aza 1
ŋiɽaŋal ŋeḏi kiṯam ŋgu na ṯagna ṯeḏi yuhanna
1 ŋiɽaŋal ŋu ŋimezi Yecu Kwruztu ruweze lu, ŋinḏeḏa zi Allah eḏizilŋiiḏini yaḏaama yuŋwun ŋa ŋinḏi eḏerrini kwaḏan kwɔkwɔ. nuŋw zi tuweci yuhannaŋw lu maleyka gi kwuŋwun, 2 na yuhanna orɔ zuhuuḏ kweḏi kwɔmne tatap kwafa ŋwi nani gwu Allah, na ṯunḏiza ki ṯeḏi Yecu Kwruztu. 3 ŋgwa kworti pɔrpɔr ŋiɽaŋali ŋu ŋeḏi ŋiɽya, kweni kwortani; na kla tɔk leṯi zi neŋne mindaŋ ner zi inyici nana ŋa ŋuluḏina, leni lortani tɔk, kaka ma gwu lomur adiḏi.
4 nyi kwiri kweni yuhanna, kwuluca yaniiza dufɔkwɽeny yeḏi azyaŋw:
eḏi ṯimeca ṯeḏi ŋimɽi nani daŋgal-na ŋiɽena ŋi, ŋinḏi nani gwu ŋgwa kwunani kirem, na kwunani kerreny, na kwinḏi eḏila, na ŋinḏi nani gwu rigɽim rimiiḏu dufɔkwɽeny rirlaca kwurzi lu kwuŋwun kweḏi ŋeleny, 5 na ŋinḏi nani gwu Yecu Kwruztu, kwir zuhuuḏ kwirlalu, kwir Tor tir nda teḏi kla lidiɽi ki ŋiɽany-na, nuŋw orɔ Kweleny kweḏi leleny tatap leḏi ṯurmun.
eḏi ŋgwa kweṯinyjamɽi, kwumenyji fifri ki ŋikya-na ŋeri ŋin ŋi ŋuŋun, 6 kwumenyji ruzi ŋeleny ŋete, na yiziiz yere yere yeḏi Allah wuŋwun, wir Papa kwuŋwun tɔk, eḏi ŋiniṯ-ŋa zulṯa gi orɔ kwuŋwun dɔk dɔk. emba. 7 izari, ŋgwa kwinḏi eḏila ŋwebleṯ ŋi-na, na yey tatap yinḏi eḏeze, na kla tatap liṯugwi; a yabiila tatap yeḏi ṯurmun ari, eyewey, eyewey, ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋuŋun. ŋinḏi ṯa eḏorɔ ŋwu. emba.
8 na Kweleny kweni Allah, kwunderṯa kwunani kirem, na kweṯinani kerreny, na kwinḏi eḏila tɔk, ŋgwa kwuṯemḏizi la ŋuma ŋi, aru ŋwu: nyi kwiri kweni alfa na omega, yinderṯa yeni kwɔnkwɔn na kwaḏan.
ŋiniṯ ŋeṯi Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ ŋizazi yuhanna
9 nyi kwiri kweni yuhanna, kwir aŋgalu kwalu kweṯoɽmaṯi ŋaŋa li ki ṯurfa-na, na ki ŋeleny-na, na ki ṯukwurmɔṯana-na tɔk, ṯimorɔ ṯeri eḏi Yecu-na. nyi kwunani kaka mabuuz ki jaziira-na kwete kweni baṯmuz, kaka andizenyi gwu ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi Allah nenyi unḏizi Yecuŋw ki. 10 nenyi Ṯigɽim tirlinelu ter mulɔ ki lamin leḏi Kweleny, nenyi neŋne ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯete ṯupa nyuŋwu ṯoɽu ṯi la, kaka bruz, 11 ṯaruŋw: ŋa ŋizaŋa zi, luḏi zi kiṯam-na kete, ezi uzici yaniiza yir dufɔkwɽeny, nani afazuz, na zimirna, na bargamuz, na ṯiyaṯra, na zarḏiz, na filaḏalfiya na lawuḏikya.
