Riyä 'Dise Kadoro ro
1 Nyäräṛu OPI!
Mano se kabe OPI oro orivoya yai'dwesi,
se kabe a'do riyä amba si otà ndaro orovoya 'do.
2 Kozoi mano kadoro ro a'donayi 'da mbaraekye wari ya;
ago äṛuna zelevoi ndaro 'da.
3 Katidri ndaro a'dona 'da ŋgaamba be ndi ŋgadriamba be,
ago nda a'dona 'da kandrakado be äduako.

4 Lidri kado ri ŋgaeyi ka vouni eyi,
OPI orivoya yauni be, takado be, ago taŋgye be.
5 Mano se yai'dwe be ago kabe ŋgaozo dritai ro orivoya ni kado,
se kabe losi ndaro oyena 'diriro 'do.
6 Ta opena lidri kado ko;
ayina ta ndaro 'da ondoalo.

7 Nda a'do ko turi ro ni lazo kozi erivoya;
taoma ndaro orivoya ŋgyiri, ago nda ka taoyi OPI ya.
8 Nda lo'be mi ko ago a'do ko turi ro;
madale nda ondrena ape kyilaazii ndaro te ṛe.
9 Nda ka ŋga lanji drita ro, nda ka ŋga ozo ati'bai ri,
ago a'dona 'da kandrakado be äduako;
nda a'dona 'da mbara amba be ago orooro ro.
10 Takozi'ba ka ta ono ondrena ago ka a'do kyilaro;
nda ka ozionya yaoso si; ago kyegwo;
mio'ba anyaro kyete äduako.
God Blesses His Worshipers
1 Shout praises to the Lord!
The Lord blesses everyone
who worships him and gladly
obeys his teachings.
2 Their descendants will have
great power in the land,
because the Lord blesses
all who do right.
3 They will get rich and prosper
and will always be remembered
for their fairness.
4 They will be so kind
and merciful and good,
that they will be a light
in the dark for others
who do the right thing.

5 Life will go well for those
who freely lend
and are honest in business.
6 They won't ever be troubled,
and the kind things they do
will never be forgotten.
7 Bad news won't bother them;
they have decided
to trust the Lord.
8 They are dependable
and not afraid,
and they will live to see
their enemies defeated.
9 They will always be remembered
and greatly praised,
because they were kind
and freely gave to the poor.
10 When evil people see this,
they angrily bite their tongues
and disappear.
They will never get
what they really want.