aza 10
1 lieŋgeri linyi, ṯugwor ṯinyi ṯir zurum, na eṯinyji erici Allah ki yiriny mindaŋ er kilaw. 2 nyi kweḏi ŋuma eḏi zi unḏizi ki, eṯir orɔ zurum nani gwu Allah lakin eṯir ṯime ŋiɽaŋali ŋuŋun. 3 kaka timḏir gwu ṯofḏana tinḏi nani gwu Allah, eṯir naŋnini kḏa ṯeŋen, ner ere ejilini ki rɔgwɽɔ mac eḏafi ṯofḏana ṯeḏi Allah. 4 kaka ur gwu Kwruztu ŋgwa kwumɔ zi ṯimazi kworɔ ndeṯ ŋeḏi kuruu, mindaŋ eḏi zi Allah ruzi luzuɽu-na kla tatap leḏi ṯəmna.
ṯay ṯiaŋ ṯinḏi ki ṯofḏana-na ṯiri ṯeḏi lizi ndendeṯ
5 kaka luḏi zi gwu muuza, ŋwu: ŋgwa kweṯizerri ŋir ŋofḏana kuruu gi, ŋwu kaṯazi ŋimiiḏa ṯaŋwu. 6 lakin na ṯofḏana ṯəmna ṯi aruŋw: eṯere ari ki ṯugwor-na ṯɔŋwa mac, eya kwinḏi eḏi dallu kilerena? (ŋeni ŋu, eḏi dapiza Kwruztuŋw lu) 7 ya, eya kwinḏi eḏoɽu lac? (ŋeni ŋu, eḏalliza Kwruztuŋw lu ŋiɽany-na). 8 lakin eṯuŋw ari ḏa? ŋiɽaŋal ŋeṯi ŋazi nanazi keṯɔk, ki runyu-na ralu na ki rugwor-na ralu, (ŋeni ŋu, ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi ṯəmna, ŋinde ŋiri ŋeṯir zi andazi); 9 kaka inḏi ŋa gwu eḏi kilaw mezi andazi pɔrpɔr runyu ri eḏaruŋw, Yecu kwiri Kweleny; na ma emni rugwor ri eḏaruŋw, Allah wumɔdiɽa ŋunduŋwu ki ŋiɽany-na. 10 kaka eṯi gwu ṯəmna ṯeṯafa ṯofḏana nani ki rugwor-na, na eṯi gwu ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi ṯəmna ŋeṯafa ŋigileḏa nani ki runyu-na. 11 kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw: kwere nyiḏak kweṯalliḏa ŋunduŋwu ṯugwori nana, a ṯurony ere ye mac. 12 kaka iti nani gwu ṯuɽenena mac ṯeḏi yahuuḏ-ŋa yunaan yi. Kweleny kwir kwutuput kwiri Kweleny kweḏi ndendeṯ, na eṯuŋw zi inḏeḏa kla tatap leṯuṯizelu ŋurṯua ŋuŋun. 13 kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw: kwere nyiḏak kweṯari yiriny yi yeḏi Kweleny, ṯəmna ṯi, kwinḏi eḏi kilaw.
14 lakin lizi leḏi ŋuma aŋgwuru eḏari yiriny yi yuŋwun ṯəmna ṯi, mer ere eḏici ŋunduŋwu ṯəmna mac? ta, er eḏici ŋunduŋwu ṯəmna aŋgwuru mer zi ere neŋne ŋuŋun mac? ta, er zi neŋne aŋgwuru mer ere eḏi kafura mac? 15 ta, a yafur ele eḏizandaci aŋgwuru, mer zi ere ṯiŋaḏa mac? kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw: aḏa kwiri kwizawi kaka ŋwara ŋweḏi kla leṯafa ŋiɽaŋali ŋeni ŋami ŋeḏi kwɔmne kwizaw! 16 lakin ner ere tatap inyici ŋiɽaŋali nana ŋeḏi injiil mac; kaka ari gwu izaya, ŋwu: Kweleny, eya kwiri kwemni ŋiɽaŋali ŋineŋnaŋw zi nani nyi gwu? 17 ṯaŋwu, eṯi ma ṯəmna ila ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋimerzi neŋne, na ŋa ŋineŋnarzi ner orɔ ŋeḏi Kwruztu.
18 lakin nyi kwuṯalu: ŋiti ŋimerzi neŋne manya? ŋimerzi neŋne rac, kaka luḏinar gwu, ŋaruŋw:
rɔgwɽɔ reŋen rimerzi neŋne ṯurmuna nana tatap,
na ŋiɽaŋal ŋeŋen ŋimɔ fadiḏa ṯaŋwu, ṯurmuna nana tɔk.
19 nyi kwuṯalu kwokwony: ŋimɔ zi lizi leḏi izrayiil ṯime, a? na kerreny na muuza aruŋw:
nyi kwɔŋazi ukwazi eḏi zi kiici ŋiɽany ŋeḏi kla liti lir leḏi ŋeleny ŋere mac;
nyi kwɔŋazi ukwazi eḏorɔ lirŋaza ŋeleny ŋi ŋete ŋeni ŋiḏiki.
20 mindaŋ na izaya bonye eḏaruŋw:
limenyjinḏa kla liti limenyi naŋnini mac;
limenyji ruweci rɔgwɽɔ lu kla liti leṯinyi gi uṯalu tɔk mac.
21 lakin nuŋw zi andazi ŋeḏi izrayiil, nuŋw aruŋw:
ŋwamin tatap nyi kwumɔ ṯiŋaḏa rii lu nani gwu lizi lir ludurlaḏu, liti leṯi ketize ŋiɽaŋali ŋinyi yey mac.
1 My friends, how I wish with all my heart that my own people might be saved! How I pray to God for them! 2 I can assure you that they are deeply devoted to God; but their devotion is not based on true knowledge. 3 They have not known the way in which God puts people right with himself, and instead, they have tried to set up their own way; and so they did not submit themselves to God's way of putting people right. 4 For Christ has brought the Law to an end, so that everyone who believes is put right with God.
Salvation Is for All
5 Moses wrote this about being put right with God by obeying the Law: “Whoever obeys the commands of the Law will live.” 6 But what the scripture says about being put right with God through faith is this: “You are not to ask yourself, Who will go up into heaven?” (that is, to bring Christ down). 7 “Nor are you to ask, Who will go down into the world below?” (that is, to bring Christ up from death). 8 What it says is this: “God's message is near you, on your lips and in your heart”—that is, the message of faith that we preach. 9 If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from death, you will be saved. 10 For it is by our faith that we are put right with God; it is by our confession that we are saved. 11 The scripture says, “Whoever believes in him will not be disappointed.” 12 This includes everyone, because there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles; God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. 13 As the scripture says, “Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.”
14 But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? 15 And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out? As the scripture says, “How wonderful is the coming of messengers who bring good news!” 16 But not all have accepted the Good News. Isaiah himself said, “Lord, who believed our message?” 17 So then, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message comes through preaching Christ.
18 But I ask: Is it true that they did not hear the message? Of course they did—for as the scripture says:
“The sound of their voice went out to all the world;
their words reached the ends of the earth.”
19 Again I ask: Did the people of Israel not understand? Moses himself is the first one to answer:
“I will use a so-called nation
to make my people jealous;
and by means of a nation of fools
I will make my people angry.”
20 And Isaiah is even bolder when he says,
“I was found by those who were not looking for me;
I appeared to those who were not asking for me.”
21 But concerning Israel he says, “All day long I held out my hands to welcome a disobedient and rebellious people.”