Takozi Yerusalema ro ndi Driutwena be
1 Yerusalema te orivoya kandrakozi be, 'bakici se orivoya ogboogboro ago enjirute se kabe lidri modo anyaro ro oye siomba si yi. 2 Anya eri ta ko ago letadri 'dilotoro ko. Yi ta kote OPI ya ago eji ta kote ta ŋgaoparo ta ni Lu anyaro rigyesi. 3 Dri'bai losi ro anyaro labayi oso ibii se kabe ugu liyi ronye; vureope'bai anyaro orivoya oso ihwii täbiriro ronye, e'beyi ŋga aza kote alona madale voiwi gwo. 4 Nebii anyaro orivoya takadoako, ago ta'diriako; kohanii enjiyi tase alokado te, ago topiyi ota Lu ro pana te to. 5 Oko OPI dri gi'du orivoya 'bakici ya, nda ka tase ŋgye oyena ago ye ŋgakozi ko alona. Kyenoŋbo cini si nda ka taŋgye ezi ayani, ago teinye leyeako. Caoko lidri taŋgyeako'bai lau ana drinayi pi kote.
6 OPI ekye: “Mepere tu'dei cini te; tiṛii ànyaro te tandro ro. Mepere litiŋwai ànyaro te, se 'diaza aba kote kigyesi. 'Bakici ànyaro te tandro ro te lidri ako, 'diaza ri kote kigye. 7 Musutate makye; lidri maro a'donayi 'da taoro be märi, olenayi ŋgaloto maro tadrina 'da ago ijenayi ta maro se memba ànya be sina ana tana ko alona. Caoko ànya a'doro nja ugu taloyene koziro.”
8 OPI ekye: “Nyokote dri, nyokote tuse mabe oye tu'dei kicune sina 'do. Tana musu ta te kala tu'dei cini ro otone voaloya, ndi miri 'bädri'bai cini robe, tana ànya kätämbiyi mbara kyila kozipara maro ro robe. Azana 'bädri cini ndi asi kyila maro rosi.
9 “'Dooko tu ana si motozana ata lidri tu'dei ro 'da, ata 'diri ro tana ànya cini kämätuyi ma OPI robe ago kinduruyi robe märi ya alo si. 10 Lidri maro se pererube iyi ezinayi ŋgapäṛi 'da märi ca lozo ni golo Kusa ro kundusi. 11 Tu gi ana si, ago a'bana ami ko tona driupiro, ta tase nyogbobe mabe rota; tana 'dooko manana 'dicini se orivoya driuŋgyi be ago mäwu be iyi 'da ni ami lakosi, ago nyogbona ko tona mabe lutu alokado maro dri. 12 Me'bena lidri se tatokyeako ago driuŋgyiako iyi 'da ami lako, Ànya ikyinayi 'da ma OPI re ta ŋgaopa rota. 13 Lidri Yisaraele ro se ke'bebe lidriidriro iyi oyenayi ŋgakozi ko 'diaza ri, ago oganayi kowe ko, ca kode ojonayi kpa ko 'di odone. Ànya a'donayi 'da ŋgaamba be ago tokpero, ago 'diaza o'bana ànya ko a'done turiro.”
Loŋgo Riyä ro
14 Mìŋgo loŋgo ändä lidri Zaiona ro, mìtre amba lidri Yisaraele ro!
Mìye riyä ya cini amiro si lidri Yerusalema ro!
15 OPI ana taezaro amiro te;
nda nja kyila'baazii cini amiro te.
OPI, 'bädri'ba Yisaraele ro, orivoya tro ami yibe;
amiri ŋga kozi aza turine te i'do tona.
16 Tu ana si ànya atanayi 'da Yerusalema ri ekye:
“Nya'do ko turiro, 'bakici Zaiona ro!
Mi'ba drìi miro ka'do ko 'boṛi'boṛiro
17 OPI Lu miro orivoya tro mibe;
mbara ndaro ka ŋgaopeṛe ozo ni.
OPI a'dona 'da yai'dwesi mibe,
ago nda ozona ori to'di 'da miri ŋgalu ndaro ri.
Nda oŋgona loŋgo 'da riyä si ta miro ta,
18 oso tu karama rosi ronye.”
OPI ekye:
“Manana kandrakozi 'da ni ami drisi;
ukyi nyèzaru 'da tana ro!
19 Tu ana si!
mezana ami eza'bai 'da;
mapana ka'bo cini 'da
ago mezina 'dise cini eperebe iyi 'da.
Motozana driupi ànyaro 'da taoro ro,
ago 'bädri cini räṛuna ànya 'da.
20 Tu ana si!
mezina ami 'da 'bäru;
ondro motokala amiro te voalo ya owo
ma'bana ami 'da a'done likulikuro
ago orooro ro
'bädri cini yasi.
Mologona kandra kado amiro 'da mile amiro yasi.”
OPI atani inye.
Sinful Jerusalem
1 Too bad for that disgusting,
corrupt, and lawless city!
2 Forever rebellious
and rejecting correction,
Jerusalem refuses to trust
or obey the Lord God.
3 Its officials are roaring lions,
its judges are wolves;
in the evening they attack,
by morning nothing is left.
4 Jerusalem's prophets are proud
and not to be trusted.
The priests have disgraced
the place of worship
and abused God's Law.
5 All who do evil are shameless,
but the Lord does right
and is always fair.
With the dawn of each day,
God brings about justice.

6 The Lord wiped out nations
and left fortresses
crumbling in the dirt.
Their streets and towns
were reduced to ruins
and emptied of people.
7 God felt certain that Jerusalem
would learn to respect
and obey him.
Then he would hold back
from punishing the city
and not wipe it out.
But everyone there was eager
to start sinning again.
Nations Will Turn to the Lord
8 The Lord said:
Just wait for the day
when I accuse you nations.
I have decided on a day,
when I will bring together
every nation and kingdom
and punish them all
in my fiery anger.
I will become furious
and destroy the earth.

9 I will purify each language
and make those languages
acceptable for praising me.
Then, with hearts united,
everyone will serve
only me, the Lord.
10 From across the rivers
of Ethiopia,
my scattered people,
my true worshipers,
will bring offerings to me.

11 When that time comes,
you won't rebel against me
and be put to shame.
I'll do away with those
who are proud and arrogant.
Never will any of them
strut around
on my holy mountain.
12 But I, the Lord, won't destroy
any of your people
who are truly humble
and turn to me for safety.
13 The people of Israel who survive
will live right
and refuse to tell lies.
They will eat and rest
with nothing to fear.
A Song of Celebration
14 Everyone in Jerusalem and Judah,
celebrate and shout
with all your heart!
15 Zion, your punishment is over.
The Lord has forced your enemies
to turn and retreat.
Your Lord is King of Israel
and stands at your side;
you don't have to worry
about any more troubles.

16 Jerusalem, the time is coming,
when it will be said to you:
“Don't be discouraged
or grow weak from fear!
17 The Lord your God
wins victory after victory
and is always with you.
He celebrates and sings
because of you,
and he will refresh your life
with his love.”
The Lord's Promise to His People
18 The Lord has promised:
Your sorrow has ended,
and you can celebrate.
19 I will punish those
who mistreat you.
I will bring together the lame
and the outcasts,
then they will be praised,
instead of despised,
in every country on earth.
20 I will lead you home,
and with your own eyes
you will see me bless you
with all you once owned.
Then you will be famous
everywhere on this earth.
I, the Lord, have spoken!