aza 9
Yecu kwellica kworu yey-na kwilŋiiḏir ŋunduŋ ŋi-na
1 ma Yecu ṯamḏu, nuŋw eze kworu kwilŋiiḏir ŋunduŋ ŋi-na. 2 na gi limeḏgen uṯizelu, ner eca ŋwu: rabbi, eya kwiri kwakizi pir? kwor kwiri ŋgwu i, ya ṯernyin-ŋa lenyin gi, mindaŋ ilŋiiḏir gwu ŋunduŋ ŋi-na? 3 nezi Yecu eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: ŋiti ŋaki zi kwor ŋgwu ŋere pir mac, nezi ṯernyin-ŋa ere aki pir lenyin gi tɔk mac, lakin eḏi ṯerrina ṯeḏi Allah ruwene lu ŋundu ŋgi. 4 lazim eḏerri ŋɔḏɽor kaŋwun-na ŋeḏi ŋgwa kwuzanyi. kuluŋa ŋgu kinḏi, na kiti keŋgi gi kwere aki ŋɔḏɽor mac. 5 nani nyi ki ṯurmun-na, nenyi orɔ fori kweḏi ṯurmun. 6 muŋw zi andaci ŋu, nuŋw unyaḏa lu, nuŋw lagizi ŋwony-na ureyu yi, nuŋw mezici kworu ki yey; 7 nuŋw eca ŋwu: oɽi, una ki, ki ṯii la ṯeḏi ziluwaam (ṯeni ṯuzar). nuŋw ele, nuŋw una ki, nuŋw aɽa kwumafri yey-na.
8 kla leḏi yəni lu, kla li-na linḏa ŋunduŋwu kerreny, kweṯikitaci lizi yerge la, ner ṯa ari: kwunde kwiti kwiri ŋgwu manya kweṯinanalu, kweṯikitazi yerge la? 9 ner ari lɔkwɔ: kwunderṯa; ner ari liḏaḏu: beri, ŋgwu ṯa kwiri kaka ŋunduŋwu. nezi kwor eca ŋundu, ŋwu: nyi kwiri ma ṯa. 10 ner eca ŋwu: yimezi ṯa efri-na aŋgwuru? 11 nuŋw zi eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwor kwete kweni Yecu, kwunde kwiri kwulagiza ureyuŋi-na, nuŋw mezici nyuŋwu ki yey: nuŋw eca nyuŋwu ŋwu: oɽi ziluwaam, a gwu una ki. nenyi ele, nenyi una ki, nenyi afri yey-na. 12 ner eca ŋwu: kwende manuŋ? nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwiti kwilŋiicanyi ezir mac.
13 ner muloca lifarzia kworu kwir kwunduŋ kerreny. 14 na lamin kla lilagiza li Yecu ureyuŋi-na, leni zabiṯ lir, lefricaŋw li ŋunduŋwu yey-na. 15 na lifarzi uṯizelu kwokwony ner eca ŋwu: a kwumafri yey-na aŋgwuru? nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwumezicenyi ureyuŋi ki yey, nenyi una ki, ta nenyi ṯa afri yey-na. 16 ner ari lɔkwɔ ledi lifarzi: kwor ŋgwu kweḏi Allah kwiti kwiri mac, kaka eṯuŋw gwu ere miḏa kuruu keḏi lamin leni zabiṯ mac. ner ari liḏaḏu: eŋguŋw ke ṯugwori, ta eŋguŋw ma erri ŋilima ŋu aŋgwuru? ner upaḏalu. 17 kwokwony ner eca kworu kwir kwunduŋ ŋwu: kwari ŋa gi ḏa, mindaŋ ari ŋa gwu ŋwu, kwumenyi ellica yey-na? nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwiɽi kwiri. 18 na gi yahuuḏ ere emni mac eḏari, kwiri kwunduŋ kerreny nuŋw ma afri yey-na, mindaŋ ner gwu ṯa ornuṯa ṯernyin ŋwuzi lenyin gi, 19 ner zi gi uṯizelu, ner zi eca ŋwu: tiɽŋelu tiri kru, tari ŋa ri, tilŋiiḏir ŋunduŋ ŋi-na? yimezi ṯa ecizi ḏa, muŋw yi eze kirem? 20 nezi ṯernyin-ŋa eŋnici lenyin gi, ner zi eca ŋwu: tilŋiicanyi rac teri tiri, tilŋiiḏir ŋunduŋ ŋi-na. 21 nenyjere elŋece mac eḏari: ŋinde ŋir ŋu ŋimefri yey-na; nenyi ere elŋece kwizi tɔk mac kwefricezi-na. kwiri pa ŋgwu kwumorɔ kwor; uṯizer ma lu. kwiti kwandazi a? 22 na ternyin-ŋa andazi lenyin gi ŋiɽaŋali ŋu, kaka ṯinyar gwu yahuuḏa, kaka ma gwu yahuuḏ miḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋutuput, ŋarir ŋi ŋwu: mezi kwizi kwere ruweze lu ŋu, muŋw ari: Yecu kwiri Kwruztu ta, er ru kiṯay ki majma-na. 23 na ma ṯa ṯernyin-ŋa ari lenyin gi, kwiri pa ŋgwu kwumorɔ kwor, uṯizer ma lu.
