Mätu 'Di Gagaro
1 Nyeri ata maro, Äye OPI,
ago nyeri leri maro.
2 Nyeri liyi maro ta ŋgaopa rota,
Lu maro se ni 'Bädri'ba maro;
tana ma mätu oye miri.

3 Äye OPI nya drî maro erina kyenoŋbo si
ma mätu oye miri kyenoŋbo si.
Ago ma tadrioza miro kwotena.

4 Mi ko Lu se orivoya yai'dwesi ta ŋgakozi oyero ta owo;
minina ko orine 'dise ka taundiro oye be.
5 Ànya se orivoya driuŋgyi'bai unina ko edrene mile miro ya,
ya miro osoro ànya se cini kabe taundiro oye lomvo.
6 Nya ànya se ka kowe oga be tufu
ago ya miro osoro lidri se kabe 'diufu ndi 'diodo be lomvo.

7 Oko ta ŋgalu para miro rota
mänina ndi ocine zo miro ya,
mänina ndi mi mätune Yekalu alokado miro ya taoro si.
8 Äye OPI, nyelepe ma ole miro oyene!
tana ma orivoya kyila'baazii be amba;
mi'ba liti miro ka'do ŋgye märi.

9 Kyila'baazii maro itiyi taŋgye ko; tausu ànyaro gialo ta 'diufu rota,
Ata ànyaro orivoya twi ŋgaodo odra robe,
ànya kayi koweogo kala ànyaro si.
10 Nyeza ànya ta taenji ànyaro rota Äye Lu;
mi'ba taäyi modo ànyaro ro kozaru abari ro ànya ri.
Minja ànya tesi ni mimile si
ta takozii amba ànyaro rota
tana ànya ogboyite mibe.

11 Oko mi'ba ànya se cini nyabe gagana ka'doyi riyä si
mi'ba ànya koŋgoyi loŋgo ondoalo ta riyä rota.
Nyagaga ànya se kabe mi lu iyi;
tana ànya se kabe mi lu ka'doyi robe yai'dwesi.
12 Nya ni ànya se kabe taŋgye oye äṛu OPI;
Nya ànya gaga ŋgalu miro si oso ŋga 'di gagaro si ronye.
(A psalm by David for the music leader. Use flutes.)
A Prayer for Help
1 Listen, Lord, as I pray!
Pay attention when I groan.
2 You are my King and my God.
Answer my cry for help
because I pray to you.
3 Each morning you listen
to my prayer,
as I bring my requests to you
and wait for your reply.

4 You are not the kind of God
who is pleased with evil.
Sinners can't stay with you.
5 No one who boasts can stand
in your presence, Lord,
and you hate evil people.
6 You destroy every liar,
and you despise violence
and deceit.

7 Because of your great mercy,
I come to your house, Lord,
and I am filled with wonder
as I bow down to worship
at your holy temple.
8 You do what is right,
and I ask you to guide me.
Make your teaching clear
because of my enemies.

9 Nothing they say is true!
They just want to destroy.
Their words are deceitful
like a hidden pit,
and their tongues are good
only for telling lies.
10 Punish them, God,
and let their own plans
bring their downfall.
Get rid of them!
They keep committing crimes
and turning against you.

11 Let all who run to you
for protection
always sing joyful songs.
Provide shelter for those
who truly love you
and let them rejoice.
12 Our Lord, you bless those
who live right,
and you shield them
with your kindness.