Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.
1 Lidri orana ta vo ndi ya ànyaro ya, oko OPI kani tadrina ozana.
2 Nyusuna ndi mikye ŋgase cini yabe oyena orivoya ŋgye, oko OPI kani vure ta cini miro ro opena.
3 Nyeji OPI tavoora cini miro äṛune, 'dooko tase cini mirabe iyi miyena ndi kadoro.
4 Ŋgase cini OPI ko'babe iyi orivoya ädu be; ago ädu takozi'bai ro ni odra.
5 Ya OPI ro orivoya osoro 'dicini se mäwu be iyi lomvo; endaro nda unina ko ànya e'bene teinye ezaako alona.
6 Nya'do ŋgye ago 'diri, 'dooko Lu e'bena mi ndi ta takozi miro rota. Miro OPI 'dooko miyena takozi ko.
7 Ondro taoye 'diaza ro kusi OPI bete, 'dooko OPI o'bana kyila'baazii ndaro ndi a'done bereazii ro ndäri.
8 A'done ŋga be fereŋwa ta'diri oye si orivoya kadopara, ndrani a'done ŋga be du'duro ta'diriakosi drisi.
9 Mirana tavo cini miro ndi, caoko Lu kani mi lepe oyevonaya.
10 'Bädri'ba ka ata drikaca Lu rosi; ondoalo vureope ndaro orivoya ŋgye.
11 OPI le läŋgyi ŋga ro ojone 'diri ago oca ŋga ro ojone kadoro, tana ŋga läŋgyi ojo cini ni ndaro.
12 Orivoya koziro 'bädri'bai ri takozi oyene; tana taŋgye oye kani ŋgamiri o'ba a'done ŋgiri.
13 'Bädri'ba le taŋgye erine ayani ago nda lu ànya se kabe tase ŋgye atana ayani.
14 'Bädri'ba ka'dote kyilaro 'diaza unina ndi odrane, oko mano se tavouni'ba ro ojona ndi 'bädri'ba o'bane riyä ro.
15 'Bädri'ba ka'dote riyä ro anjioko adri orivoya, ago yauni orivoya oso 'dikolo se kabe 'bu ezi duru si 'do ronye.
16 A'done tavouni be orivoya kadopara ndrani a'done logo lägulägu be drisi ago a'done tauni be orivoya kadopara ndrani a'done mo'di be drisi.
17 Liti taŋgye'bai ro orivoya to ni takozi'bai ro ri; ndase kabe liti ndaro gagana opana adri ndaro ndi.
18 Driuŋgyi ka 'di loci odra ya, ago mäwu ka'di o'ba o'dene.
19 A'done trwe ago orine lemeri'ba ro ni kadopara ndrani ŋgase mawi'bai kotopayibe la'done ànya yibe drisi.
20 Ndase kabe bioga ta ŋgaemba roya a'dona ndi kadoro, ago 'dise kabe ta oyi OPI ya a'dona ndi riyä be.
21 Mano se tauni be, a unina tavouni ndaro yasi, ata ndaro ka'dote kado, ka nda o'ba a'done tavouni be ndra.
22 Tavouni orivoya gyi legwalegwa adri royi tavouni'ba ri, oko amaama ka tauniako'bai eza ni.
23 Lidri se tauni be kayi tase ŋgye atana ayani ago ka nda o'ba a'done tavouni be ndra.
24 Ata yauni si orivoya oso epe ronye, ndiṛi ro ago kadoro a'doza jiŋgyiriro.
25 Liti se kalandrebe kadoro lidri ri 'do, äduna orivoya liti ŋgye odra royi.
26 Ŋgase tokanjo kolebe ka losioye'ba o'ba ni losi oyene mbarasi, tana nda leko täbiri ri yi ufune.
27 Lidri se koziro iyi kayi iro alo taundiro orana ayani; ca ata ànyaro ka alo takozi leru ayani.
28 Lidri se koziro iyi kayi ni kyila lari; ago 'di 'bereku ro ka ni bereazi o'ba lekyene.
29 Lidri se siomba'bai ro iyi kayi oriazii ànyaro odona ago kayi ànya ugu kandrakozi ya.
30 Ndase kabe miobi ka taundiro ora, ago ndase kabe biṛi osi nda orivoya tavousu kozi aza be.
31 Ori madaro 'do orivoya päläti taŋgye'bai ro, ago drionje ni orivoya tagyia liŋyiekye na yi.
32 A'done yaiŋgyi be orivoya kadopara ndra ni a'done mbarabe drisi, ago vo andivo miro ro ondrene orivoya kadopara ndrani vo 'bakici ro ondrene drisi.
33 Lidri ka vodo ovoovo tadri oleza, oko tadriozana ka ikyi ni Lu andivona resi.
The Lord Has the Final Word
1 We humans make plans,
but the Lord
has the final word.
2 We may think we know
what is right,
but the Lord is the judge
of our motives.
3 Share your plans with the Lord,
and you will succeed.

4 The Lord has a reason
for everything he does,
and he lets evil people live
only to be punished.
5 The Lord doesn't like
anyone who is conceited—
you can be sure
they will be punished.
6 If we truly love God,
our sins will be forgiven;
if we show him respect,
we will keep away from sin.
7 When we please the Lord,
even our enemies
make friends with us.
8 It's better to be honest
and poor
than to be dishonest
and rich.

9 We make our own plans,
but the Lord decides
where we will go.
10 Rulers speak with authority
and are never wrong.
11 The Lord watches to see
if we are fair
or if we cheat others.
12 Justice makes rulers powerful.
They should hate evil
13 and like honesty and truth.
14 An angry ruler
can put you to death.
So be wise!
Don't make one angry.
15 When a ruler is happy
and pleased with you,
it's like refreshing rain,
and you will live.

16 It's much better to be wise
and sensible
than to be rich.
17 God's people avoid evil ways,
and they protect themselves
by watching where they go.
18 Too much pride
will destroy you.
19 You are better off
to be humble and poor
than to get rich
from what you take by force.
20 If you know what you're doing,
you will prosper.
God blesses everyone
who trusts him.
21 Good judgment proves
that you are wise,
and if you speak kindly,
you can teach others.
22 Good sense is a fountain
that gives life,
but fools are punished
by their foolishness.
23 You can persuade others
if you are wise
and speak sensibly.

24 Kind words are like honey—
they cheer you up
and make you feel strong.
25 Sometimes what seems right
is really a road to death.
26 The hungrier you are,
the harder you work.
27 Worthless people plan trouble.
Even their words burn
like a flaming fire.
28 Gossip is no good!
It causes hard feelings
and comes between friends.

29 Don't trust violent people.
They will mislead you
to do the wrong thing.
30 When someone winks
or grins behind your back,
trouble is on the way.
31 Gray hair is a glorious crown
worn by those
who have lived right.
32 Controlling your temper
is better than being a hero
who captures a city.
33 We make our own decisions,
but the Lord alone
determines what happens.