24 ṯaŋwu ner ornuti kwokwony kworu kwir kwunduŋ kerreny, ner eca ŋwu: niiye Allah-na; nyiŋa lilŋiica pa kworu ŋgwu rac, kwiki ṯugwori. 25 nuŋw zi eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: kwiti kwilŋiicanyi mac eḏari: kwiki ṯugwori. kwɔmne kwutuput kwilŋiiḏi nyi. kerreny, nyi kwiri kwunduŋ, na kire-kirem nyi kwumafri yey-na. 26 ner eca kwokwony ŋwu: aḏa kwiri kwerricaŋw ŋaŋwu? kwefricaŋa ṯi yey-na aŋgwuru? 27 nuŋw zi eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: nyi kwumɔŋazi pa andaci rac, nezi ere neŋne mac. ŋɔḏɔ ŋinaŋna ŋazi eḏi neŋne kwokwony? a linaŋna eḏi miḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋuŋun ŋaŋa tɔk a? 28 ner urezi yufuluŋi nana, ner eca ŋwu: ati kwiri pa kwumiḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋuŋun. nyiŋa ta eti nyi miḏa ŋiɽaŋali ŋeḏi muuza. 29 nenyjelŋece rac, nenyari: Allah wiri wandiza muuzaŋw. na kwizimini ŋgwu, eya kwiri kwilŋiica ezir winḏuŋw gwu? 30 nezi kwor eŋnici, nuŋw zi eca ŋwu: a limɔ manja ureŋini ŋaŋa a, iti ilŋiicaŋa gwu ezir winḏuŋw gwu mac, na kwiri pa ŋgwu kwefricenyi yey-na. 31 ŋilŋiicar zi pa rac, eṯir ari: liti leri zi Allah niŋnaci liki rugwori mac. muŋw keni kwoce Allah lu kwere, muŋw inyizi nana, kwunderṯa kweṯi Allah niŋnaci. 32 kinaŋw, kitar gwu ṯurmuna kwɔnkwɔn tuk, ŋende ŋimer zi neŋne ŋeḏi kwizi kwere kwumefrizi kworu yey-na, kwilŋiiḏir ŋunduŋ ŋi-na. 33 eŋgi kwor ŋgwu ere orɔ kweḏi Allah mac, eŋguŋw ere eḏi ŋuma eḏerri kwɔmne kwere tɔk mac. 34 ner eŋnici, ner eca ŋwu: a kwiri mba kwilŋiiḏir kwiki ṯugwori ṯiga-ṯiga kwumini, mindaŋ ta naŋni eḏilŋiiḏini nyuŋwuzi a? ner allalu nuŋw ru par.
35 ma Yecu neŋne, mer eca: kwumer allalu, mindaŋ muŋw inḏa, nuŋw eca ŋwu: a kwumemni Toru teḏi kwizigwunaŋ eḏalliḏa ŋunduŋwu ṯugwori nana? 36 nuŋw eŋnici, nuŋw eca ŋwu: Kweleny, eya kwiri ŋgwa, eḏi nyi ma alliḏa ṯugwori nana? 37 na Yecu eca ŋwu: ŋgwa ṯa kwumeze, na kwunderṯa kwandizaŋa gi tɔk. 38 nuŋw eca ŋwu: Kweleny, kwemnizenyi, nuŋw kwocelu. 39 na Yecu eca ŋwu: nyi kwumenḏi ki ṯurmun-na kḏu ŋiɽaŋal ŋi ŋeḏi hukm, mindaŋ eḏi zi efrici yey-na kla liti leḏi ŋuma eḏeze mac; na kla laruŋw, nyiŋa leḏi ŋuma eḏeze, er ṯa orɔ lunduŋ. 40 na kla leḏi lifarzi linanir li, mer zi neŋne ŋu, ner eca ŋwu: a kwari, nyiŋa liri lunduŋ tɔk a? 41 nezi Yecu eca ŋwu: eŋgorɔ lunduŋ, eŋgere eḏi kaṯiya-na kere mac. na kaka ari ŋa gwu ŋwu: nyiŋa leḏi ŋuma eḏeze, ta ŋazi kaṯi kalu dirnaṯi nana teter.
Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
1 As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man who had been born blind. 2 His disciples asked him, “Teacher, whose sin caused him to be born blind? Was it his own or his parents' sin?”
3 Jesus answered, “His blindness has nothing to do with his sins or his parents' sins. He is blind so that God's power might be seen at work in him. 4 As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me; night is coming when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light for the world.”
6 After he said this, Jesus spat on the ground and made some mud with the spittle; he rubbed the mud on the man's eyes 7 and told him, “Go and wash your face in the Pool of Siloam.” (This name means “Sent.”) So the man went, washed his face, and came back seeing.
8 His neighbors, then, and the people who had seen him begging before this, asked, “Isn't this the man who used to sit and beg?”
9 Some said, “He is the one,” but others said, “No he isn't; he just looks like him.”
So the man himself said, “I am the man.”
10 “How is it that you can now see?” they asked him.
11 He answered, “The man called Jesus made some mud, rubbed it on my eyes, and told me to go to Siloam and wash my face. So I went, and as soon as I washed, I could see.”
12 “Where is he?” they asked.
“I don't know,” he answered.
The Pharisees Investigate the Healing
13 Then they took to the Pharisees the man who had been blind. 14 The day that Jesus made the mud and cured him of his blindness was a Sabbath. 15 The Pharisees, then, asked the man again how he had received his sight. He told them, “He put some mud on my eyes; I washed my face, and now I can see.”
16 Some of the Pharisees said, “The man who did this cannot be from God, for he does not obey the Sabbath law.”
Others, however, said, “How could a man who is a sinner perform such miracles as these?” And there was a division among them.
17 So the Pharisees asked the man once more, “You say he cured you of your blindness—well, what do you say about him?”
“He is a prophet,” the man answered.
18 The Jewish authorities, however, were not willing to believe that he had been blind and could now see, until they called his parents 19 and asked them, “Is this your son? You say that he was born blind; how is it, then, that he can now see?”
20 His parents answered, “We know that he is our son, and we know that he was born blind. 21 But we do not know how it is that he is now able to see, nor do we know who cured him of his blindness. Ask him; he is old enough, and he can answer for himself!” 22 His parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish authorities, who had already agreed that anyone who said he believed that Jesus was the Messiah would be expelled from the synagogue. 23 That is why his parents said, “He is old enough; ask him!”
24 A second time they called back the man who had been born blind, and said to him, “Promise before God that you will tell the truth! We know that this man who cured you is a sinner.”
25 “I do not know if he is a sinner or not,” the man replied. “One thing I do know: I was blind, and now I see.”
26 “What did he do to you?” they asked. “How did he cure you of your blindness?”
27 “I have already told you,” he answered, “and you would not listen. Why do you want to hear it again? Maybe you, too, would like to be his disciples?”
28 They insulted him and said, “You are that fellow's disciple; but we are Moses' disciples. 29 We know that God spoke to Moses; as for that fellow, however, we do not even know where he comes from!”
30 The man answered, “What a strange thing that is! You do not know where he comes from, but he cured me of my blindness! 31 We know that God does not listen to sinners; he does listen to people who respect him and do what he wants them to do. 32 Since the beginning of the world nobody has ever heard of anyone giving sight to a person born blind. 33 Unless this man came from God, he would not be able to do a thing.”
34 They answered, “You were born and brought up in sin—and you are trying to teach us?” And they expelled him from the synagogue.
Spiritual Blindness
35 When Jesus heard what had happened, he found the man and asked him, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?”
36 The man answered, “Tell me who he is, sir, so that I can believe in him!”
37 Jesus said to him, “You have already seen him, and he is the one who is talking with you now.”
38 “I believe, Lord!” the man said, and knelt down before Jesus.
39 Jesus said, “I came to this world to judge, so that the blind should see and those who see should become blind.”
40 Some Pharisees who were there with him heard him say this and asked him, “Surely you don't mean that we are blind, too?”
41 Jesus answered, “If you were blind, then you would not be guilty; but since you claim that you can see, this means that you are still guilty.”