Loŋgo Räṛu ro
1 Mokote ŋgaopa OPI rote yaiŋgyi si,
nda eri ma te ago eri driayo maro te.
2 Nda ewe ma te ni 'bu rueza ro yasi,
ni koro odra ro yasi.
Nda edre ma te luutu dri,
ago 'ba ma te londro ro.
3 Nda 'ba ma te loŋgo to'di oŋgone,
loŋgo räṛu ro Lu amaro ri.
Lidri amba ondrena ta ono 'da oronayi OPI 'da
ago oyinayi ta ànyaro 'da nda ya.

4 Mano se kabe taoyi OPI ya,
se so kote driuŋgyi'bai vo
ago dro'beru kote ànya se kayibe lui awi mätu be 'do ni kado.
5 Miye ŋga amba te ämäri Äye OPI Lu maro;
mira ta amba liŋgyiekye te ämäri;
'diaza a'do ko oso mi ronye!
ka'do be märi ta ànya cini ro atane,
oti ànyaro orivoya amba ndra!

6 Mile tori olo ndi ŋgapäṛi yi be ko;
oko nyozo bi te märi ta miro eriza.
Nyeji ta kote ta ŋgapäṛi ozaro ta kode ta ŋgapäṛi ta takozi rota;
7 'dooko matate makye: “Ma begyi ono;
ŋgaemba miro märi egyite buku ota ro ya.”
8 Male ole miro oyene, Lu maro!
ŋgaemba miro orivoya ya maro ya.

9 Kalaombi lidri cini miro roya,
miti ta lazokado to'di se nyabe ama opa rote.
Mini ndi anjioko märi edrene i'do ugu tana itivoya OPI.
10 Meta lazo ŋgaoparo miro kote ya maro ya;
miti a'do'diri ndi ŋgaopa miro be tana te.
Ma'do kote titiitiro
ta a'do ŋgyero miro ndi ŋgalu 'duro miro be tana itivoya
kalaombi lidri cini miro roya.

11 Miri ko yauni oyeako märi Äye OPI,
mi'ba ŋgalu 'duro miro ndi a'do 'diri miro be käti ma ondoalo.
Mätu ta ŋgaopa rota
(Räṛu 70)
12 Rriti amba mudri maro te,
orivoya amba otiako!
Takozii maro tavo maro te,
ago mäni kote voondrene toni;
ànya orivoya ndrani drikyiri drî maro ro ri,
ago mate mbaraako.
13 Rägu OPI mipa ma! Nyikyi ndrindri ma opane!
14 Mi'ba ànya se cini koleyibe ma ufune 'do
ape kpeye ṛe ago ugburu ànya.
Mi'ba ànya se yai'dwesi ta rriti maro rota 'do
anja kovole ago ka'do driupiro.
15 Mi'ba ànya se kayibe ma ugu 'do
ka'doyi lä'bilä'biro ta ànya opero ṛe ta.

16 Oko mi'ba vonai se cini kabe ikyi mire
ka'doyi yai'dwesi ago riyäsi.
Mi'ba ànya se ka aro'boya oye be ta ŋgaopa ro miro rota
ondoalo kata ekye: “OPI orivoya para!”

17 Ma orivoya mbaraako ago mäyuro,
oko miyi ta maro te.
Mi orivoya Opa'ba maro,
mipa ma ndri Äye OPI.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.)
A Prayer for Help
1 I patiently waited, Lord,
for you to hear my prayer.
You listened 2 and pulled me
from a lonely pit
full of mud and mire.
You let me stand on a rock
with my feet firm,
3 and you gave me a new song,
a song of praise to you.
Many will see this,
and they will honor and trust
you, the Lord God.

4 You bless all of those
who trust you, Lord,
and refuse to worship idols
or follow false gods.
5 You, Lord God, have done
many wonderful things,
and you have planned
marvelous things for us.
No one is like you!
I would never be able to tell
all you have done.

6 Sacrifices and offerings
are not what please you;
gifts and payment for sin
are not what you demand.
But you made me willing
to listen and obey.
7 And so, I said, “I am here
to do what is written
about me in the book,
where it says,
8 ‘I enjoy pleasing you.
Your Law is in my heart.’ ”

9 When your people worshiped,
you know I told them,
“Our Lord always helps!”
10 When all your people met,
I did not keep silent.
I said, “Our Lord is kind.
He is faithful and caring,
and he saves us.”

11 You, Lord, never fail
to have pity on me;
your love and faithfulness
always keep me secure.

12 I have more troubles
than I can count.
My sins are all around me,
and I can't find my way.
My sins outnumber
the hairs on my head,
and I feel weak.
13 Please show that you care
and come to my rescue.
Hurry and help me!

14 Disgrace and confuse
all who want me dead;
turn away and disgrace
all who want to hurt me.
15 Embarrass and shame
everyone who says,
“Just look at you now!”

16 Our Lord, let your worshipers
rejoice and be glad.
They love you for saving them,
so let them always say,
“The Lord is wonderful!”

17 I am poor and needy,
but, Lord God,
you care about me,
and you come to my rescue.
Please hurry and help.