aza 17
ŋiɽaŋal ŋere ŋere ŋandiza zi Yecu
1 nuŋw andaci limeḏgen, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ṯiṯugwudaza eḏaki pir ṯila rac, lakin, eyewey, ṯurfa teḏi ŋgwa kwinḏi eḏi zi ṯugwudazi! 2 ŋizawi duŋgwun eḏi kəkini ali kwrɔm, eḏi kaṯu ki tujul-na, muŋw ṯugwudazi tete kru tɔkwɽeny eḏaki tay pir. 3 aŋiranar; ma ŋazi aŋgalu əkizi lɔmori puɽcur ta, ermicer, muŋw orla ṯugwori lu, iɽnyacarzelu. 4 muŋw əkizi ŋaŋwuzi lɔmori puɽcur nyamin dufɔkwɽeny ki lamin lutuput, mindaŋ muŋw orlaḏa ŋaŋwuzi nana nyamin dufɔkwɽeny, muŋw eca ŋaŋwuzi ŋwu: nyi orlaci ŋikyaŋi ŋinyi ŋwudɔŋw, fifricarzelu.
5 na yafur yuŋwun eca Kwelenyi ŋwu: kiɽecenyji ṯəmna. 6 nezi Kweleny eca ŋwu: eŋgi eḏi ṯəmna ṯir ṯɔkwɽoc kaka lola lete leḏi kwatta, eŋgi eca kwaɽi ŋgwu kweḏi ṯuuṯ, elline rufu ri lu a keṯini ki ṯujul-na, eŋgir ṯa errini ŋwu tuc.
7 muŋw eḏi kwete kaḏaama kete, muŋw əgizi ŋuruŋ, ya eḏi izaci ŋirela lu, mindaŋ muŋw ṯaŋa kwuḏer ta, ŋwu eca ŋgwa kwerrizaŋw zi, ila nanalu ndeḏne? 8 ta, ŋwu ere eca, əgizenyi kwɔmne gi ezir a, ami kinna yireṯŋw, nyi efiza eḏneya, mindaŋ menyi eḏne, menyi ii tɔk ta, a ma eḏne kwaḏan gi, eḏ ii tɔk a? 9 ta, ŋwu eca kaḏaama ŋgu, zukran, kaka muŋw zi gwu erri ŋa ŋandicaŋw zi eḏi zi erri a? 10 ŋu ṯa, orɔ ŋwu daŋgal-na tɔk, mezi erri tatap ŋir kaka ŋandicaŋazi eḏi zi erri, eṯaruŋw: ŋiti ŋeṯinyji ami erruŋw mac, kaka ŋeṯinyji ṯa erri ŋa ṯuɽuk kaka ŋeṯi ŋi aruŋw.
ṯizeya ṯeḏi lor wri, lir nyilaŋ
11 mer ṯa orɔ ŋwu, muŋw ele urzaliim, nuŋw ṯamḏu zaamra ŋgi, jaliil ŋgi tɔk. 12 mindaŋ muŋw enḏi kayin wete, ner biɽḏi lor li wri, lir nyilaŋ, lirlu tuk. 13 ner miḏiḏi kwola ner eca ŋwu: Yecu, muallim, iinenyji ṯugwori-na. 14 muŋw zi eze, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: inḏir ta, a ma baŋaci kiziiza kalu yaŋna. ner ṯa orɔ ŋwu, mer keni ele ki ṯay la ta, ner zeyini. 15 nuŋw izani kwete deŋgen-na, muŋw zeyini, nuŋw orlalu ŋwal ŋi ŋwupa kwuniya Allah-na ŋinit ŋi ŋumma ŋi. 16 nuŋw iidicelu ŋwuɽele-na, nuŋw eca ŋunduŋwu, zukran, kwunde kwir kweḏi ezir weni zaamra. 17 na Yecu eca ŋwu: nyi ari, ŋaŋa liri wri lidaɽmina. na lende kwuniṯri? 18 kwiti kwere kwurna ɽa eḏi nii Allah-na ŋiniṯ ŋi, illa kwor ŋgwu kwir ter a? 19 nuŋw eca ŋwu: diɽi, ele. ṯəmna ṯɔŋwa ṯimɔŋa zəwi.
