aza 15
nyiṯra nyir dufɔkwɽeny jiiza gi kweŋen
1 mindaŋ nenyeze ŋiɽaŋali ŋir ter kilerena, ŋir ŋupa ŋeṯi liŋɽazi tɔk ŋir ŋu, limaleyka dufɔkwɽeny jiiza gi dufɔkwɽeny, kwunde kwiri kweḏi kwaḏanŋw, kaka ma gwu ŋirŋaza ŋeḏi Allah irmiḏiḏi jiiza gi ŋgu.
2 nenyeze ṯujuli ṯete ṯir kaka ṯujul ṯir gizaaza ṯilagḏina igə yi, nenyjeze kla limillazi kwɔmne ŋgwa kwumiiḏu ki kweḏi ŋerya, na zura kwuŋwun tɔk, na ŋwuɽu ŋweḏi yiriny yuŋwun, ner irli tatap ṯujuli kəni ṯir gizaaza, lapa lumbəra leḏi Allah ki rii-na reŋen. 3 eṯir kete ṯilŋa ṯeḏi muuza, kwir kaḏaam keḏi Allah, na ṯeḏi Tirany, ṯaruŋw:
na, kwir Kweleny kweni Allah wuṯemḏizi la tatap ŋuma ŋi,
ŋɔḏɽor ŋɔŋa ŋir ŋupa ŋeṯi liŋɽazi tɔk.
ŋa, kwir Kweleny kweḏi ŋeleny ŋir-na ter ter,
ŋeḏre ŋɔŋa ŋir ŋirlalu rerec.
4 eya kwiri kwiti kwɔ ŋa ṯenye mac, Kweleny, ŋwere nii yiriny-na yɔŋwa tɔk mac?
kaka ur ŋa gwu dak Kwirlinelu ter.
na ŋeleny tatap ŋir-na ter ter ŋinḏi eḏi kwoce ŋaŋwu lu,
kaka mer gwu ruwene lu ŋa ŋofḏana ŋeṯizerri.
5 mer ere ŋu ta, nenyi kete yey nenyeze heykala weḏi kheyma kinani kilerena kimɔ iŋḏini, 6 na limaleyka lir dufɔkwɽeny ruḏa ki heykal-na, likinna yireṯi yimri-na, yifiiḏu pər pər, liməlina ŋwar ŋi ŋwir ḏahab ki lurdum la, lapa jiiza dufɔkwɽeny. 7 na kwete kweḏi kwɔmne ŋgwa kwumiiḏu kwir kwaɽŋan inḏeḏa limaleyka dufɔkwɽeny nyiṯraŋi dufɔkwɽeny nyir ḏahab, nyurene ŋirŋaza-na ŋeḏi Allah weṯinanniḏa dɔk dɔk; 8 na heykal ureni kwuluŋi-na kweḏi ŋiniṯ ŋeḏi Allah, na kweḏi ŋuma ŋuŋun, mindaŋ nuŋw ere kwere mac kweḏi ŋuma eḏenḏi ki heykal-na mindaŋ ma jiiza ŋgwa dufɔkwɽeny kweḏi limaleyka dufɔkwɽeny ernine.
The Angels with the Last Plagues
1 Then I saw in the sky another mysterious sight, great and amazing. There were seven angels with seven plagues, which are the last ones, because they are the final expression of God's anger.
2 Then I saw what looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire. I also saw those who had won the victory over the beast and its image and over the one whose name is represented by a number. They were standing by the sea of glass, holding harps that God had given them 3 and singing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb:
“Lord God Almighty,
how great and wonderful are your deeds!
King of the nations,
how right and true are your ways!
4 Who will not stand in awe of you, Lord?
Who will refuse to declare your greatness?
You alone are holy.
All the nations will come
and worship you,
because your just actions are seen by all.”
5 After this I saw the temple in heaven open, with the Sacred Tent in it. 6 The seven angels who had the seven plagues came out of the temple, dressed in clean shining linen and with gold bands tied around their chests. 7 Then one of the four living creatures gave the seven angels seven gold bowls full of the anger of God, who lives forever and ever. 8 The temple was filled with smoke from the glory and power of God, and no one could go into the temple until the seven plagues brought by the seven angels had come to an end.