aza 8
kwurna kweḏi libruz dufokwɽeny
1 na ma Tirany kii ŋwuli ŋweḏi kaṯim kir nimra dufɔkwɽeny, na kizen ayḏalu kilerena ciɽŋil kaka nuzz zaa. 2 nenyeze limaleyka dufɔkwɽeny leṯirilli ki yey-na yeḏi Allah, ner zi inḏeḏa libruza dufɔkwɽeny. 3 na maleyka ila kwir ter nuŋw rillaci ŋweḏgwuna lu, kwapa taɽnyu tir ḏahab, ner inḏeḏa kwuḏɽula kwitezir, eḏi kete duŋw taraḏi ki yiriny ṯeḏi lizi tatap lirlinelu ter eḏi Kwruztu-na ŋweḏgwun la ŋwir ḏahab, ŋwunani ki yey-na yeḏi kwurzi kweḏi ŋeleny; 4 na kwulu kweḏi kwuḏɽul dallu nani gwu ṯara ki yiriny ṯeḏi lizi lirlinelu ter, ki rii-na reḏi maleyka kwirlaca Allah lu. 5 mindaŋ na maleyka dimi taɽnyu nuŋw urezi igəŋi-na weḏi ŋweḏgwun, nuŋw kaṯa puc kureyu lu; mindaŋ na lere arina, nuŋw upuḏina mindaŋ na rimen iiḏi keny keny, na ureyu rigini.
6 na limaleyka lir dufɔkwɽeny, kla lapa libruza lir dufɔkwɽeny tɔk, ner rilli cugwɔ-cugwɔp eḏi zi əri.
7 na maleyka, kwir nimra kwete, əri bruza kwuŋwun, na ŋworum-ŋa igə yi ŋwulagḏina ŋin ŋi, ner iida kureyu lu; na ureyu dunnaḏi kiḏriḏa kete keḏi ṯɔɽɔl, na yaɽi kiḏriḏa kete keḏi ṯɔɽɔl tɔk, na karwa tatap kigla dunnaḏa lu dar.
8 na maleyka, kwir nimra kwuɽen, əri bruza kwuŋwun, na kwɔmne kwete kwir kaka ayin wupa dinḏeḏi igəŋi nana nyɔr nyər, nuŋw keṯini ki ṯujul-na; 9 na ṯujul yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl na kiḏriḏa kete orɔ ŋin; na kwɔmne kwumiiḏu yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl nuŋw ay kiḏriḏa kete; na lifaluuka yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl, nuŋw kiraḏa lu kete.
10 na maleyka, kwir nimra ṯɔɽɔl, əri bruza kwuŋwun, na ṯorum ṯete ṯupa iida kilerena, nuŋw ṯiŋa fori lu kaka lɔmba, na yufurṯa yupa yeṯeḏi ŋaw dɔk dɔk yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl na gwu ṯorum iideḏa la kete; nuŋw iideḏa ki le-la leṯirteḏi ŋaw dɔk. 11 na yiriny yeḏi ṯorum kḏa eni kwɔmne kwiɽi, na ŋaw yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl nuŋw ɽe kete cercer, mindaŋ ma lizi ay litezir ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi ŋaw ŋimɔ ɽe.
12 na maleyka, kwir nimra kwaɽŋan, əri bruza kwuŋwun, na aŋwun yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl nuŋw pini kete, na owa pini ṯaŋwu kete tɔk, na rorum kete tɔk, mindaŋ ma fori kweŋen yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl nuŋw orɔ kete kirim, na fori kweḏi kaŋwuna yiḏriḏa ṯɔɽɔl na kete nuŋwere ṯiŋanalu mac, na kulu tɔk ṯaŋwu.
13 nenyi dimi yey nenyeze, nenyi neŋne lufurṯaŋi lidiɽi ki lere lari ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯi ṯupa, ŋwu: eyewey, eyewey, eyewey kweḏi kla leṯi nani ki ṯurmun-na, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi libruz liḏaḏu, linḏi zi limaleyka ṯɔɽɔl eḏi zi əri kirem!
The Seventh Seal
1 When the Lamb broke open the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. 2 Then I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and they were given seven trumpets.
3 Another angel, who had a gold incense container, came and stood at the altar. He was given a lot of incense to add to the prayers of all God's people and to offer it on the gold altar that stands before the throne. 4 The smoke of the burning incense went up with the prayers of God's people from the hands of the angel standing before God. 5 Then the angel took the incense container, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it on the earth. There were rumblings and peals of thunder, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake.
The Trumpets
6 Then the seven angels with the seven trumpets prepared to blow them.
7 The first angel blew his trumpet. Hail and fire, mixed with blood, came pouring down on the earth. A third of the earth was burned up, a third of the trees, and every blade of green grass.
8 Then the second angel blew his trumpet. Something that looked like a huge mountain on fire was thrown into the sea. A third of the sea was turned into blood, 9 a third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
10 Then the third angel blew his trumpet. A large star, burning like a torch, dropped from the sky and fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 (The name of the star is “Bitterness.”) A third of the water turned bitter, and many people died from drinking the water, because it had turned bitter.
12 Then the fourth angel blew his trumpet. A third of the sun was struck, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that their light lost a third of its brightness; there was no light during a third of the day and a third of the night also.
13 Then I looked, and I heard an eagle that was flying high in the air say in a loud voice, “O horror! horror! How horrible it will be for all who live on earth when the sound comes from the trumpets that the other three angels must blow!”