12 ta nenyi orlelu eḏeze ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯandicenyi, mindaŋ menyi orlaḏa nana ta, nenyeze kwɔmne dufɔkwɽeny kwir ḏahab, kweṯir gi allazi lɔmba la, 13 na keligeny-na keḏi kwɔmne kweḏi ŋwɔmba, nenyeze kwete kwir kaka Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ, kwukinna kireṯi kola, na kwurdum la nuŋw məlini lar li lir ḏahab; 14 na nda luŋwun, owɽu yi-na, fiiḏi kaka afɽuga, nuŋw fiiḏa kaka yawa; na yey yuŋwun orɔ kaka igə wufudu; 15 na ŋwara ŋwuŋwun aɽani zarṯu kwir zurman kwuṯiɽnyinana igə yi, kweṯari kam kam, na ṯɔgwɽɔ ṯuŋwun aɽani kwurna kweḏi kiiru kupa. 16 ki ṯii-na ṯuŋwun ṯeḏi mini nuŋw api rorumi dufɔkwɽeny, na kalala kirana ray riɽen ruḏa kworɔ-na kwuŋwun, na kiyeyna kwuŋwun nuŋw aɽani aŋwunu muŋw ṯiŋaḏa fori lu kaŋwuna.
17 menyeze ŋunduŋwu, nenyi iideḏa ŋwuɽele-na ŋwuŋwun timbɽak, kaka kwizi kwayyu, lakin nuŋw kete nyuŋwu ṯii la ṯeḏi mini, nuŋw aruŋw: eṯi ṯinya mac. nyi kweni kwiŋna na kwukwaḏiḏi tɔk; 18 nenyorɔ ŋgwa kweṯi miiḏi; nenyi ay kerreny, lakin izaṯi, nyi kwumɔ miiḏi, enyi nanniḏa kwumiiḏu dɔk dɔk, nenyeḏi limufṯah leḏi ŋiɽany na ezir weḏi rigɽim. 19 luḏi zi fitak ŋa ŋizaŋa zi, ŋu ŋinani kire-kirem, na ŋa ŋinḏi eḏerrini kwaḏan gi. 20 ŋiɽaŋal ŋulucine ŋeḏi rorum rir dufɔkwɽeny, kra rizaŋa zi ki ṯii tinyi ṯeḏi mini, na ŋwɔmba ŋwir dufɔkwɽeny ŋwir ḏahab ŋiri ŋwu, rorum dufɔkwɽeny riti limaleyka leḏi yaniiza dufɔkwɽeny, na ŋwɔmba ŋwir dufɔkwɽeny ŋwiri yaniiza dufɔkwɽeny.
1 This book is the record of the events that Jesus Christ revealed. God gave him this revelation in order to show to his servants what must happen very soon. Christ made these things known to his servant John by sending his angel to him, 2 and John has told all that he has seen. This is his report concerning the message from God and the truth revealed by Jesus Christ. 3 Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book! For the time is near when all these things will happen.
Greetings to the Seven Churches
4 From John to the seven churches in the province of Asia:
Grace and peace be yours from God, who is, who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits in front of his throne, 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the first to be raised from death and who is also the ruler of the kings of the world.
He loves us, and by his sacrificial death he has freed us from our sins 6 and made us a kingdom of priests to serve his God and Father. To Jesus Christ be the glory and power forever and ever! Amen.
7 Look, he is coming on the clouds! Everyone will see him, including those who pierced him. All peoples on earth will mourn over him. So shall it be!
8 “I am the first and the last,” says the Lord God Almighty, who is, who was, and who is to come.
A Vision of Christ
9 I am John, your brother, and as a follower of Jesus I am your partner in patiently enduring the suffering that comes to those who belong to his Kingdom. I was put on the island of Patmos because I had proclaimed God's word and the truth that Jesus revealed. 10 On the Lord's day the Spirit took control of me, and I heard a loud voice, that sounded like a trumpet, speaking behind me. 11 It said, “Write down what you see, and send the book to the churches in these seven cities: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.”
12 I turned around to see who was talking to me, and I saw seven gold lampstands, 13 and among them there was what looked like a human being, wearing a robe that reached to his feet, and a gold band around his chest. 14 His hair was white as wool, or as snow, and his eyes blazed like fire; 15 his feet shone like brass that has been refined and polished, and his voice sounded like a roaring waterfall. 16 He held seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp two-edged sword came out of his mouth. His face was as bright as the midday sun. 17 When I saw him, I fell down at his feet like a dead man. He placed his right hand on me and said, “Don't be afraid! I am the first and the last. 18 I am the living one! I was dead, but now I am alive forever and ever. I have authority over death and the world of the dead. 19 Write, then, the things you see, both the things that are now and the things that will happen afterward. 20 Here is the secret meaning of the seven stars that you see in my right hand, and of the seven gold lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.