Mätu Mano se Vomidiro ya ro
1 Oso kaliŋga kabe goloŋwà uṛi ta gyi rota ronye,
ma kpa mi uṛi inye, Äye OPI.
2 Lu lidriidri ro lu miro fu ma tawi gyilu ronye;
moyina mi mätune ituya?
3 Miendre maro toto ni ŋgaonya maro
kitu si ago ŋgäkyi si,
tu cini si lidri ka ma eji ekye:
“Lu miro gaŋwaroya?”

4 Ya maro kelesi ondro tase kwoi tana kotote mädri owo,
ondro moyite lowa be
ago ma te ànya lepe aba ruorooro ro zo Lu roya owo,
lowa orivoya yai'dwesi kayi ugu loŋgo aro'boya ro oŋgona ago kayi ugu totre Lu räṛu be.
5 Ma a'do tusuro amba etaya?
Ma a'do rritiro amba etaya?
Ma'bana mi maro 'da Lu dri,
ago märäṛuna nda 'da kpa to'di,
opa'ba maro ago Lu maro.

6 Ya maro lesite,
ta'doro mayina ta miro 'da ni wari Yaradene ro,
'bereŋwa Eremona ndi Mizara be ro yasi.
7 Rriti ka ikyi kpe kpe
kporobe oso äru gyi ro ronye
rukanda gyi ro idite mädri.
8 OPI ka ŋgalu 'duro ndaro ka'dana kitu si,
ago ma loŋgo ndaro oŋgona ŋgäkyi si,
mätu oyero Lu adri maro ro ri.

9 Matate Lu, gaga'ba maro ri makye:
“Nyije ta maro te etaya?
Ma ugu rueza ni siomba kyila'baazii maro ri etaya?”
10 Kyila'baazii maro tufuyi ma te la'da ànyaro si,
tana ànya kayi ugu taeji ekye
“Lu miro gaŋwaroya?”

11 Ma a'do tusuro amba etaya?
Ma a'do rritiro amba etaya?
Ma'bana mi maro 'da Lu dri,
ago märäṛuna nda 'da kpa to'di;
opa'ba maro ago Lu maro.
(A special psalm by the clan of Korah and for the music leader.)
Longing for God
1 As a deer gets thirsty
for streams of water,
I truly am thirsty
for you, my God.
2 In my heart, I am thirsty
for you, the living God.
When will I see your face?
3 Day and night my tears
are my only food,
as everyone keeps asking,
“Where is your God?”

4 Sorrow floods my heart,
when I remember
leading the worshipers
to your house.
I can still hear them shout
their joyful praises.
5 Why am I discouraged?
Why am I restless?
I should trust you, Lord.
I will praise you again
because you help me,
6 and you are my God.

I am deeply discouraged,
and so I think about you
here where the Jordan begins
at Mount Hermon
and at Mount Mizar.
7 Your vicious waves
have swept over me
like an angry ocean
or a roaring waterfall.

8 Every day, you are kind,
and at night
you give me a song
as my prayer to you,
the God of my life.

9 You are my mighty rock.
Why have you forgotten me?
Why must enemies mistreat me
and make me sad?
10 Even my bones are in pain,
while all day long
my enemies sneer and ask,
“Where is your God?”

11 Why am I discouraged?
Why am I restless?
I trust you, Lord!
And I will praise you again
because you help me,
and you are my God.