Opa Yerusalema ro Tu Mileya ya
1 Ata OPI ro ono orivoya ta Yisaraele rota: OPI se lara vokuru iyi ni, 'ba 'bädri ni, ago ozo adri ni lidri ri ono. Nda ekye: 2 “Ma'bana Yerusalema 'da a'done oso kofo vino ro se ka 'di o'ba a'done parapara ro 'do ronye; tu'dei se gbikyi lomvoigyesi kai ri; ondro anya kumuyi drî Yerusalema rote oko ànya umunayi drî Yuda ro kpa. 3 Tu gi ana si ma'bana Yerusalema 'da kuni läŋgyiekye ro lidri cini dri, ogana tu'de se aza kabe ojo eŋgane 'do 'da äträ. Tu'dei cini 'bädri ro dro'bena kyila'bai 'da anya gotane. 4 Tu gi ana si ma'bana farasii cini ànyaro 'da a'done turiro, ago 'dise cini kayibe lämu sina iyi a'donayi 'da amamaro. Mandrena vo 'da lidri Yuda ro dri, ondro ma'ba farasii kyila'baazii cini ànyaro rote miako owo. 5 'Dooko käläsikalai Yuda ro atanayi 'da andivo ànyaro ri ekye: ‘OPI Lu Mbaraekye ozo mbara ni lidri ndaro se koribe Yerusalema ya ono ri.’
6 “Tu gi ana si ma'bana käläsikalai Yuda ro 'da oso asi se kitoriya vocoko roya ronye, kode oso asi se inya se embe drî na be ya ronye; ànya perenayi tu'dei se cini gbikyi lomvoigyesi kai 'da; oko lidri Yerusalema ro orinayi 'da londroro vo ànyaro ya, Yerusalema ya.
7 “Ma OPI, mozona ŋgaopeṛe 'da kyila'bai Yuda ro ri käti, tana liku se zelevoi Dawidi ro ndi lidri Yerusalema ro kabe oye a'done sina 'da a'dona ko ndrani Yuda ro drisi. 8 Tu gi ana si OPI gagana ànya se kabe ori Yerusalema ya 'da, tana 'dise ca tipari mbaraako ànya lako tu gi ana si 'do a'dona 'da mbara be oso Dawidi ka'dobe ronye, zelevoi Dawidi ro oso Lu ronye oso malaika OPI ro ronye ànya lepene. 9 Tu gi ana si mutufuna tu'dei cini se kabe ojo Yerusalema gotane iyi 'da.
10 “Masona tori yauni ro ndi mätu robe 'da twi zelevoi Dawidi ro ndi lidri Yerusalema robe ya, tana ondro ànya kondre nda se ànya ku'dibe ana te oko, ànya liyinayi 'da nda ta, oso 'dise kabe liyi ŋgwa alodi ndaro ta 'do ronye, ago oso 'dise kabe limvu liyi be ŋgwa kayoŋwa ndaro se kodrabe 'do ta 'do ronye. 11 Tu gi ana si liyi Yerusalema ya a'dona 'da amba oso iliyibe Adaderimona vorri se Megido ya ana ta ronye. 12 Katidri cini wari ana ro liyina andivo iro gini ndi 'ditoko ogyeogye ànyaro be. Katidri zelevoi Dawidi ro ro ndi 'ditoko ogyeogye ànyaro be, katidri zelevoi Natana ro ro, 13 katidri zelevoi Lewe ro ro ndi 'ditoko ogyeogye ànyaro be, katidri zelevoi Semei ro ro ndi 'ditoko ogyeogye ànyaro be. 14 Katidri cini azaka liyina andivo iro gini ndi 'ditoko ogyeogye ànyaro be.”
Victory for Jerusalem
1 This is a message from the Lord about Israel:
I am the Lord! I stretched out the heavens; I put the earth on its foundations and gave breath to humans. 2 I have decided that Jerusalem will become a bowl of wine that makes the neighboring nations drunk. And when Jerusalem is attacked, Judah will also be attacked. 3 But I will turn Jerusalem into a heavy stone that crushes anyone who tries to lift it.
When all nations on earth surround Jerusalem, 4 I will blind every horse and make them panic, and every rider will be confused. But at the same time, I will watch over Judah. 5 Then every clan in Judah will realize that I, the Lord All-Powerful, am their God, and that I am the source of their strength.
6 At that time I will let the clans of Judah be like a ball of fire in a wood pile or a fiery torch in a hay stack. Then Judah will send the surrounding nations up in smoke. And once again the city of Jerusalem will be filled with people.
7 But I will first give victory to Judah, so the kingdom of David and the city of Jerusalem in all of their glory won't be thought of more highly than Judah itself. 8 I, the Lord God, will protect Jerusalem. Even the weakest person there will be as strong as David, and David's kingdom will rule as though my very own angel were its leader. 9 I am determined to wipe out every nation that attacks Jerusalem.
Mourning for the One Pierced with a Spear
10 I, the Lord, will make the descendants of David and the people of Jerusalem feel deep sorrow and pray when they see the one they pierced with a spear. They will mourn and weep for him, as parents weep over the death of their only child or their first-born. 11 On that day the people of Jerusalem will mourn as much as everyone did for Hadad Rimmon on the flatlands near Megiddo. 12 Everyone of each family in the land will mourn, and the men will mourn separately from the women. This includes those from the family of David, and the families of Nathan, 13 Levi, Shimei, 14 and all other families as well.