekalu ya, vose OPI kata tana be ekye: “Ämätuna ma 'da Yerusalema ya 'do ya.” 5 Nda be voi tori oloro te 'bi'bi vo'buyakuru ro mätuzana. 6 Nda za ŋgwaagoro ndaro te ŋgapäṛi ozaro ro. Nda ye ta ländri umvuro ndi tetedri be te, nda atate tori avo robe ndi kwozoi be. Nda ye ta undiro te ndra OPI mile, ago eko ya OPI rote kyilaro. 7 Nda edre beti lu tokoro Asera ro se nda kedebe ana te Yekalu ya, vose OPI kata tana be Dawidi ndi ŋgwa ndaro Solomo be ri ekye: “Vo gi Yerusalema ya Yekalu ono ya ono, ni vose manjibe ni wari cini 'bakalai Yisaraele ro ro yasi ma mätuzana äduako owo. 8 Ma'bana lidri Yisaraele ro ko tona abane wayiro ni 'bädri se mozobe zutui ànyaro ri ono yasi, ondro ka'do ànya koroyi tase cini maro mata ànya be sina te, ago kätiyi otà cini maro se mozobe ànyari ruindu'ba maro Musa si te owo.” 9 Oko lidri Yuda ro royi OPI kote, ago Manase loci ànya te tase undiro oyene ndrani tu'dei se OPI konjabe ni mile lidri Yisaraele ro yasi kai drisi.
10 Opi atate ruindu'bai ndaro nebii ri ekye: 11 “'Bädri'ba Manase yete ŋgase undiro kwoi ayani, ŋgase orivoya koziro ndrani se Amora'bai koyeyibe drisi; nda loci lidri Yuda ro kpate takozi oyene lui se nda kedebe ono si.” 12 Ta'doro ono ni tase OPI Lu Yisaraele ro ro kabe atana owo ekye: “Mezina rriti 'da Yerusalema ndi Yuda be dri, se o'bana 'dise cini kayibe tana erina 'da a'done wiriwiriro. 13 Mezana Yerusalema 'da oso meza Samaria be ronye, ago oso mayebe Aba 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro, ndi zelevoi ndaro be ri ronye, ago mayona Yerusalema 'da waṛi oso 'dise koyo ya saani rote oko tako kalana gwo vuru 'do ronye. 14 Me'bene anjoko lidri maro ro se ke'bebe 'do 'da, ago mozona ànya 'da drî kyila'baazii ànyaro roya se opena ànya 'da ṛe ago enjina wari ànyaro 'da. 15 Tana ànya yeyite tase orivoya undiro ayani mile maro ya, ago ekoyi ya maro te kyilaro eto ṛoni tuse zutui ànyaro ke'be Ezipeto be si ca le tu gi ono ya ono.”
16 Ndrana Manase tufu lidri taenjiako'bai amba te, madale nda 'ba Yerusalema gate twitwi kari ànyaro si ni telesi le telesi, dro'be gwo tro tase nda koloci lidri Yuda robe takozi oyene, ago ko'ba ànya gwo tase undiro oyene OPI mile 'do be.
17 Taoye cini azaka se Manase koyebe, ndi takozi se nda koyebe be, egyi tana te Buku Ambâ ro 'Bädri'bai Yuda ro roya. 18 Manase drate, ago ase nda te ämvu zo'desi miri ro ndaro roya, ämvu Uza roya; ago Amona ŋgwa ndaro go rite 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya.
Amona 'Bädri'ba Yuda ro
(2 Ambâ 33:21-25)
19 Amona ka eto 'dimiri oko ndroa ndaro te 'buteritu foritu, nda mirivote ndroa ritu Yerusalema ya. Ävuru endre ndaro ro ni Mesulemeta ŋguti Äruza ro ni 'bakici Jotaba ro yasi. 20 Nda yete tase undiro ayani OPI mile, oso se täpi ndaro Manase koloyebe ronye. 21 Nda sote liti taoyero se täpi ndaro koyebe 'do vo ayani, ago nda mätute lui edeedero se täpi ndaro kämätube 'do ayani. 22 Nda gatezo OPI, Lu zutui ndaro ro, ago ro ota OPI ro kote.
23 Dri'bai losi ro Amona ro äyiyitate nda lomvo ago fuyi nda te zo'desi miri ndaro roya. 24 Oko lidri Yuda ro fuyi ànya se käyiyi tabe ago kufuyi Amona be kai te ago 'bayi Josia ŋgwa ndaro te 'bädri'ba ro vo ndaro ya. 25 Taoye cini azaka se Amona koyebe egyi tana te Buku Ambâ ro 'Bädri'bai Yuda ro roya. 26 Ase nda te 'bu ndaro ya ämvu Uza roya; 'dooko Josia gorite vo ndaro ya 'bädri'ba ro.
King Manasseh of Judah
(2 Chronicles 33.1-20)
1 Manasseh was 12 years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled 55 years from Jerusalem. His mother was Hephzibah. 2 Manasseh disobeyed the Lord by following the disgusting customs of the nations that the Lord had forced out of Israel. 3 He rebuilt the local shrines that his father Hezekiah had torn down. He built altars for the god Baal and set up a sacred pole for worshiping the goddess Asherah, just as King Ahab of Israel had done. And he faithfully worshiped the stars in heaven.
4 In the temple, where only the Lord was supposed to be worshiped, Manasseh built altars for the worship of pagan gods 5 and the stars. He placed these altars in both courts of the temple, 6-7 and even set up the pole for Asherah there. Manasseh practiced magic and witchcraft; he asked fortunetellers for advice and sacrificed his own son. He did many sinful things and made the Lord very angry.
Years ago the Lord had told David and his son Solomon:
Jerusalem is the place I prefer above all others in Israel. It belongs to me, and there I will be worshiped forever. 8 If my people will faithfully obey all the commands in the Law of my servant Moses, I will never make them leave the land I gave to their ancestors.
9 But the people of Judah disobeyed the Lord. They listened to Manasseh and did even more sinful things than the nations the Lord had wiped out.
10 One day the Lord said to some of his prophets:
11 King Manasseh has done more disgusting things than the Amorites, and he has led my people to sin by forcing them to worship his idols. 12 Now I, the Lord God of Israel, will destroy both Jerusalem and Judah! People will hear about it but won't believe it. 13 Jerusalem is as sinful as Ahab and the people of Samaria were. So I will wipe out Jerusalem and be done with it, just as someone wipes water off a plate and turns it over to dry.
14 I will even get rid of my people who survive. They will be defeated and robbed by their enemies. 15 My people have done what I hate and have not stopped making me angry since their ancestors left Egypt.
16 Manasseh was guilty of causing the people of Judah to sin and disobey the Lord. He also refused to protect innocent people—he even let so many of them be killed that their blood filled the streets of Jerusalem.
17 Everything else Manasseh did while he was king, including his terrible sins, is written in The History of the Kings of Judah. 18 He died and was buried in Uzza Garden near his palace, and his son Amon became king.
King Amon of Judah
(2 Chronicles 33.21-25)
19 Amon was 22 years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled from Jerusalem for 2 years. His mother Meshullemeth was the daughter of Haruz from Jotbah. 20 Amon disobeyed the Lord, just as his father Manasseh had done. 21 Amon worshiped the idols Manasseh had made and 22 refused to be faithful to the Lord, the God his ancestors had worshiped.
23 Some of Amon's officials plotted against him and killed him in his palace. 24-26 He was buried in Uzza Garden. Soon after that, the people of Judah killed the murderers of Amon, then they made his son Josiah king.
Everything else Amon did while he was king is written in The History of the Kings of Judah.