ṯenda ṯeḏi ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah
20 na lifarzi uṯizelu, ner eca ŋwu: ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah ŋeŋgila ṯacaŋ? nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: a liti leḏi ŋuma mac eḏeze ŋelenyi ŋeḏi Allah yey yi yalu, mer ŋazi ilica. 21 er ere aru ŋwu mac: izarṯi, ŋir pa ŋu kunuŋ, ya ŋir pa ŋana kinanɔŋw, kaka nani gwu ŋeleny ŋeḏi Allah daŋgal-na. 22 nuŋw andaci limeḏgen, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋwamin ŋwa ŋwinḏi ŋwe ŋi naŋni eḏeze laminu lutuput leḏi Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ, na liti leze mac. 23 leŋazi eca ŋwu: ca ŋgwu kunuŋ, ya ca ŋgwana kinanɔŋw. eṯinḏi mac eḏi zi kwaki ḏalu. 24 kaka eṯi gwu ṯimen ari pinak kezir wete lerya nana, mindaŋ eṯuŋw ṯamḏu kezir wuḏaḏu, a Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ orɔ ŋwu, ki lamin luŋwun. 25 lakin, kwurerini kwɔmne gi kwitezir kerreny, a lizi leḏi lomur klu dirnaḏa lu. 26 kaka ŋwamin ŋwunani ŋi kwor kweni nuuh, er ṯa orɔ ŋwu ki ŋwamin ŋweḏi Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ. 27 ki ŋwamin ŋwa, eṯir eḏne, eṯir ii, eṯir amɽaḏizina eḏagiḏi, mindaŋ na lamin ila limɔ li nuuh enḏi ki faluuka-na, na kiiru ila, nuŋw zi kiraza lu tatap. 28 ŋiri ṯaŋwu, ki ŋwomur ŋwunani ŋi luuṯ; eṯir eḏne, eṯir ii, eṯir liṯaḏizi kwɔmne-na ki yiili-na, eṯir kwe, eṯir acici yiŋna tɔk. 29 mindaŋ ma lamin enḏa limɔ li luuṯ ruḏa zaḏuum, ner dunna igəŋi ki lere, mindaŋ nuŋw zi kiraza lu tatap. 30 er ṯa orɔ ŋwu ki lamin linḏi li Tor teḏi kwizigwunaŋ eḏi ruwene lu. 31 ki lamin ṯa kla, eḏi ŋgwa kwunani ki daŋga la, ere dapa mac eḏoɽi kiininy, eḏafa kwɔmne kwere kwuŋwun; ŋgwa kwunani kwuḏer-na, eḏuŋw ere aɽa tɔk mac. 32 ṯiŋayinar kwayu kweḏi luuṯ. 33 muŋw naŋni kwere nyiḏak eḏi kileḏi rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun, kwunde kwiru kwe zi kiraza lu: muŋw ṯuzi kwere rɔgwɽɔ ruŋwun, kwunde kwiru kwe zi kileḏi.
34 nyi kwecaŋazi ma ŋwa, kuluŋa ŋga, ma lor oɽmaṯi kwaŋgiɽaŋ la kwutuput nden, er dimi kwete, et ṯay lu kwete. 35 mer nani lir law nden liruḏi, er dimi kwete, er ṯay lu kwete. 36 mer nani lir lor nden kwuḏer, er dimi kwete, er ṯay lu kwete. 37 mer zi neŋne ŋu, ner uṯizelu, ner eca ŋwu: ṯaka kwiru manuŋ, Kweleny? nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kezir were weṯi gwu kwɔmne ay, eṯi gwu ŋwufurṯaŋ ireḏa.
(Matthew 18.6Matthew 7Matthew 21Matthew 22Mark 9.42)
1 Jesus said to his disciples, “Things that make people fall into sin are bound to happen, but how terrible for the one who makes them happen! 2 It would be better for him if a large millstone were tied around his neck and he were thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin. 3 So watch what you do!
“If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him. 4 If he sins against you seven times in one day, and each time he comes to you saying, ‘I repent,’ you must forgive him.”
5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Make our faith greater.”
6 The Lord answered, “If you had faith as big as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Pull yourself up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea!’ and it would obey you.
A Servant's Duty
7 “Suppose one of you has a servant who is plowing or looking after the sheep. When he comes in from the field, do you tell him to hurry along and eat his meal? 8 Of course not! Instead, you say to him, ‘Get my supper ready, then put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may have your meal.’ 9 The servant does not deserve thanks for obeying orders, does he? 10 It is the same with you; when you have done all you have been told to do, say, ‘We are ordinary servants; we have only done our duty.’”
Jesus Heals Ten Men
11 As Jesus made his way to Jerusalem, he went along the border between Samaria and Galilee. 12 He was going into a village when he was met by ten men suffering from a dreaded skin disease. They stood at a distance 13 and shouted, “Jesus! Master! Have pity on us!”
14 Jesus saw them and said to them, “Go and let the priests examine you.”
On the way they were made clean. 15 When one of them saw that he was healed, he came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself to the ground at Jesus' feet and thanked him. The man was a Samaritan. 17 Jesus spoke up, “There were ten who were healed; where are the other nine? 18 Why is this foreigner the only one who came back to give thanks to God?” 19 And Jesus said to him, “Get up and go; your faith has made you well.”
The Coming of the Kingdom
(Matthew 24.23-28Matthew 37-41)
20 Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. His answer was, “The Kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen. 21 No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’; because the Kingdom of God is within you.”
22 Then he said to the disciples, “The time will come when you will wish you could see one of the days of the Son of Man, but you will not see it. 23 There will be those who will say to you, ‘Look, over there!’ or, ‘Look, over here!’ But don't go out looking for it. 24 As the lightning flashes across the sky and lights it up from one side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. 25 But first he must suffer much and be rejected by the people of this day. 26 As it was in the time of Noah so shall it be in the days of the Son of Man. 27 Everybody kept on eating and drinking, and men and women married, up to the very day Noah went into the boat and the flood came and killed them all. 28 It will be as it was in the time of Lot. Everybody kept on eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. 29 On the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and killed them all. 30 That is how it will be on the day the Son of Man is revealed.
31 “On that day someone who is on the roof of a house must not go down into the house to get any belongings; in the same way anyone who is out in the field must not go back to the house. 32 Remember Lot's wife! 33 Those who try to save their own life will lose it; those who lose their life will save it. 34 On that night, I tell you, there will be two people sleeping in the same bed: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind. 35 Two women will be grinding meal together: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind.”
37 The disciples asked him, “Where, Lord?”
Jesus answered, “Wherever there is a dead body, the vultures will gather.”