Mätu ta Taŋgye rota
1 Äye OPI, Lu maro, ma ruopa mire.
Mipa ma ni ànya se cini kabe ma lanja iyi rigyesi;
ka'do inye mipa ma,
2 ukyi ànya towayi ma 'da oso ibi ronye,
eseyi ma 'da lozo se 'diaza ununa ko ma opane.

3 Äye OPI, Lu maro ondro ka'do maye ŋga kwoi azana te
ondro ka'do maye ŋgakozi aza te,
4 ondro ka'do maye ŋgakozi te bereazi maro ri
kode maka'da yauni te 'diaza se ye ma te koziro taŋgyeako si ri ,
5 'dooko mi'ba kyila'baazii maro kalanjayi ago kuruyi ma,
mi'ba ànya ko'biyi ma ṛi vuru
ago ke'beyi ma avoro gyini dri!

6 Äye OPI, miŋga kyila si!
Nyedre kyila kyila'baazii maro ro mi;
miŋga ma opane;
nyaka'da tu vure ro ṛote.
7 Mi'ba otokala tu'dei cini ro gbikyi milomvosi
ago nyimiri ànya ni kurusi.
8 Mi OPI nya vure 'dicini ro openi.
Äye OPI, miye vure maro a'do taŋgye maro ro voro;
tana ma orivoya taenjiako.
9 Mi'bi takozi lidri undiro ro drina
oko nyäpäṛi ànya se kabe taŋgye oye.
Mise nya ya ago tausu lidri ro unina ni ono;
mi orivoya Lu taŋgye'ba yi.

10 Lu ni gaga'ba mara,
nda kani ànya se kabe ota ndaro oro opa.
11 Lu orivoya vureope'ba ŋgye yi
ago Lu se ondoalo ka 'dikozi eza.
12 Ondro ka'do ànya ketayi drî kote,
Lu elena bando ndaro 'da;
nda ewena kusu ndaro ago o'bana ndi nja.
13 Nda ede lakazà koziro kyila ro ndaro te
ago ka ätu ndaro elena kyaka'da.

14 Mindre lidri koziro ka ta undiro usu,
ànya kayi ta rritiro ora ago kayi koweoga.
15 Ànya kayi abari ede 'bu u'di si,
oko ànya go 'de ro 'bu se ànya ku'dibe 'do ya.
16 Taoye koziro ànyaro go ri gi loto modo ànyaro dri,
ago siomba anyaro ogona gyi modo ànyaro dri.

17 Maye aro'boya OPI ri ta taŋgye ndaro rota;
ago ma loŋgo räṛu ro oŋgo OPI, Fopara Ndra ri.
(Written by David. He sang this to the Lord because of Cush from the tribe of Benjamin.)
The Lord Always Does Right
1 You, Lord God,
are my protector.
Rescue me and keep me safe
from all who chase me.
2 Or else they will rip me apart
like lions attacking a victim,
and no one will save me.

3 I am innocent, Lord God!
4 I have not betrayed a friend
or had pity on an enemy
who attacks for no reason.
5 If I have done any of this,
then let my enemies
chase and capture me.
Let them trample me to death
and leave me in the dirt.

6 Get angry, Lord God!
Do something!
Attack my furious enemies.
See that justice is done.
7 Make the nations come to you,
as you sit on your throne
above them all.

8 Our Lord, judge the nations!
Judge me and show that I
am honest and innocent.
9 You know every heart and mind,
and you always do right.
Now make violent people stop,
but protect all of us
who obey you.

10 You, God, are my shield,
the protector of everyone
whose heart is right.
11 You see that justice is done,
and each day
you take revenge.
12 Whenever your enemies refuse
to change their ways,
you sharpen your sword
and string your bow.
13 Your deadly arrows are ready
with flaming tips.

14 An evil person is like a woman
about to give birth
to a hateful, deceitful,
and rebellious child.
15 Such people dig a deep hole,
then fall in it themselves.
16 The trouble they cause
comes back on them,
and their heads are crushed
by their own evil deeds.

17 I will praise you, Lord!
You always do right.
I will sing about you,
the Lord Most High.