Driovi 'Dise Rriti ya ro
1 Nya'do ko titiro, Äye Lu se mabe räṛuna ono!
2 Lidri taenji'bai ndi kowe'bai be gotayi ma te.
Ànya kayi koweoga malomvo;
3 ago ànya kayi taundiro ata ma lomvo,
ago gotayi ma te teinye taako.
4 Mulu ànya gica,
ago mämätu gica ànya ta, ànya kayi ma kicu.
5 Ànya logoyi ṛo takozi ayani märi vo takado roya,
ago yaoso ayani vo ŋgalu maro roya.

6 Minji vureope'ba kozi aza kojo robe vure kyila'baazi maro ro opene,
ago mi'ba alo aza kyila'baazi modo ndaro ro kikicu nda.
7 Ondro ape vure ndaro te oko, mi'ba usu nda taenji be;
mi'ba mätu ndaro ati takozi ro!
8 Mi'ba ori ndaro kokye ndriro;
ago 'diaza kuru losi ndaro.
9 Mi'ba ŋgwai ndaro ka'do kyemvo ro,
ago toko ndaro ka'do ävuzi ro!
10 Mi'ba ŋgwai ndaro ka'do 'ba ako drilämi'bai ro;
minja ànya ni tandroi se ànya koribe kigye yasi!
11 Mi'ba yuŋgu'bai ndaro kuruyi lakazà cini se nda ka'dobe sina,
ago atrai kuruyi ŋgacini se nda koye losi be tana ro.
12 Mi'ba 'diaza ka'do ko yauni be ndäri
ago koti ta kyemvoi se nda kabe e'bena ro ko.
13 Mi'ba zelevoi cini ndaro kotodra,
ago ävuru ndaro kuje ni kovole'bai se kabe eso nda vo yasi.
14 OPI koyi ta taundiro zutui ndaro ro,
ago ke'be takozii endre ndaro ro ko alona.
15 OPI koyi ta takozii ànyaro ro ondoalo;
ago ko'ba ta 'ba ànyaro ro ujene kpeye ni 'bädri yasi.

16 Mano ana usu ta a'doro yauni be tana kote.
Nda eza ati'bai, lemeri'bai
ndi 'dise tusu ro be te madale odra ànyaro ya.
17 Nda lu 'diotri te, mi'ba nda ka'do otriotri ro!
nda le äṛu ozo ko, mi'ba 'diaza käṛu nda ko.
18 Nda ka 'diazi otri zwi oso nda kabe boŋgo oso ronye;
mi'ba latri ndaro kudu lomvo ndaro oso gyi ronye
ago koci kowà ndaro ya oso ido ronye.
19 Mi'ba katako nda oso boŋgo ronye
ago ka'do ondoalo nda lomvosi oso kyinikunduro ronye.

20 OPI, nyologovotaro kyila'baazii maro ri liti inye 'do yasi,
ànya se kayibe taundi ata ma lomvo kwoi.
21 Oko OPI, Lu maro, mipa ma oso mi'batabe ronye,
ago mipa ma tana ta takado ŋgalu miro rota.
22 Ma orivoya ati'ba yi ago lemeri'ba yi;
ya maro twi tusu be.
23 Manarute oso lindri tandrole ro ronye;
ali ma te lozo oso cici ronye!
24 Kaya maro orivoya mbaraako ta ŋgaonya ako rota;
ago lomvo maro te orweorwe ro ni ŋgaonya kado ako ri.
25 Kyila'baazii maro guyi ma te;
ago ànya ŋgiṛiyidri te ondro ànya kondreyi ma te owo.

26 Mipa ma, Äye OPI Lu maro;
ta ŋgalu 'duro miro rota, mipa ma.
27 Mi'ba kyila'baazii maro kuniyi anjioko mipa ma ni
mi Äye OPI mipa ma ni.
28 Ànya otrinayi ma ndi, oko nyäṛuna ma 'da
mi'ba ma eza'bai ka'do opeopero ṛe,
ago mi'ba ma, ruindu'ba miro ma'do yai'dwesi.
29 Mi'ba driupi kuru kyila'baazii maro;
mi'ba ànya kosoyi driupi ànyaro oso boŋgo runduṛuro ronye.

30 Mozona aro'boya otre amba si 'da OPI ri;
märäṛuna nda 'da kalaombi lowa roya,
31 tana nda kani lemeri'ba gaga
ago opana ni ànya se kabe vure ndaro opena odrane iyi rigyesi.
(A psalm by David for the music leader.)
A Prayer for the Lord's Help
1 I praise you, God!
Don't keep silent.
2 Destructive and deceitful lies
are told about me,
3 and hateful things are said
for no reason.
4 I had pity and prayed
for my enemies,
but their words to me
were harsh and cruel.
5 For being friendly and kind,
they paid me back
with meanness and hatred.

6 My enemies said,
“Find some worthless fools
to accuse him of a crime.
7 Try him and find him guilty!
Consider his prayers a lie.
8 Cut his life short
and let someone else
have his job.
9 Make orphans of his children
and a widow of his wife;
10 make his children beg for food
and live in the slums.

11 “Let the people he owes
take everything he owns.
Give it all to strangers.
12 Don't let anyone be kind to him
or have pity on the children
he leaves behind.
13 Bring an end to his family,
and from now on let him be
a forgotten man.

14 “Don't let the Lord forgive
the sins of his parents
and his ancestors.
15 Don't let the Lord forget
the sins of his family,
or let anyone remember
his family ever lived.
16 He was so cruel to the poor,
homeless, and discouraged
that they died young.

17 “He cursed others.
Now place a curse on him!
He never wished others well.
Wish only trouble for him!
18 He cursed others more often
than he dressed himself.
Let his curses strike him deep,
just as water and olive oil
soak through to our bones.
19 Let his curses surround him,
just like the belt and clothes
he wears each day.”

20 Those are the cruel things
my enemies wish for me.
Let it all happen to them!
21 Be true to your name, Lord God!
Show your great kindness
and rescue me.

22 I am poor and helpless,
and I have lost all hope.
23 I am fading away
like an evening shadow;
I am tossed aside
like a crawling insect.
24 I have gone without eating,
until my knees are weak,
and my body is bony.
25 When my enemies see me,
they say cruel things
and shake their heads.

26 Please help me, Lord God!
Come and save me
because of your love.
27 Let others know that you alone
have saved me.
28 I don't care if they curse me,
as long as you bless me.
You will make my enemies fail
when they attack,
and you will make me glad
to be your servant.
29 You will cover them with shame,
just as their bodies
are covered with clothes.

30 I will sing your praises
and thank you, Lord,
when your people meet.
31 You help everyone in need,
and you save them from death.