Kandrakozi Lidri Yuda ro ro
1 'Dooko OPI atate märi ekye: “Musa ndi Samuele be kedreyi gica rulo'bavoya märi noŋwa ono, märi a'done yauni be lidri kwoi ri i'do. Mi'ba ànya koyiyi ni mamilesi; mi'ba ànya koyiyi pere. 2 Ondro ànya kejiyi mi te ekye yoyina eŋwaroya oko, nyitita ànyari mikye ma OPI matate makye:
Azakana se odrane ni adravo kozipara ri
vose ànyari oyine kigye ni wo!
Azakana se odrane ni kyila ya,
vose ànyari oyine kigye ni wo!
Azakana se odrane ni mä'bu ri,
vose ànyari oyine kigye ni wo!
Rukäna se urune kamba'bai ro,
vose ànyari oyine kigye ni wo!
3 Ma, OPI, mezina ŋgase su rritiro kwoi 'da ànya dri, utufuna ànya 'da kyila ya; kokyei lasena avoi ànyaro 'da; ago arii ndi koronyai vocowa ro be onyanayi ago perenayi ànya 'da. 4 Ma'bana lidri cini 'bädri ro 'da lä'bine ta ànyaro ta ta tase Manase ŋgwa Ezekia ro koyebe Yerusalema ya tuse nda be 'bädri'ba Yuda ro ana si ana rota.”
5 OPI ka ata ekye:
“Ami lidri Yerusalema ro, a'di a'dona ni tusuro ta amiro ta,
kode a'di livuna ni liyi be ta amiro taya?
A'di edrena ni madaro ta ejine
ta amiro ta ya?
6 Tana ami lidri miga ma tezo;
misi kundu te märi.
Ta'dota meŋga drì maro te
ago moronyo ami te
tana mokwote ni kyila maro ritavoya.
7 Makyeye ami te ku'bi si
ni dereŋwai 'ba'desi se wari ono ya ono yasi.
Mutufu lidri ànyaro te,
mutufu ami lidri maro te,
tana nye'be taoye kozi amiro kote.
8 Ma'ba ävuzii ànyaro te a'done amba
ndrani siŋgwa gyi'desi ya drisi.
Mutufu endrei agoànji amiro rote kitudiri si,
ago ma'ba lomvoluwu ndi turi be te,
o'dene anya dri ätruku'du ro.
9 Endre se ŋgwà be njidrieri ana ezaruna 'da;
inini uruna nda 'da.
Ŋgaeyi kitu ro tozarute anyari ŋgätini ro;
anya a'dote driupiro ago oroako.
Ma'bana kyila'baazii amiro tufuna
anjioko amiro 'da.
Ma, OPI, matani.”
Driovi Yeremaya ro OPI ri
10 Ma orivoya kandrakozi ya! Endre maro ti ma gi'de 'bädri ya etaya? Mate kalaope ago kaladiṛi 'dicini se wari ono ya ono be. Mozo yuŋgu kote 'diaza ri ago märu yuŋgu kote ni 'diaza rigyesi; caoko 'dicini ka ma otri. 11 Ka'do inye OPI, mi'ba latri cini ànyaro ka'do taŋgye ro ondro ka'do minduru kote kadoro miri owo, ondro ka'do molo'baru kote miri ta kyila'baazii anyaro rota, ondro ànya ka'doyite rriti ya ago rueza ya owo. 12 ('Diaza unina gi'da logo se ni mä'dudrisi se abe dro'bena atala si 'do oŋgone ya?)
13 OPI atate märi ekye: “Mazona kyila'baazii 'da ŋgadriamba ndi ŋgase lidri maro kodroyibe iyi topane takozi se ànya koyeyibe vo cini wari ono ro yasi ono rota. 14 Ma'bana ànya 'da ruindune kyila'baazii ànyaro ri wari se ànya kuniyi ko ana ya, tana kyila maro te orivoya oso asi ronye, ago ujena ndi äduako.”
15 'Dooko matate makye: “OPI, mini tana ṛote. Miyi ta maro ago mipa ma. Mi'ba mologo votaro ànya se kayibe ma eza ono ri. Nya'do yaiŋgyi be amba ago mifu ma ko. Miyi tana anjioko abe ma lo'da ono ta miro ta. 16 Nyatate märi, ago meri ata cini miro te tana ta'doro ata miro 'ba ya maro te a'done twi riyä si ago yai'dwesi. Ma orivoya miro, OPI Lu Mbaraekye. 17 Mari kote gboko lidri ro be ugu lägu ugube, ca ma'do kote riyä ro. Marite iṛe tana mi orivoya tro mabe, ago mi'ba ma te a'done kyilaro. 18 Tana e'di lomvoluwu maro kyeko, laza maro rigwo ozwaako niya? Zwa ko tana e'diya? Mile ma a'done kowe'baro oso goloŋwa se kabe oseose tayi si 'do ronye ya?”
19 Ta ono ta OPI logotate ekye: “Ondro ka'do nyegote, mago maruna mi ndi kovole, ago nya'dona ndi ruindu'ba maro kpa to'dina. Ondro ka'do migo nyate lazo ŋgye ope ayani ago ko ata se takaciako 'do, 'dooko migo nya'dona 'da kpa to'di nebi maro. Lidri ogo egona 'da mire, ago minina kote ni ukyine ànya re. 20 Ma'bana mi 'da a'done oso tiṛi ṛatararo atala ro ronye lidri ono ri. Ànya oyenayi kyila 'da mibe, caoko ànya uninayi ko mi opene ṛe, tana ma'dona ndi tro mibe mi gagane ago mi ätine londroro. 21 Mapana mi 'da ni mbara lidri se koziro ago siombaekye iyi ro yasi. Ma OPI, matani.”
The People of Judah Will Die
1 The Lord said to me:
Even if Moses and Samuel were here, praying with you, I wouldn't change my mind. So send the people of Judah away. 2 And when they ask where they are going, tell them that I, the Lord, have said:

Some of you are going to die
of horrible diseases.
Others are going to die in war
or from starvation.
The rest will be led away
to a foreign country.
3 I will punish you
in four different ways:
You will be killed in war
and your bodies dragged off
by dogs,
your flesh will be eaten by birds,
and your bones will be chewed on
by wild animals.
4 This punishment will happen
because of the horrible things
your King Manasseh did.
And you will be disgusting
to all nations on earth.
5 People of Jerusalem,
who will feel sorry for you?
Will anyone bother
to ask if you are well?

6 My people, you abandoned me
and walked away.
I am tired of showing mercy;
that's why I'll destroy you
7 by scattering you like straw
blown by the wind.
I will punish you with sorrow
and death,
because you refuse
to change your ways.
8 There will be more widows
in Judah
than grains of sand on a beach.

A surprise attack at noon!
And the mothers in Jerusalem
mourn for their children.
9 A mother is in deep despair
and struggles for breath.
Her daylight has turned
to darkness—
she has suffered the loss
of her seven sons.

I will kill anyone who survives.
I, the Lord, have spoken.
Jeremiah Complains
10 I wish I had never been born!
I'm always in trouble
with everyone in Judah.
I never lend or borrow money,
but everyone curses me
just the same.

11 Then the Lord replied,
“I promise to protect you,
and when disaster comes,
even your enemies
will beg you for help.”
The Enemy Cannot Be Defeated
The Lord told me to say:

12 People of Judah,
just as you can't break iron
mixed with bronze,
you can't defeat the enemies
that will attack
from the north.
13 I will give them
everything you own,
because you have sinned
everywhere in your country.
14 My anger is a fire
that cannot be put out,
so I will make you slaves
of your enemies
in a foreign land.
Jeremiah Complains Again
15 You can see how I suffer
insult after insult,
all because of you, Lord.
Don't be so patient
with my enemies;
take revenge on them
before they kill me.

16 When you spoke to me,
I was glad to obey,
because I belong to you,
the Lord All-Powerful.
17 I don't go to parties
and have a good time.
Instead, I keep to myself,
because you have filled me
with your anger.

18 I am badly injured
and in constant pain.
Are you going to disappoint me,
like a stream that goes dry
in the heat of summer?
The Lord Replies
19 Then the Lord told me:
Stop talking like a fool!
If you turn back to me
and speak my message,
I will let you be my prophet
once again.
I hope the people of Judah
will accept what you say.
But you can ignore their threats,
* 20 because I am making you strong,
like a bronze wall.
They are evil and violent,
but when they attack,
21 I will be there to rescue you.
I, the Lord, have spoken.