Ŋgaemba Dawidi ro ta Yekalu Obe rota
1 'Bädri'ba Dawidi mbikala dri'bai losi ro cini Yisaraele ro rote Yerusalema ya, dri'bai 'bakalai ro, dri'bai 'dise olonyibe ruindune 'bädri'ba ri ro, otaozo'bai kyila'bai kuturo ro, otaozo'bai kyila'bai kama ro ro, dri'bai ŋga cini 'bädri'ba ro vona ondrena ro, voondre'bai ti 'bädri'ba ro ro ndi ŋgwàagoro ndaro be, ndi tro dri'bai zo'desi miri robe, lidri mbaraekye ro ndi 'dise cini tauni amba be be. 2 'Dooko 'Bädri'ba Dawidi ŋga edrete kuru ago atate ekye: “Nyeri ta maro, ädrupii maro ago lidri maro. Ma'ba ta te ya maro ya zo obene Sänduku Tao'baro ri kotoparo OPI Lu amaro ri; mederute Yekalu obene nda orozana. 3 Oko Lu laga ma zo obene, tana ma orivoya kyila'ba yi ago ma'ba kari te orone amba. 4 Caoko OPI Lu Yisaraele ro nji ma ni ndi zelevo maro be Yisaraele cini mirine äduako; tana nda nji 'bakala Yuda ro ni a'done dri'bai ro, ago ni 'bakala Yuda ro yasi nda nji katidri täpi maro ro ni, ago ni ŋgwàagoro täpi maro ro lakosi ta maro si nda gwo, ago ru ma gwo 'ba ma gwo 'bädri'ba ro Yisaraele cini dri. 5 OPI ozo ŋgwàagoro te märi amba, ago ŋgwàagoro cini maro lakosi nda nji Solomo ŋgwa maro te Yisaraele mirine se ni 'bädri OPI ro. 6 OPI atate märi ekye: ‘Solomo ŋgwa miro obena Yekalu maro ni ndi gokoi maro be, tana mani nda ni a'done ŋgwa maro, ago ma'dona ndi täpi ndaro. 7 Ma'bana miri 'bädri'ba ndaro 'da orine äduako ondro ka'do nda kugu gindi 'du ota maro ndi tase marabe ätine be, oso nda kabe ugu oyena yauono ronye owo.’ 8 Ka'do inye ami lidri maro, ago lidri Yisaraele ro ono, mata ami OPI amaro mile ago lidri Yisaraele ro kombikalabe ono kandra; ota se cini OPI Lu amaro kota ama be sina ono orone taoti si, tana märu 'bädri kado ono robe 'duro, ago nyè'be robe drimbiro zelevoi amiro se kabe eso ami vosi ri äduako.”
9 Ago Solomo ri nda atate ekye: “Solomo ŋgwa maro, mata mi miri Lu täpi miro ro unine, ago nyinduru ndäri ya cini si, ago tauni si ole cini si; tana OPI kani tausu cini ndi ole amaro be unina. Ondro ka'do nyoyite ndare nda uruna mi ndi; oko ondro nye'be nda te, nda e'bena mi ndi äduako. 10 Beṛo miri unine anjioko OPI nji mi te Yekalu alokado ndaro obene; ka'do inye mibe ri, ago mibe ole cini si.”
11 'Dooko Dawidi ozo tase arabe ta ndiṛi Yekalu ro rota te ŋgwa ndaro Solomo ri, ndi ta zoya nai robe, vo nai ŋgaodroro robe; zoya nai kurusi robe, ndi ta Vo Alokado Fondra na robe, se abe 'die'be kigye ta takozi rota 'do, 12 ndi tase cini nda korabe dri ndaro ya ta gokoi rota, ndi zoya se cini gbikyi lomvoigyesi robe, ta vo ŋgaodroro Yekalu ro ndi ŋgapäṛi se adite to Lu ri iyi robe; 13 Dawidi ozo tase arabe ta kama kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be ri, ndi ta losi se cini ruindu ro Yekalu ya robe te ndäri; ndi ta lakazà se cini ruindu ro Yekalu ya vona ondrena robe, 14 nda ozo ŋgaemba te läŋgyi logo läguläguro ro ojoza lakazà edeza, ta lakazà läguläguro cini ta ruindu cini rota robe, 15 läŋgyi logo läguläguro ro tana lamba alo ndi ŋga edrena robe, 16 läŋgyi mo'di ro ta tara'biza alo alo rota, läŋgyi logo läguläguro ro ta tara'biza ambata se adibe to Lu ri rota. 17 Nda ozo ŋgaemba kpate ta läŋgyi logo läguläguro wäṛiro ro tana ka'dai, deŋbelei, ndi lakazà ndi lakazà be rota, läŋgyi logo läguläguro ndi mo'di robe saani edeza; 18 läŋgyi logo läguläguro ro vo tori oloro ŋga tägyi tagyiri ro ozaro edeza ndi arabia läguläguro malaikai vookwaro kufube ro se larayi kufu ànyaro te Sänduku Tao'baro OPI ro dri ana be. 19 'Bädri'ba Dawidi atate ekye: “Ŋgase cini egyibe taora ono ya ono egyite ŋgaemba se OPI modo kozobe märi ono voro.”
