Tao'ba OPI ro Yerusalema Logo ro
1 OPI Mbaraekye ezo lazo ono te ma Zekaria ri ekye: 2 “Ma'dote ŋgalu be ndra ta Zaiona rota, ŋgalu se 'ba mate a'done kyilaro ndra kyila'baazii ànyaro be. 3 Megona 'da Zaiona ya, ago marina 'da kitoriya na ya, ago äzina anya 'da, 'bakici 'diri äzina lutu OPI Mbaraekye ro 'da lutu alokado. 4 Agoàmbago ndi tokoàdraŋwa be, se dete tipari kate aba dambaṛa si iyi ogo orina 'da litiŋwà 'bakici ro drisi. 5 Litiŋwai 'bakici ro ogo a'dona 'da twi agoànji ndi ndiriŋwa be ago ugunayi oji oye 'da litiŋwai drisi.
6 “Ta ono landrena ndi rritiro anjoko lidri ro se ke'bebe ono ri, oko ma OPI Mbaraekye ri a'do ko rritiro. 7 Mapana lidri maro 'da ni wari se äru ànya be kigye 'buzele ago aŋgoya iyi yasi; 8 ago mologona ànya 'da orine Yerusalema ya. Ànya a'donayi 'da lidri maro ago ma'dona 'da Lu ànyaro, mimirina ànya 'da ta'diri si ago taŋgye si.
9 “Nyà'do agoago be! Yauono nyà kpa ugu tase nebii katabe, ṛoni tuse ago eto kotopa Yekalu maro ro obena be sina ana si 'do erina ayani. 10 Käti ni tu ana ri 'diaza ni kote päläti ozone losi oye lidri ndi koronyai 'ba ro be rota, ago 'diaza alona a'do kote dritairo ni kyila'baazii ndaro ri, tana ma'ba 'di cini te kyila oyene oriazi ndaro be. 11 Oko yauono mänina kote ta oyene anjoko lidri ono ro se ke'bebe ono ri oso se mayebe tu kyeno kai si ana ronye. 12 Ànya kyi'dinayi kwari ànyaro 'da liatokpero, ice konoro ànyaro owana doŋgo 'da, gyini litina ŋga amba 'da, ago 'bu u'dina 'da amba. Ma'bana lidri tu'de maro ono ro se ke'bebe ono 'da a'done ŋgase cini kwoi be. 13 Ami lidri Yuda ndi Yisaraele robe ono! Tu kyeno kai ya nya'dote lapidri latri ro ro atrai lako, oko yauono mapana ami 'da ago nya'dona 'da äṛu ro. Nyùturi ko, oko nyà'do agoago be.”
14 OPI Mbaraekye ekye: “Tuse zutui amiro ko'bayi mabe a'done kyilaro ana si maratate rriti ezine ànya dri ago mäläpi ta maro kote, maye ndi oso se mara tana be ronye. 15 Oko yauono ma kpate tavoora takado oyene lidri Yerusalema ro ndi Yuda robe ri. Ka'do inye nyùturi ko. 16 Kwoi ni tase ämiri oyene owo; nyàta taŋgye ayani azi ri, mìye vure taŋgye si ago nyèzi taliatokpe ayani vo vure ro amiro yasi. 17 Mìra tavo ko azi oyeza koziro. Nyäṛuru ko kowe si, tana ya maro orivoya osoro ta cini iyi lomvo.”
18 OPI Mbaraekye ezo lazo ono te märi ekye: 19 “Akpa se nyàbe akpa ŋgaonya ako imba lisu, imba linji, imba njidrieri ndi imba 'butealo be ya 'do, a'dona 'da karama riyä ro ago yai'dwe ro lidri Yuda ro ri. Ka'do inye beṛo ämiri taŋgye ndi taliatokpe be lune ayani.”
20 OPI Mbaraekye ekye: “Tu esana 'da, se lidri ni 'bakici amba yasi ikyinayi 'da Yerusalema ya. 21 Lidri 'bakici alo ro oyinayi ago atanayi 'da lidri 'bakici äziri ro ri ekye: ‘Mì'de mòyi OPI Mbaraekye mätune ago nda ejine ta yauni ndaro rota. Nyikyi moyi robe!’ 22 Lidri amba ndi tu'dei se mbaraekye iyi be ikyinayi 'da OPI Mbaraekye mätune Yerusalema ya, ago nda ejine ta yauni ndaro rota. 23 Tuse kai si lidri 'bute ni tude cini atrai ro lakosi ikyinayi 'da Yuda alodi re ago lo'barunayi 'da anyari ekye: ‘Mi'ba mòyi ami yibe, tana mèri ta be ekye Lu orivoya ami yibe.’ ”
The Lord's Promises to Zion
1 The Lord All-Powerful said to me:
2 I love Zion so much that her enemies make me angry. 3 I will return to Jerusalem and live there on Mount Zion. Then Jerusalem will be known as my faithful city, and Zion will be known as my holy mountain.
4 Very old people with walking sticks will once again sit around in Jerusalem, 5 while boys and girls play in the streets. 6 This may seem impossible for my people who are left, but it isn't impossible for me, the Lord All-Powerful. 7 I will save those who were taken to lands in the east and the west, 8 and I will bring them to live in Jerusalem. They will be my people, and I will be their God, faithful to bring about justice.
9 I am the Lord All-Powerful! So don't give up. Think about the message my prophets spoke when the foundation of my temple was laid. 10 Before that time, neither people nor animals were rewarded for their work, and no one was safe anywhere, because I had turned them against each other.
11 My people, only a few of you are left, and I promise not to punish you as I did before. 12 Instead, I will make sure that your crops are planted in peace and your vineyards are fruitful, that your fields are fertile, and the dew falls from the sky. 13 People of Judah and Israel, you have been a curse to the nations, but I will save you and make you a blessing to them. So don't be afraid or lose courage.
14 When your ancestors made me angry, I decided to punish you with disasters, and I didn't hold back. 15 Now you no longer need to be afraid. I have decided to treat Jerusalem and Judah with kindness. 16 But you must be truthful with each other, and in court you must give fair decisions that lead to peace. 17 Don't ever plan evil things against others or tell lies under oath. I, the Lord, hate such things.
A Time of Celebration
18 The Lord All-Powerful told me to say:
19 People of Judah, I, the Lord, demand that whenever you go without food as a way of worshiping me, it should become a time of celebration. No matter if it's the fourth month, the fifth month, the seventh month, or the tenth month, you should have a joyful festival. So love truth and live at peace.
20 I tell you that people will come here from cities everywhere. 21 Those of one town will go to another and say, “We're going to ask the Lord All-Powerful to treat us with kindness. Come and join us.”
22 Many people from strong nations will come to Jerusalem to worship me and to ask me to treat them with kindness. 23 When this happens, ten people from nations with different languages will grab a Jew by his clothes and say, “Let us go with you. We've heard that God is on your side.” I, the Lord All-Powerful, have spoken!