20 'Dooko Dawidi atate ŋgwa ndaro Solomo ri ekye: “Nya'do 'diri ago ole cini si. Nyeto losina ri ago mi'ba 'diaza kedre mi ko. Tana OPI Lu se mabe ruindu rigye ono, a'dona ndi tro mibe, e'bena mi ko, madale mindena losi cini Yekalu ndaro ro gwo. 21 Olonji kohanii ndi Lewe'bai be te kama ànyaro Yekalu roya, losioye'bai cini se tauni losi dri toto robe; orivoya nja mi opane, lidri cini ndi dri'bai ànyaro be orivoya ota miro zele.”
David Gives Solomon the Plans for the Temple
1 David called a meeting in Jerusalem for all of Israel's leaders, including the tribal leaders, the government officials, the army commanders, the officials in charge of the royal property and livestock, the palace officials, and the brave warriors.
2 After everyone was there, David stood up and said:
Listen to me, my people. I wanted to build a place where the sacred chest would be kept, so we could go there and worship the Lord our God. I have prepared all the supplies for building a temple, 3 but the Lord has refused to let me build it, because he said I have killed too many people in battle.
4 The Lord God chose Judah to be the leading tribe in Israel. Then from Judah, he chose my father's family, and from that family, he chose me to be the king of Israel, and he promised that my descendants will also rule as kings. 5 The Lord has blessed me with many sons, but he chose my son Solomon to be the next king of Israel. 6 The Lord said to me, “Your son Solomon will build my temple, and it will honor me. Solomon will be like a son to me, and I will be like a father to him. 7 If he continues to obey my laws and commands, his kingdom will never end.”
8 My friends, you are the Lord's people. And now, with God as your witness, I want you to promise that you will do your best to obey everything the Lord God has commanded us. Then this land will always belong to you and your descendants.
9 Solomon, my son, worship God and obey him with all your heart and mind, just as I have done. He knows all your thoughts and your reasons for doing things, and so if you turn to him, he will hear your prayers. But if you ignore him, he will reject you forever. 10 The Lord has chosen you to build a temple for worshiping him. Be confident and do the work you have been assigned.
11 After David finished speaking, he gave Solomon the plans for building the main rooms of the temple, including the porch, the storerooms, the rooms upstairs and downstairs, as well as the most holy place. 12 He gave Solomon his plans for the courtyards and the open areas around the temple, and for the rooms to store the temple treasures and gifts that had been dedicated to God.
13 David also gave Solomon his plans for dividing the priests and the Levites into groups, as well as for the work that needed to be done at the temple and for taking care of the objects used for worship. 14 He told Solomon how much gold and silver was to be used in making the sacred objects, 15 including the lampstands and lamps, 16 the gold table which held the sacred loaves of bread, the tables made of silver, 17 the meat forks, the bowls and cups, 18 the gold incense altar, and the gold statue of a chariot for the winged creatures which were on the lid of the sacred chest.
19 David then said to Solomon:
The Lord showed me how his temple is to be built. 20 But you must see that everything is done according to these plans. Be confident, and never be afraid of anything or get discouraged. The Lord my God will help you do everything needed to finish the temple, so it can be used for worshiping him. 21 The priests and Levites have been assigned their duties, and all the skilled workers are prepared to do their work. The people and their leaders will do anything you tell them.